Issue 12 | February 18, 2021
A Message from the Vice Chancellor

Hi, Student Affairs team!

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm during today’s icy weather!

Be sure to join us tomorrow for the February Student Affairs Town Hall!
Thanks for all you do!
University Career Services

February Virtual Career Fairs click here for full descriptions of each fair. During the fairs, there will be a University Career Services Virtual Information Table. UCS counselors will be available to give last-minute tips to students on how to interact with professionals, navigate the virtual space, and more! Counselors will be on Zoom at 1- 4 p.m. on the fair days. Under employers, go to University Career Services Virtual Information Table and view the description for the Zoom URL.
Carolina Housing

Resident Advisor Applications are Open!

Carolina Housing is currently accepting applications for the New Resident Advisor (RA) position through Sunday, February 28 at 11:45 p.m. Applicants must also attend a mandatory Information Session for their application to be considered. Please encourage any students you believe would be interested to apply! Candidates can access the New RA Application by visiting Contact Maureen Rodgers, Assistant Director for Student Staff Recruitment, at with any questions.
Carolina People

Shereka works as a Violence Prevention Coordinator in Student Wellness. She has been at Carolina for six months
and her job is to implement sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention programs with an intersecting lens regarding racial discrimination, alcohol and other drugs, and mental health stigma reduction.
Carolina Union
Application open for the Carolina Union's 2021-22 Board of Directors Chair 
The Carolina Union seeks student candidates to apply for the position of 2021-22 Chair of the Board of Directors. This high-profile position offers an opportunity to provide strategic vision for the Carolina Union and build a lasting impact on student life at UNC, while leading an organization that is essential to creating positive experiences for UNC students and the Carolina community.

Interested candidates should complete the application by February 28, 2021. The application can be found at

Learn more about this position at Union Seeks Board Chair Applicants 
Wellness Champions
Stay Heart Healthy All Month Long!
February is all about the hearts. Celebrate your heart during National Heart Health month by choosing at least one activity a week from this handy calendar that shares 21 ways to focus on your heart health. 
Be Mindful!
Follow this list of Four Easy Mindfulness Practices from Student Wellness Director Dean Blackburn:  
  1. Remember to pause for mindful moments throughout the day and take two minutes every hour to look away from your computer and refocus and exercise your eyes.  
  2. Remember to pause and stand and stretch your body at least once every hour. Want to join some Carolina colleagues for light yoga? Sign up for a quick 30-minute yoga class from Gillings School of Public Health at lunchtime on Mondays and Wednesdays. Details and registration here  
  3. Stay Hydrated! Set alarms on your calendar to ask yourself: “Have you had something to drink lately?” 
  4. Don’t forget to move! Try to take a brief walk or at least spend 5-15 mins outside each day! Check out the Campus Rec free on demand fitness offerings if you want to try a little virtual Zumba or Pilates!  
What do you do to take care of yourself these days? Share a selfie, a tip or a personal story with us at  
  • The Well: Register for Spring Safe Zone training, a class designed to introduce concepts, terminology and resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. The course will stream tomorrow from 5-9 p.m.
  • The Office of Human Resources: Friday, Feb. 19, is the last day to share your wellness interests with the Office of Human Resources. The information collected in the Total Well-Being survey, which can be completed in 10 minutes and will help establish goals and programs that meet employees’ work/life and wellness interests for a happy and healthy 2021.
  • The Well: Get a free asymptomatic COVID-19 test Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., in the R7 Parking Lot at 725 Martin Luther King Blvd. in Chapel Hill.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 3–4:30 p.m.
The arts can help us better understand systems of oppression and their impacts, challenge white supremacy, foster dialogue around race and racism, and advance racial equity.

This event will highlight work by UNC scholars and current and former graduate students to do just that through a variety of artistic genres, including performance, storytelling, music, painting, and photography. We are also honored to include a spoken word performance by Chapel Hill's inaugural Poet Laureate, CJ Suitt. This event will be moderated by Dr. Travis Albritton, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at the School of Social Work.

Structures of Inequality: Moving Forward on College Access
Thursday, Feb. 25 | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom

In the fall, Honors Carolina kicked off an ongoing examination of Systems of Inequality with a series of programs on structural racism. This semester, we will turn our attention to related questions of bias and discrimination. Topics will range from equity in the media to the rural-urban divide, college access, and deconstructing the gender binary. Please join us for “Moving Forward on College Access” with Yolanda Keith, Associate Director for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Director of Carolina College Advising Corps. Learn more and register here.
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter