Issue 30|December 16, 2021
A Message from the Vice Chancellor 

Hi, Student Affairs Team,
It’s the correspondence you’ve all been waiting for: our last staff newsletter of 2021.
We end this year with bittersweet news that Christi Hurt will leave Student Affairs in February 2021 to become Chancellor Guskiewicz's new chief of staff. What a testament to her leadership and expertise—and we know Christi will do great things in her new role! Since rejoining Student Affairs as the University’s first senior prevention strategy officer this summer, Christi has already started building a team, including the recent hiring of violence prevention coordinators Sloan Thompson and Shelley Kennedy. (Welcome to you both!) Because this leadership transition has occurred rather suddenly, we are working now on a transition plan and longer-term strategy for our Violence Prevention and Student Wellness units. As decisions are framed, we will share this information with you. Meanwhile, please join me in congratulating Christi on her new role. No matter where in the University she hangs her hat, Christi will always be a member of our SA family!
As we close out 2021, I hope the next couple of weeks will be a time of rest and relaxation for everyone. My New Year’s wish is that each of us is able to return following the Winter Break feeling renewed and enthusiastic about the year ahead. 2021 has been another challenging year, without question. But we also have accomplished an extraordinary amount in the face of great adversity, which deserves recognition and celebration. As we ring in 2022, I will be celebrating the many things in my life that I am grateful for, including a truly fantastic, best-in-class Student Affairs division. Cheers to every member of our team!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy Winter Break!
Carolina Housing
Fall Semester Recap

Each month, we send a newsletter to our parent/family listserv. Check out our most recent issue as it provides a summary of the hard work of our team and many of you who partner with us as we serve our residential students.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Congratulations Allen!

Allen O'Barr will retire at the end of the month after 25 years of service to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We wish Allen the best and thank him for his dedication to the university and Student Affairs. Avery Cook will serve as interim director until a permanent replacement is named.
Student Affairs Communications
Resources for Students Staying Around for Winter Break

For Carolina students who find themselves in the Chapel Hill area for some part or all of winter break, there is still plenty to do!

The holiday season often provides an opportunity to be with family and other loved ones, while ushering us towards parties, gift giving, eating out and other celebratory events. This seasonal whirlwind can also bring up challenges such as; unwelcome guests, financial strain, stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression. A 2021 CDC report found that the anxiety and depression levels for adults aged 18-29 has doubled compared to 2020. This is most likely due to the long-lasting effects of the pandemic. The virus is still present and active, as the Omicron variant is making evident and only continues to add extra concerns as we enter the season. 

With some slight shifts in your behavior, you may be able to minimize your stress, while creating a supportive environment that centers on well-being.

  • The Well: One-time bonuses recently approved as part of the state’s budget will be paid to permanent employees on Dec. 17 for those employees paid biweekly and Dec. 23 for employees paid monthly.

  • The Well: Important update to the University holiday schedule: To provide additional flexibility for employees, Thursday, Dec. 30, is an optional workday instead of a day the University is closed. With supervisor approval, employees may work that day rather than be required to use leave.

  • The Well: Update your software skills through LinkedIn Learning at ConnectCarolina. Browse what classes are available in the Carolina Talent tab.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Lifestyle
Friday, Jan. 28, 2022
11 a.m.- 12 :30 p.m.
Carolina Union Room 3206 A/B

The Student Affairs Wellness Champions and the Professional Development Committees invite you to “Care + Conversations.” This event will provide opportunities to meet and greet others who work in Student Affairs and activities to help you incorporate radical self-care into your lifestyle.

The agenda for the day will include:
  • 11 – 11:15 a.m. : Meet & Greet
  • 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. : Wellness Walk
  • 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. : Discussion – Intuitive Eating (in person and virtually)

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter