Issue 18| May 20, 2021
Editor’s note: We have shifted to our summer monthly schedule. Look for our next two issues on June 17 and July 15 until the start of the fall semester, when we will resume our bi-monthly schedule.
Special thanks to Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement Bettina Shuford for being our guest writer this week.
Inclusive Excellence in Student Affairs

What is the goal of inclusive excellence in Student Affairs, and how can it be achieved? Can it be achieved by a series of initiatives and trainings with a specific focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) that may or may not be coordinated under a common set of expectations and goals? Or is DEI integrated into the very fabric of our daily work, where all identity groups have equal access, feel welcomed and have a sense of belonging within the campus environment? The goal is to reach the latter. 

Carolina People
Meet Scarlett

Scarlett Jordan is the Testing Coordinator in Accessibility Resources & Service(ARS) where she has worked for four years. In her position, she is responsible for running the ARS Testing Center and works with students and faculty to implement accommodations and find alternative testing solutions. 

Office of the Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs Awards Nominations are open!
Student Affairs is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2020-2021 Student Affairs Recognition Awards. Award recipients will be announced in a virtual celebration at the June Town Hall. All employee classifications and departments within Student Affairs (i.e. EHRA, SHRA, graduate students) and in some cases campus partners are eligible to be nominated for an award. However, a previous recipient or team who has received an award in a particular category within the last three years is not eligible for the award. Please refer to the nomination form for the list of past recipients. View the nomination guidelines and the online nomination form.

 The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 28, 2020.
Student Affairs Development
Inside Student Affairs
Special Guests Allan Blattner and Aaron Bachenheimer

This episode of Inside Student Affairs features Allan Blattner, executive director of Carolina Housing, and Aaron Bachenheimer, executive director of off-campus student life and community partnerships as they talk about on-and off-campus housing options.
University Career Services

First Destination Survey
Annually, UCS surveys May graduates regarding their initial career outcomes. First Destination Survey captures information regarding how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation.

Please share this survey with your students by posting it in your newsletter, listserv, website, and social media. Questions? Contact Tessa Minnich at

Thursday, May 20
1 – 2 p.m.
This panel discussion will delve into the challenges that leading companies face as they emerge from the worst phases of the CV19 pandemic and adapt to new sentiments and expectations from current and future employees about “what”, “where”, “when”, and “how” works gets done – and “who” does it. Come join us for an insightful conversation with representatives from Altria, Cisco and Deloitte.
Open to ALL students, staff, faculty, alumni, administrators, hiring managers, and recruiters anywhere in the world. Join the event here
Carolina Housing

Like gaming? Whether you are an avid, competitive gamer or a novice playing for fun, we have just the place for you! The Carolina Gaming Arena is located in Craige Residence Hall and features 36 state-of-the-art gaming PCs and monitors provided by Lenovo, and over 10 gaming consoles. The Carolina Gaming Arena is a place for students to come together this Fall Semester! Thanks to UNC Comm’s amazing video, you can check it out in the “Play” section of our web site under “Partnership Spaces.” Read a recent UNC News story about it here.
Tuesday, May 25 | 4-5:30 pm |Register

The final event in the “Culture of Care” series, presented by the University Office for Diversity and Inclusion, in partnership with the Center for Faculty Excellence and Student Affairs, this event will focus on flexibility.
An unprecedented year has created the need for increased flexibility in our care for students, but what does this “flexibility” look like? Colleagues from across UNC — including our own Charla Blumell from Student Wellness, Suzie Baker from Dean of Students, and Simon Bloor from Accessibility Resources and Service — will provide examples of “reasonable flexibility” in their work with students.
Campus Rec is offering group fitness opportunities for staff over the summer ! Learn more here. Our outdoor pool is opening June 1, and is available for staff and staff family use. We also offer swim lessons for any age. Learn more about our aquatics program!
  • The Well: If you’ve received one or both doses of a COVID-19 vaccination, let the University know by using the COVID-19 vaccine certification on the Environment, Health and Safety website.

  • The Well: If you or any family member 12 and older hasn’t yet received a vaccine, schedule an appointment at the Student Stores Pharmacy. Hours are 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

  • The Well: The History, Race and a Way Forward Commission will meet 3-4 p.m. May 24. Watch the livestream.

  • Office of Ethics and Policy: Provide your input on the values you believe Carolina as a community should embrace through a short three-item poll, sponsored by the Office of Ethics and Policy. This is the first step in a longer process of codifying our University values.
  • Commencement Staff and Volunteers: I want to offer a big shout-out to everyone who participated and volunteered with Commencement this weekend. It was a wonderful series of events and everyone’s participation made it a special celebration for our students. Thank you, in particular, to Tiffany, Simon, and everyone on the ARS team for their leadership and great work supporting our families requiring special seating and accommodation—you did an amazing job! -Amy

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Wellness Wednesday webinars,12 -1 p.m.

  • Mondays and Wednesdays, 12 p.m.
  • Employees can enjoy free 30-minute virtual gentle yoga sessions offered twice a week by Gillings Culture of Health. Sign up

Bring balance to your day with free 20-minute meditations sessions available four days a week.

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter