A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Hi, Student Affairs Team!
If you are like me, you are probably still trying to wrap your head around the fact that it is already November. We are well on our way toward the end of another semester—and although it started with a significant amount of uncertainty and trepidation due to the Delta variant, I am so relieved that the incidence of the virus in our community has remained low and allowed us to have a successful in-person experience with our students this semester.
Fun facts: November is National Banana Pudding Lovers Month and National Historic Bridge Awareness Month. I will admit to being a bit more excited about celebrating the former than the latter. More importantly, though, I hope you'll join me in recognizing November as American Indian History Month (see “In the Know” for one event to celebrate) and National Career Development Month. Tierney and his team have planned a number of terrific events to honor the month and support our students' career preparedness. Please help us promote these programs widely!
Finally, I note that November is also, appropriately enough, National Gratitude Month. As this semester winds down, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on what you are grateful for, both professionally and personally—and that you will honor and celebrate those people and things in your lives. I know I'm incredibly grateful for a strong, talented, and supportive Student Affairs team!
Here’s hoping your month is filled with things you are grateful for… and some banana pudding!