Issue 5 | October 15, 2020
A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
By now I hope you all have seen the message sent out yesterday about October Employee Appreciation activities from UNC HR. While Employee Appreciation will be different this year, I hope you take the time to participate in some of the activities. We also plan to host some events just for our Student Affairs staff the week of October 26. More details coming soon!
Continue to take care of yourselves as needed. I continue to be impressed with the work all of you do for our students despite everything going on around us personally and professionally.
Thanks for all you do!
October is Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM). Relationship violence takes many forms (including but not limited to physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, economic, and verbal) and affects a significant percentage of college-aged individuals.
This year during RVAM, Student Wellness and the Compass Center is focusing on consent, communication, and healthy relationships. Throughout this October, members of the Carolina community are encouraged to show support by participating in any number of the RVAM events on the flyer.
Carolina Cupboard new hours
To assist students in a safe way, the Carolina Cupboard student leadership team is asking students to make appointments to pick up pre-packaged bags on Thursdays from 4-7 p.m. Supplies in the cupboard are in pretty good shape but there is always room on the shelves, in the refrigerators, and in the bank account for more! Information about making donations can be found on our website.
Article Published
Congrats Ashley on this achievement!
Office of the Vice Chancellor
On Oct. 20, Student Affairs will launch The Wellbeing Assessment developed by The Wellbeing Collaborative at Wake Forest University. The survey is designed to evaluate whether students are well, and whether they have the skills, resources, and conditions they need to be well.
The survey is part of a collaborative effort with staff from Student Wellness, Campus Rec, Campus Health, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor. One goal is to summarize and share what we learn by the end of term in order to inform planning for Spring semester and beyond.
We will reach out via SLACK channels, Teams and Student Orgs to share the survey link.
Reservations Open Nov 5
On Nov. 5 at 9a.m., Carolina Union spaces will become available for Spring 2021. General Purpose Classrooms will not available be reserved at this time. As we know more information regarding the university operating status and social distancing guidelines for the spring, we will update clients on how this will impact reservations.
To prepare for First Day of Reservations, please visit and review the following links:
University Career Services
Instagram Stories: Adulting-ish What I Wish I Knew
Adulting (v): to do grown-up things and hold responsibilities such as a job, mortgage/rent, car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown-ups. Get tips from Carolina grads and employers into what to expect with your first professional job; as well as, advice on how to budget your money as a newly minted adult. Follow us on Instagram @uncucs and check out our posts and stories!
New Student & Family Programs
New Student & Family Programs is happy to announce this year’s student leader recruitment for 2021 Orientation Leaders and Tar Heel Beginnings Board Members. As an effort to increase and enrich our applicant pool, we are reaching out to you to share info and encourage eligible students to apply.
The application closes Monday, Oct. 26 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Putting self-compassion into practice
UNC-Chapel Hill researcher Karen Bluth studies self-compassion and the role it plays in supporting mental health, particularly in teens. Here she offers a few tools for practicing self-compassion.
- Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself.
- Realize that you’re not alone.
- Bring your attention to the soles of your feet.
- Consider what you might say to a close friend.
- Put your hand over your heart.
From UNC HR: Open enrollment starts today and ends Oct. 31. Learn more about the benefit plans and information sessions available to help you make decisions.
From the Well: Feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed? The psychology and neuroscience department has group therapy openings for its anxiety clinic for Wednesday evenings at $15 per session.
From the Employee Forum: Join the Employee Forum Book Club discussion of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak from noon-1 p.m. Oct. 22.
From Community Relations: Early voting for the 2020 election runs Thursday, October 15 through Saturday, October 31.Check your home county’s Board of Elections website
, for more information about early voting locations and hours. During early voting, you may vote at any early voting location in your county of residence.
From UNC HR: Employee Appreciation events will be happening throughout the month, some of the planning is still underway, but please mark some of these dates in your calendars, bookmark the page so you can come back for updates, and check back often.
From UNC System: Join the UNC System Racial Equity Task Force Virtual Town Halls.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter