Issue 36 | March 17, 2022
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
I hope this Spring Break week is providing a brief respite in what I know is an otherwise incredibly busy time for everyone. Please take this time to do something for yourself to recharge your batteries and fortify your energy levels before the last push to the end of the semester.
One specific action you can take to support your own well-being is to participate in the upcoming Employee Wellness Day this Friday, March 18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Carolina Union. There will be complimentary boxed lunches, fitness and cooking demos, wellness checks, games, music and more. To view the full calendar for the day and to secure your spot for certain activities, visit the Employee Wellness Day webpage. Also be sure to check out the selection of virtual events this week.
I hope I will see you there!
Take care,
Dean of Students
Military Friendly Designation

UNC-Chapel Hill received the designation of Military Friendly® School for 2022-2023. The Military Friendly Schools survey is the longest-running most comprehensive review of college and university investments in serving military and veteran students.
Carolina Housing
Class of 2026 First Year Experience (FYE) Brochure
As the incoming Class of 2026 first years start to prepare to come to Carolina next year, it is not doubt that they are also now thinking about where they want to live on campus for their First Year Live-On Requirement.  All of us at Carolina Housing work to create an inclusive on-campus housing environment that promotes personal development, citizenship, involvement, and leadership for the over 8,500 students who live on campus. We know these future Tar Heels and their families may have many questions about the details of living on campus next year. Check out the "Guide To Living On Campus in 2022-2023,” a brochure that was mailed out to all the admitted students.
GiveUNC March 29

As GiveUNC approaches, we ask you to prepare by committing to make a gift on that day, sharing with your friends and family, encouraging them to give, and bookmarking to track our progress. 

Be sure to stop by our Student Affairs table from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the The Bell Tower.
The Wellness Champions Committee wants to remind everyone of the importance of taking time to focus on your own health and wellness. In that spirit, we are sharing some events that we hope you find helpful in supporting your total well-being.
Thursday, April 14: Kickball with Campus Recreation
Time: 12 -1:30 p.m.
Location: Hooker Field
Interested in a little friendly competition, movement, and some fun outside with your Student Affairs Colleagues? Join Campus Rec staff for a friendly game of KICKBALL! Please let us know if you plan to attend. We will create teams as people arrive. We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration is open now until Wednesday, April 13.

Friday, May 6: Save the Date! Campus Recreation Spring Fling
The tradition continues! Mark your calendars for this fun annual staff event. More details to come.
  • Employee Forum: The Employee Forum is sponsoring #MarchKindness, a donation drive for the Chapel Hill Ronald McDonald House, which offers a home away from home and a community of support for seriously ill children and their families. Learn more about how to participate in the drive.

  • Heels Care Network: Carolina is working to foster a culture of compassion and care on campus to help faculty, staff and students with the support they need. With, mental health resources at Carolina are easier to locate and access: Find training, get 24/7 crisis support or refer a friend for help — all in one place.

  • Ackland Art Museum: Are you a Carolina staff member interested in contributing to “I Was Here: Postcards from the Pandemic”? Register for a free postcard workshop time slot through April 8 at the Ackland Art Museum, Wilson Library or Morrison Art Studio.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Friday, March 18
11a.m. -2 p.m.

Join your colleagues for a day of wellness activities like fitness and cooking demonstrations, self-care sessions, games, giveaways, music and food. This event will also feature a showcase of resources that support a variety of wellness facets, including health and healing, mindfulness, physical fitness, nutrition, financial management, community involvement and work/life balance.
To view the full calendar for the day and to secure your spot for certain activities, visit the Employee Wellness Day webpage. Participation is free, and attendance is considered work time for staff, who should seek advance approval from their supervisors to attend. Free parking is available in the Cobb Deck on Paul Green Drive.

Employee Forum Community Meeting: Staff Well-being and Resilience at Carolina
Friday, March 25
10 – 11:30 a.m.

The Employee Forum will be holding a community meeting centered on mental health, resilience, and building and maintaining a sense of community.
  • Staff Well-being and Resilience Panel Session
  • Heels Care Network Presentation
  • Q&A with Panelists & Well-being Specialists
  • “Postcards from the Pandemic” Pop-Up Session

Monday, March 28
3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Attendees will have the opportunity to listen, learn, and contribute thoughts and questions during the event. The seminar will be recorded for viewing by those who cannot attend.
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter