Dear Student Affairs Team,
As we close out August and head into a long Labor Day weekend, I can't help but marvel at how much more vibrant and dynamic campus already seems this semester. If you're like me, you find it exciting and at times overwhelming, depending on the moment and whether you're trying to navigate crazy traffic or throngs of pedestrians.
While so many folks are remarking that we’re "back to normal," we know, in fact, that this is not quite the case. We’re working hard to give our students the tools they need to support their mental health and well-being during a global mental health crisis — one that affects us and our family members and friends, as well. In that spirit, next Tuesday, Sept. 6, is the first Well-Being Day of the semester. Well-Being Days offer a valued break from courses for our students and publicly acknowledge the need for all of us to reflect on and foster our self-care and well-being.
I hope the break from the class schedule brings a short respite for all of us: whether that’s a natural opportunity to take a vacation day, more schedule flexibility to participate in a well-being activity, or — at the very least — the chance to gently ease back into your work week. (Note, too, that our Well-Being Day follows not just the Labor Day holiday, but our “Meeting Free First Friday of the Month” on Sept. 2. Bonus!) Supervisors, please be as accommodating as possible in allowing team members to use the Well-Being Day to support their health and wellness.
I also want to put in a plug for our Carolina Mental Health Colloquium on Sept. 14, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., centering on "Identity, Cultural Awareness and How to Support One Another." All Carolina staff, faculty, and students are welcome to participate. Please register and join us!
In the meantime, all best wishes for a happy holiday weekend. My big wish is that you’re able to spend it doing things you love!
September is National Recovery Awareness Month
Sept. 1 marks the beginning of National Recovery Month, which celebrates and honors those in recovery and healing from substance use and other mental health concerns.
Graduate and Professional Student Resource Fair
Student Wellness will be tabling at the Graduate and Professional Student Well-Being Resource Fair and Symposium.
Stop by and see us!
Tuesday, Sept. 13, noon, at the Adam’s School of Dentistry Atrium and Auditorium
Campus Health is working in coordination with the Orange County Health Department, CDC and NC DHHS to prevent and respond to Monkeypox.
We compiled an FAQ for students who may have questions about the disease or the vaccine.
So far, Campus Health has administered over 40 initial doses of the two-shot vaccine. The number of doses received from NCDHHS and Orange County Health Department to date has been sufficient to meet student demand.
Carolina Mental Health Colloquium
Join us for an afternoon of expert talks and breakout sessions Sept. 14, building upon the discussion and suggestions from last semester's Mental Health Seminars and kicking off our fall semester mental health series. This colloquium will center discussion on three topics:
- Practicing Cultural Awareness and Humility, presented by Leah Cox, Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
- Trauma-Informed Engagement in the Community, presented by April Parker, Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work
- Mental Health and Identity, featuring breakout sessions focused on Mental Health in Latinx Communities, Asian Communities, Black Communities, American Indian Communities and LGBTIQ Communities.
Student Life and Leadership
Campus Life Experience Program Launched
Campus Life Experience (CLE) was just launched to help students participate in co-curricular programs at Carolina and integrate them with their academic learning through the new IDEAs in Action curriculum. Full-time students will need a total of 16 CLEs and must attend at least two per semester.
A Maker Mindset
Check out this article featured by the College that highlights the Carolina Housing Makerspaces and the Carmichael Makerspace specifically.
"In high school, Tox began designing and creating on a 3D printer in his school’s drafting room. But it wasn’t until the fall of 2019 during his first year on campus when he passed the makerspace at Carmichael Residence Hall and noticed the alcove of 3D-printers that he realized it could become a key part of his Carolina experience.
'All you have to do is take the trainings,' he said, referring to the suite of hands-on training BeAM offers to get anyone started in the makerspace, regardless of prior experience.
He took them shortly after spotting the printers through the windows and quickly had a new home at UNC." Read the full story.
By the Numbers: Move-In Edition
2,150 was the highest number of student check-ins in one day, all on Wednesday, Aug. 10.
- The shortest distance a student traveled to move-in was one mile.
The farthest distance a student traveled to move-in was 10,364 miles!
STUDENT AFFAIRS ASSESSMENT: The Assessment pages on the Student Affairs website have been updated with new information and resources to support staff in building capacity and planning assessment projects! Take a look, and make sure to reach out to Dr. Locke with questions or to schedule a consult.
FROM THE WELL: Learn about the Carolina sports benefits available to University or UNC Health employees for football, basketball and more.
FROM THE WELL: Understand how your emotional functioning can improve productivity and communications with others during an “Emotional Intelligence” webinar Wednesday, Sept. 7, at noon. Register on Carolina Talent by noon Tuesday, Sept. 6.
FROM THE WELL: Need to download software? Check what you can get for free with your Onyen or what you can get at a discounted price on ITS’ Software Distribution site.
Thursdays: Sept. 8, 15, and 22
Chapel Hill’s local music streaming platform, Tracks Music Library, is bringing three free concerts to downtown Chapel Hill. The lineup include acts from the newest cohort on Tracks Music Library like folk duo Larry & Joe, rapper GODRIC, and DJ/producer VSPRTN.
Concerts will take place at the Rosemary & Columbia St. parking lot from 6-9 PM. Tracks Music Series is made possible thanks to Chapel Hill Community Arts & Culture and Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership.
The Impact of Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation
Sept. 13, 6 - 7 p.m.
The LGBTQ Center is hosting a panel on the impact of anti-LGBTQ legislation. Center Director Terri Phoenix and two faculty members will hold a discussion.
Carolina Mental Health Colloquium
Sept. 14, noon to 3 p.m.
Join us for an afternoon of expert talks and breakout sessions, building upon the discussion and suggestions from last semester's Mental Health Seminars and kicking off our fall semester series of mental health seminars. This colloquium will center discussion on "Identity, Cultural Awareness and How to Support One Another."
Zombies Are Coming to The Pit
Sept. 22, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Join UNC Campus Safety as professional Hollywood-quality zombies will be unleashed at Carolina, not to eat brains, but to share emergency preparedness information for National Preparedness Month. If you are ready for zombies, you are ready for any emergency—whether it be a hurricane, tornado, fire, or active assailant/threat. Safety and preparedness demos will run alongside information tables. Interested in being a zombie? Sign up at
Good Neighbor Community Cookout
Sept. 28, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Hargraves Community Center, 216 N. Roberson St., Chapel Hill
Free food, music and fun. Al's Burger Shack and Ben & Jerry's headline the good times!
There is still time to join the Wellness Champion program, Carolina's network of wellness advocates, committed to fostering a greater culture of health across the university. If you are interested, sign up here by Sept. 10!
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter