Issue 7 | November 12, 2020
A Message from the Vice Chancellor

Hi, Student Affairs Team!

As we approach the holiday season, I hope you all will plan to take vacation time as needed. Vacations have many positive effects, from helping you sleep better and improving their mood to increasing productivity and reducing exhaustion. In turn, the workplace becomes a more productive and healthy work environment. While it's always important to recharge, I think we all understand that this year it is especially important.

I hope to see you all next week for the Student Affairs Fall Town Hall! We have several items to discuss, including COVID-19 planning for the spring, strategic plan updates and appreciation week details.

If you have any last minute questions, you can still submit them until 5 p.m. Friday.
Thanks for all you do!
Behind the Mask: Meet Charles Streeter
Charles is a business and technology applications analyst, and had worked at Carolina for 24 years.

Office of the Vice Chancellor
Carolina launched a new website to connect students, faculty and staff with resources and campus events related to the election. provides a comprehensive collection of cross-campus resources and events to help students, faculty and staff better understand key issues in the election and place them in context, as well as help us navigate the days following the election.
Student Affairs IT
Is Your Website Ready for Wordpress?

You may have heard rumors that the Student Affairs family of websites are going to get an upgrade this next year. Well, it’s true! We will be transitioning all of the current Drupal-based sites to Wordpress. We will be creating a series of articles to help make the transition as smooth as possible, as well as communicate best practices for creating and maintaining your website.

Since we are going to transfer the content of your site over as it is, with a new look and feel, any changes you would like to make to the structure and content will either need to be made now or wait until after all the sites have been converted.

Dean of Students
Veteran's Day

In celebration of our veterans, past and present, please take a look at this link that not only provides some information about programs and services that support our Carolina veterans, but also features stories of a few of our very own Carolina student veterans.

Additionally, of the 342 UNC employees that self-ID as veterans some are among our Student Affairs teams. The Well  featured a story this morning on our very own MaDana Bivens who serves as the Program Director for the Carolina Veterans Resource Center a unit within the Office of the Dean of Students. 
Carolina Union
COVID 19 Testing Available at Carolina Union

Please remind students to visit the Carolina Union to get tested before they return home at the end of the semester. Testing hours are expanded during the final week of the semester: M-F 11a.m.-7p.m. Tests at the Union are for students who are not experiencing symptoms and who have not been in close contact with a known case.
University Career Services
National Career Development Month Activities

  • Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz gives a message on National Career Development Month 2020.
  • National Career Development Week: Tips to Level Up Your Professionalism - Instagram Series. Nov. 16- 20. Follow us @uncucs and check out our posts and stories for career tips!
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, Nov. 19 4- 5 p.m.
Join career expert and GoinGlobal founder Mary Anne Thompson as she explores proven strategies and tactics for helping job seekers achieve their career objectives in an employment market transformed by the Covid-19 Pandemic. This session is open to students, faculty, and staff.
Inside Student Affairs
We are excited to launch our new web series Inside Student Affairs hosted by our director of development Zack Hawkins! Check out our first episode with special guest Dean Blackburn, director of student wellness!
Virtual Jingle Bell Jog
The tradition continues!! UNC Campus Recreation is excited to announce the annual Jingle Bell Jog walk/run will be virtual this year! Join us for a 5K walk/run wherever you can between Friday, Dec. 4 – Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020.
The virtual walk/run will be held over a three-day period. There is no set location, just run, walk, jog on a treadmill or using social distancing outside at your pace.
Registration is free and participants do not need anything specific to join the fun. Consider making a donation to the Orange County Animal Shelter or the Carolina Hunger Initiative.
We will have a random drawing for prizes to people who join our Strava club, send a copy of their donation receipt or post a picture of their holiday costume on social media by tagging @UNCCampusRec.
  • From The Well: Bleed Carolina blue and schedule an appointment now for the 22nd annual Holiday Carolina Blood Drive, 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Nov. 19 in Fetzer Hall.
  • From The Well: Tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m. to discover actions you can take to fight racism at a discussion sponsored by Honors Carolina. The event is part of Honors Carolina’s “Structures of Inequality” series.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Water-cooler Thursdays: Nov.12 & 19 4-5 p.m. Join in!

Fall Town Hall |Tuesday, Nov. 17 @ 12 p.m. Join in!

SA Trivia: Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 2p.m. Register

Paint and Design: Wednesday, Nov, 18. Register
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter