Issue 6 | October 29, 2020
A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
In a recent SALT meeting, we agreed to implement “Student Affairs Meeting-free First Fridays” starting Friday, Nov. 6. Of course we cannot manage the meetings hosted external to Student Affairs that we or our staff may find necessary to attend, but to the extent that we can manage our internal schedules, we should try to keep our First Fridays meeting free. We hope this might help relieve some of the strain of non-stop Zoom meetings and increase the productivity of non-meeting related activity.
I hope to see you all tomorrow for the Student Affairs Fall Town Hall! We have several items to discuss including Halloween coverage, COVID-19 planning for the spring, election day information and appreciation week details.
If you have any last minute questions, you can still submit them until 5 p.m. today.
Thanks for all you do!
Free COVID testing for students and staff
Campus Health continues to offer free COVID testing at the union for those students without symptoms or known exposure on Monday – Thursday 11a.m.-5 p.m. and Friday 11a.m. – 4p.m. Those hours will be extended beginning 11/16 for students to get tested before leaving for winter break. The regular hours will resume after Thanksgiving and testing will continue to be offered thru 12/18. Staff who are seeking COVID testing can use the free clinics offered near campus.
Get your flu vaccine prior to holiday travels - it’s never too late!
Flu vaccines are offered at Student Stores Pharmacy will offer no-appointment flu shots Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Campus Health Pharmacy will offer no-appointment flu shots for students, faculty and staff Monday - Friday, 1-5 p.m. This clinic will be outside at the loading dock area of Campus Health (between the football stadium and UNC Hospitals). Count your flu vaccine (and get your students, friends and family to do so too!) at
Happy Halloween week, Tar Heels!
University employees, faculty and staff please visit our website for updates regarding reactivating or purchasing new memberships.
Office of the Vice Chancellor
Whether Carolina students find themselves on campus, near campus or far flung this Halloween, participating in this annual tradition that means so much to campus is definitely going to be different this year. But a COVID Halloween doesn’t have to be all tricks and no treats.
NC Fellows Applications Open November 4
Applications for the North Carolina Fellows (NC Fellows) Program open November 4 and close January 22. Encourage students to apply to this cohort-based leadership and self-awareness program that has been part of UNC’s campus since 1968.
The program is community, academic, and co-curricular focused and promotes personal growth and leadership development for its members.
University Career Services
National Career Development Month
November is recognized as National Career Development Month by career services professionals and the National Career Development Association (NCDA). UCS is offering a comprehensive lineup of workshops, fairs, and social media content to encourage self-awareness, career exploration, experiential learning, and self-marketing. Please see our November UCS Calendar of Virtual Events.
C3 (Carolina Career Community)
C3 (Carolina Career Community) members encourage you to take a moment to recognize your colleagues who provide career advising and maintain employer relations across campus.
- Sandra Chandler, Outstanding Practitioner of the Year
- Amy Blackburn, Best Practices/Innovation
- Brandy Arellano, Distinguished Diversity Initiative
How to stay balanced during Election 2020
Many of us are struggling with election overload. It’s difficult to escape the negative advertisements and tense moments in conversations and social media.
- Think about how political content makes you feel when you consume it.
- Engage in meaningful activities.
- Be mindful of your surroundings when sharing opinions.
- Be open to learning about other points of view.
From UNC HR: Open enrollment ends on Oct. 31. Learn more about the benefit plans and information sessions available to help you make decisions.
From Community Relations: Early voting for the 2020 election runs Thursday, October 15 through Saturday, October 31.Check your home county’s Board of Elections website
, for more information about early voting locations and hours.
From The Well: The Digital Accessibility Office has resources to ensure that all University materials are accessible for everyone.
From The Well: Schedule an appointment now for the 22nd annual Holiday Carolina Blood Drive, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 19 in Fetzer Hall.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
R3 is back! The second event in the virtual Race, Racism, & Racial Equity Symposium series takes place Nov. 11, 1–2:30 pm as campus scholars address “Cultural Industry, Techno-capitalism, and Labor: The Mediated Exploitation of Black and Brown Bodies.”
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter