Issue 8 | December 10, 2020
A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
In response to feedback from the Climate Assessment, members of the Senior Executive Team(SET) invite Student Affairs staff to share feedback, questions, and suggestions directly with us. Please note that by logging in with your Office 365 account, you will be identified as the individual submitting the feedback. This will facilitate follow-up by SET in a responsive and timely manner.
If you prefer to submit your feedback anonymously, options available include the University Ombuds and the Carolina Ethics Line at (866) 294-8688. We look forward to receiving your feedback.
I hope to see you all next Friday for the Student Affairs December Town Hall! As it is our last meeting of the year, I invite you to log on in festive attire if you so choose.
Congratulations to Jordin Lewis-Martinez, who was only one off from correctly guessing the amount of candy corn in the jar at our last town hall. The correct answer was 437!
If you have any questions, please submit them by 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Thanks for all you do!
Office of the Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs Holiday Recipe Swap
Although holiday potlucks and dinners have a different look this year, that doesn't mean we can't swap recipes!
If you would like to participate, please submit your favorite holiday recipe by Thursday, Dec. 17 to be included in the SA Holiday Recipe Swap Doc that will be emailed out to all staff.
New Student & Family Programs
Carolina Parents Council Grant Awards Program
The Carolina Parents Council is pleased to announce that the 2021 – 2022 grant award application process is open.
Each year, the Carolina Parents Council selects recurring and new, innovative programs for funding. These funds consist of monies raised from the Parents Council members, who are parents and family members of current UNC students. The Parents Council has granted substantial funding to several academic and student affairs departments for programs that contribute to the quality of undergraduate student life and learning at Carolina.
Information, Instructions and Application
This is an excellent opportunity to support and enhance undergraduate student life at Carolina. Should you have any questions please contact New Student & Family Programs by emailing us at You can also call us at 919-962-8403 or see our Zoom Chat Room instructions at
Workshops available for students and staff
Tar Heel Holiday Card
Spread a little Tar Heel holiday cheer by designing and sharing your own UNC-themed holiday card. With this instructional video and downloadable design kit, you can put together your very own card. This class will use Adobe Illustrator and will be great for all levels of experience with the Illustrator software, from beginner to pro!
Tar Heel Photo Walk Part 2
Join photographer Nash Consing who will take you to a local photo shop where you can pick up supplies like a 1990s-style disposable camera, and then will show you where to venture to get an iconic downtown Chapel Hill photo, a great nature scene at the Outdoor Rec Center, and the best sunset view on campus.
University Career Services
Inside Student Affairs is our web series hosted by Zack Hawkins! Check out the second episode with special guest Allen O'Barr, director of counseling and psychological services.
Grief and bereavement resources
The holidays can be a very difficult time for individuals dealing with grief and loss and this is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Carolina Peer Support Core has created a resource to provide information and resources for grief and bereavement support during COVID-19.
From Payroll Services: 2020 W-2s: Important Procedural Change
From HR: Update on University Closed Days: Wednesday, Dec. 30 and Thursday, Dec. 31 will now be optional work days for employees as opposed to University Closed days, where they would be required to use leave.
From Carolina Cares, Carolina Shares: Employees have until December 16 to make their pledge online pledge and December 31 if you wish to donate using paper form.
From The Well: The University is partnering with the Orange County Health Department to offer weekday COVID-19 testing clinics.
Campus Health Services: Thanks to you and the Campus Health team for all of your efforts on the testing! I understand that you had a record day on Thursday! You are making a difference. Please pass my sincere thanks and congratulations on to your team. -Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz
Roderick Lewis: Roderick, director of External Relations in UCS, won the National Diversity Award from the Southern Association of Colleges and Employers this week. This is based on all the work he has done around DEI efforts with Employers, Students, and programming that has gone national.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
December Town Hall |Friday, Dec. 18 @ 12 p.m. Join in!
- You are invited to log on in festive attire if you so choose.
SA Holiday Trivia: Tuesday, Dec. 15 at 2p.m. Register
- Prizes will be awarded to the top two point earners.
- Previous winners include:
- Anthony Wright, Carolina Union
- Janice Singletary, CHS
Berengére Phillips, OFSL
- Keith Hines, Carolina Union
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter