Issue 22|August 19, 2021
Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
I hope everyone had a successful FDOC. I know we are all working at capacity these first few weeks of the semester, and I want to sincerely thank you for all you do. In case you didn’t see it, here’s the FDOC video we shared with students on social media yesterday. 

New Student & Family Programs
Registration Now Open for Family Weekend

New Student & Family Programs (NSFP) is beyond excited to announce Carolina Family Weekend 2021 will be October 1-3. Visit our website, sign-up for the UNC Family Experience portal & newsletter, and follow-us on our Facebook and Instagram pages to get updates.
Weeks of Welcome

NSFP and the Carolina community are proud to host Weeks of Welcome (WOW) 2021 from August 12-29! WOW is designed to help students feel welcomed into the Tar Heel family. This year more than 400 events have been submitted to be part of WOW in Heel Life!
Attendance at WOW events has been strong, with students looking for activities and ways to get involved. There is still time to submit an event and we thank everyone who has already hosted a WOW event this year!
Student Wellness

The University’s alcohol policy helps keep students safe. If you are concerned about a student, check the policy website for how to refer them to Student Wellness or the Dean of Students Office.

You will also find messages related to our Alcohol Messaging Campaign. This campaign was designed to inform, educate and support students, student organizations, families, staff and faculty, athletics, alumni and the entire community. 
University Career Services

Tierney Bates was named as executive director of University Career Services following a competitive, nation-wide search. Tierney has served as interim executive director since January 2020. He will assume this new position on Sept. 7. Congrats to Tierney and the whole UCS Team!
Student Affairs Coms

Check out our #FDOC story posted on our Instagram yesterday. Follow-us on all our social channels for the latest info on what's happening across Student Affairs!
Carolina Union

SmallFest is an in-person student organizations involvement fair that will be hosted during the week of August 23-27, in the Pit from 11am-1pm. More than 280 clubs participating during the week!
Carolina Housing

Backboard Installation
Carolina Housing is thrilled to share with you the completion of a special project that you can see across our beautiful Communities! Via our partnership with RHA, we have installed newly branded backboards at five of our basketball courts! 
The new backboards were installed in July and are here to help welcome our Tar Heels back to campus. Below are the locations and the final original designs. Be sure to check out the article and a great video about the project!
Morrison & Teague
 Craige & Avery
Hinton James
Join your Total WellBeing Team to learn:
  • Wellness skills and resources
  • How to set and reach your workplace wellness goals
  • Wellness Champions activities and ideas

If you are enthusiastic about health and wellness and want to support making a difference in your workplace, please sign up for the remaining educational session:
  • Friday, August 20 | 1-2 p.m.
For more information, visit

  • The Well: Bring out the artist in you at Morrison Art Studio, which provides free supplies for employees and students to use for painting and drawing, plus an artist-in-residence who serves as a resource.

David Lovere|SAIT : "I wanted to take a moment to say thank you so much for the help you provided as we transitioned the DOS website to WordPress. You were so responsive and even went above and beyond by creating multiple custom icons for our home page buttons. You did so much work before I even touched it and were so helpful throughout the transition. It was a seamless transition and I am so appreciative of all you did to make that happen."- Jessica, DOS
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Coffee + Conversations |New Work/Life Harmony
Friday, August 27
9:30 a.m.
Zoom: link will be provided to registrants

We are continuing to re-envision our work, remotely and in-person. Join our Student Affairs colleagues, Dr. Charla Blumell and Alicia Freeman, for a Zoom workshop that will allow a space for people to discuss how their departments are redefining work-life integration and what wellness strategies people have implemented during this on-going pandemic. We will also discuss additional strategies that stretch and support our continued wellbeing.

Multicultural Health Program Meet & Greet
Friday, August 27
1-2:30 p.m.

Counseling and Psychological Services’ Multicultural Health Program (MCHP) will host a Meet and Greet as part of their Fall Kickoff program. This virtual event is an opportunity for racially-minoritized students, staff and faculty to meet the MCHP staff and learn more about their services and upcoming programs.

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter