Editor’s note: We have shifted to our summer monthly schedule. Look for our next issue on August 12 and then we will resume our bi-monthly schedule.
A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Dear Student Affairs Team,
I am enthusiastic about seeing everyone back on campus starting Monday, July 19. While I know this transition — following more than a year of working remotely for many folks— comes with mixed feelings, I hope we can all find some things we look forward to. Apprehensions are normal and expected—from my conversations with colleagues throughout the division, I think everyone has them. We will need to rely on each other to get through the feelings of unease, fatigue, and anxiety that come with navigating change and a viral pandemic. Additionally, we will need to lean on each other to recover and heal from the pain and stress of the last year—and our experience in recent weeks, in particular. We will do it together.
Please make sure to visit the Returning to Work on Campus website with the most current information about the return to full-campus operations, including recordings of Information Sessions and FAQs. Also, I encourage you to review the updated COVID-19 Community Standards in effect as of this week, which include a mask requirement for all students and staff inside University buildings (with some exceptions outlined on the website). Finally, if you have not already done so, it is important to report your vaccination status using the COVID-19 Vaccination Certification form.
On Wednesday and Thursday of next week, I plan to visit departments to say hello, meet some of you for the first time, and distribute some “Welcome Back Boxes.” I look forward to seeing your faces in person!
Until then, please be sure to get in any final vacation days over the summer (you deserve them!), take care of yourselves, and stay cool!
Student Affairs Development
Inside Student Affairs
Special Guest MaDana Bivens
This episode of Inside Student Affairs features Program Director of the Carolina Veterans Resources Center MaDana Bivens as she shares information about the programs and services for our veterans and military-affiliated students.
New Students & Family Programs
Virtual New Student & Family Orientation 2021
By the time you read this NSFP will have completed its eleventh Orientation Session of the summer (only six more to go!). Early evidence shows that families and students are finding their way to each live and on-demand session and asking all the critical questions as they work to transition to Carolina. We want to (and will continue to) express our gratitude to all the partners across the division and beyond who help make every session possible and providing the most up-to-date and accurate information to our newest members of the Tar Heel community. And though you may not see them as often, we have many students – 22 Orientation Leaders, two Undergraduate NSFP Fellows, and five Summer Project Coordinators – making this happen every week!
Plan and Submit a Program for Upcoming Events
Weeks of Welcome
This is a fantastic opportunity to welcome new and returning Tar Heels to UNC-Chapel Hill in August. As a Student Affairs partner, we encourage you to submit a program/ The submission process is live and open, so please review our WOW 2021 Event Submission Manual for full details and tips.
In the meantime, you can view a selection of opportunities and events in Heel Life, where the WOW schedule will be held once launched, to start learning about the site and how it can really boost your connection and involvement with campus.
Carolina Family Weekend 2021
Guess what? Carolina families really want to partner, support, be involved, and connect, not just with their student, but with Carolina! Consider participating in Carolina Family Weekend 2021 scheduled for Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3, in conjunction with the UNC vs. Duke football game. Carolina Family Weekend has been full of tradition, excitement, and Carolina spirit, and we hope to continue highlighting the academic and co-curricular components of our Carolina community with YOUR partnership this year. Student Affairs makes up a huge part of what our students experience – help showcase your great work at Carolina Family Weekend!
If you would like to participate, please complete our online event submission form by our priority deadline of Friday, July 23, at 5 p.m. to be included in our initial advertising.
Student Wellness
Last week we welcomed Christi Hurt back to Student Affairs as our new senior prevention strategy officer. Please help us ensure that she has a gracious re-entry to our team. We are enthused about the expertise and passion for violence prevention and student wellness that she brings to our campus. Her office is on the first floor of the Student Affairs building, in the space that was formerly the conference room.
We are excited to announce the launch of several new websites in Student Affairs!
Office of Human Resource Well: Get your free return to campus T-shirt 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 19 when the Office of Human Resources will be passing them out at the big tent on Polk Place. Rameses will be there to pose for photos, too.
The Well: Look for a special return-to-work-on-campus edition of From The Well on July 19. It will be chock-full of useful information and advice for employees who will be making the transition from working remotely to working on campus.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to studentaffairs@unc.edu.
Welcome Back Box Delivery
Wednesday, July 21
9-11 a.m.
- Student Affairs Building, Campus Y, UCS, and the Carolina Union
Welcome Back Box Delivery
Thursday, July 22
9-11 a.m.
- Campus Rec, Campus Health, CAPS, Student Wellness, NSFP, The LGBTQ Center, Carolina Housing, ARS, DOS, Student Conduct, SAIT, SA Finance and HR
Welcome Back Box Pick up
Friday, July 23
9-11 a.m.
- Pick up from the Student Affairs building for anyone who missed their delivery!
Please email your newsletter submissions to studentaffairs@unc.edu by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter