Issue 33 | February 3, 2022

A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team,
This first newsletter of February is filled with great news and valuable updates from your colleagues. Please take a few minutes to skim all of the terrific happenings across the division.  
We are putting some final touches on our new Heels Care Network website now and will formally launch it in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for that announcement. In addition to our JED Campus relationship, which kicks off this month, and our work to continue the campus conversation regarding mental health through our spring Mental Health Seminars (the first of which we’re planning for the end of Feb.—more to follow soon!), we want to reinforce and expand a culture of compassion and care at Carolina. 
We want to hear from you!
  • Share your departmental or program news or kudos for any of your colleagues you think deserves a little recognition with us at, and we will feature it in the newsletter.
  • If you have feedback, questions or suggestions you want to share with the Student Affairs Senior Executive Team, we encourage you to reach out to us via the feedback form on our website.
Thanks for all you do to help us spread love, compassion, and care to Tar Heels near and far!
Carolina People
Meet Erinn

Erinn Scott works as a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Director for the Multicultural Health Program in Counseling and Psychological Services, where she has worked for five years. In her role, she addresses the mental health needs of racially minoritized students at Carolina through outreach activities, individual therapy, group therapy, seminars and liaison relationships with campus partners.

Student Wellness
Meet the Team
Student Wellness focuses on educating,
developing skills, building well-being resources, and
advocating for a campus culture that supports students in making the healthiest choices.

If you would like to have your team featured, send us an email!
Counseling and Psychological Services
Uniforms help get the job done

A recent feature in The Well about staff uniforms included CAPS Service Dog Maya with an assist from CAPS Interim Director Avery Cook.

University Career Services
Carolina Career Community

Are you involved in career advising to students and/or employer relations? Have you ever heard of Carolina Career Community (C3)? If not, you are missing out on conferences, workshops, lunchtime check-ins, electronic newsletter, listserv… and more all at no cost to you! We are a professional network that aims to serve as a key resource to all UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff who provide career advising to students and/or maintain employer relations. Learn more about C3 and email us to join our community today!

UCS Executive Director Tierney Bates was recently interviewed by The Well and answered questions about what new college graduates are facing as they seek employment.

February Happenings

Click through these links to learn more about UCS February Virtual Career Education Workshops, Employer Information Sessions, and Career Exploration and Experience Days. Please share these opportunities with your students. Students can register for all of these events on Handshake. If you need graphics or monitor slides, please let us know.
Carolina Housing
Behind the Scenes
A special THANK YOU to our Facilities teams: Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Grounds crews who come keep our Carolina Community in tip top shape, no matter what the weather is like: sun, rain, sleet or snow. Keep an eye out for our Facilities Friday highlights across our social media channels.
LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Voice Thread Project “Tell Us
The LGBTQ Center has created a community space in which people can tell us how they are doing, what sustains them, and/or what they need right now. If you are interested in participating in any way (e.g., leave a text message, audio recording, image or just hear what others have to say), please stop by the page.

If you have questions about this project, please contact Dr. Terri Phoenix, LGBTQ Center Director.
Student Life & Leadership
Student Leader Retreat

Our office started the calendar year of training for our teams, specifically Project Coordinators, the WOW Board, and Orientation Leaders. With the majority of our student leaders being new, we hosted our traditional retreat, half in-person, welcoming 40 students to the space. The content included teambuilding and educational sessions like StrengthsQuest, a Forced Choices Identity Discussion, and Inclusive Action. The day would not have been possible without the support of the Carolina Union, with its space and tech capabilities that allowed for students to attend who needed hybrid access.

Weeks of Welcome Back

From Jan. 10-29, The WOW Board, our student-driven programming board, led and co-sponsored several events for new Spring admits and returning students to enjoy as they made their way back to campus. Thank you to all the Campus Partners who sponsored events during this time.
Student Affairs Development
Save the Date: GiveUNC
Mark your calendars for March 29! Join thousands of Tar Heels in giving to Student Affairs or your favorite department on Carolina’s university-wide day of giving.
GiveUNC is a 24-hour virtual gathering of Tar Heel alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends to give back and support Carolina.

New Team Member
We are happy to introduce the latest member of our team, new associate director of development, Timothy Young. Tim joins us with close to 15 years in the field, most recently from Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Tim will lead our annual giving program, leadership annual giving outreach and stewardship efforts. Please reach out and welcome Tim to the UNC and Student Affairs family. 
He can be reached at

February is American Heart Month and Friday, Feb. 4 is National Wear Red Day
Heart Disease is still the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S., killing someone every 36 seconds.
  • Take Action: Join us in increasing awareness of heart disease and Go Red this Friday, Feb. 4. Take a selfie or screenshot of your virtual meeting team going red this Friday, post on social media. #totalWELLbeingunc #unc #WearRedDay  #GoRedforWomen 

Helpful Resources:

Virtual Wellness Book Club
Are you interested in joining a virtual wellness book club? The Wellness Champions are launching a book club in February. We will focus on one wellness-focused book per month and meet over Zoom during a lunch hour to discuss. If you are interested and would like more details, fill out this interest form, and we will follow up!
  • The Well: If you have neck pain or tightness in your shoulders, try three movements from UNC Sports Medicine to help give you some relief.

  • Be A Maker (BeAM): Pick up a passion project – reduce stress – improve mental health. Get started with BeAM 101 Training.  Learn more.

  • Get your COVID-19 booster today to continue to keep the Carolina community safe and strengthen your protection. Students, faculty and staff can receive their booster at the Student Stores Pharmacy.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Each session starts at noon and lasts 45-60 minutes.
  • Feb. 9 – Loving You: Boosting Self-Esteem & Acceptance
  • Feb. 16 – Gratitude: A Skill for Happier Living
  • Feb. 23 – Unconscious Bias

Mindful Monday UNC
  • Feb. 7: Relaxation & Heart Centered Meditation with Dr. Meenu Tewa
  • 8:30 a.m. (15 minutes)

Tuesday, Feb. 22
6-7:30 p.m.

Black voting rights expert, award-winning visionary thought leader, institution builder, cultural activist and artist and connector LaTosha Brown will deliver the keynote.The event also includes the presentation of the MLK UNC Scholarship for UNC juniors whose public and private community activities demonstrate a commitment to improving the quality of life of our community and campus, and the MLK Unsung Hero Awards for UNC staff/faculty, department or community/corporate entity who has exemplified a steadfast commitment to inclusion.

Get your free ticket.
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter