Issue 46 | Oct. 20, 2022
Hi, Student Affairs Team,
With Fall Break and Employee Appreciation slated for this week, I hope you’ll take an opportunity to soak in our lovely fall weather and take a break outside to enjoy the changing leaves and cooler temps. I’m ready to bring out the sweaters!
I also hope you were able to join some of our Latinx Heritage Month events in October, the theme of which was Vivir Mi Vida which translates to “live my life.” This message reminds us all to be true to ourselves, to maintain a focus on our health and wellbeing, and to center our happiness: a valuable reminder, particularly when we experience significant change and disequilibrium. We also want to encourage this in our students and our colleagues, reinforcing how we as Carolina community can support each other in being authentic and finding/focusing on things that bring us joy and help us stay resilient. 
I appreciated what our colleague Josmell Perez, Carolina Latinx Center Director, said about what he values and how he has navigated this period: “It’s allowed me to re-evaluate the importance of community, the importance of family, the importance of people rather than things. I want people to be their best selves, to be just happy with who they are and what they represent on a daily basis.” I share this feeling and appreciate the role that all of you play in helping our students—and all of us—to recognize, honor, and stay true to ourselves. This is a hallmark of Student Affairs professionals and is absolutely something I see modeled by every one of our departments and every UNC SA team member. 
Thanks for all you do. And thanks for being who you are. Please know that you are seen and valued. 
Happy Fall Break to everyone!
Fraternity and Sorority Life
The NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council) Legacy Plaza pays homage to the nine UNC NPHC member organizations and their members. Since 1973, NPHC organizations have made a tremendous impact on the Carolina campus with their commitment to civic engagement, leadership, academic achievement and community. Join the ribbon cutting ceremony as we celebrate and officially dedicate the NPHC Legacy Plaza during Homecoming weekend on Friday 10/28 at 4 p.m.
Student Affairs IT
Opt-In Campus Advisories
Starting this week, Carolina students, faculty and staff can opt in to receive "Campus Advisories" via their mobile devices. Campus Advisories are opt-in text notifications regarding an event on campus that may create congestion, include extensive security measures, or involve sensitive issues, so individuals may be aware and make decisions about how to navigate the area as desired.
To receive these notifications, you need to download the CarolinaGo app, which is available for download on any Android or Apple device. In the app, you can select to receive Campus Advisories. Full instructions are available at
Off-Campus Student Life
Aaron Bachenheimer, the executive director of Off-Campus Student Life (OCSL) at UNC, has been named this week's Hometown Hero by Chapelboro. Bachenheimer has played a significant part in coordinating the Good Neighbor Initiative for over a decade.
Heels Care Network
Several mindfulness experiences were included in the Mental Health Seminar, It's Ok to Pause, presented by Dr. Crystal Schiller, such as a reconnection with your 5 senses, a body scan, and a breathing exercise, all bookmarked on the video on YouTube.
Consider joining the upcoming Carolina Mental Health Seminar "Understanding Emotions and How to Talk about Them" facilitated by Rachel Rifkin, LCSW on 11/16.
OPEN ENROLLMENT: As you are likely aware, Open Enrollment is underway and ends on Friday, October 28th. You must act to enroll in the Enhanced (80/20) plan and reduce your premium by completing your tobacco attestation. There are two separate portals for electing benefits coverage; both portals are available through Connect Carolina > Self Service > My Benefits > Benefits Enrollment and then select the desired portal.
FROM THE WELL: Upcoming HR professional development opportunities for faculty and staff include:
  • Discovering Your Leadership and Team Player Style on 10/26
  • Becoming a Team Player on 11/1
  • Addressing Employee Performance Issues in a Supportive Way on 11/3
  • The Art of Just Writing: Creative Non-Fiction and Fiction Project Planning on 11/8 and 11/11
  • Working as a High-Performing Team on 11/9
  • Records Management 101 on 11/9
  • and more!
Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Join us Friday, Oct. 21, at the Carolina Union & The Pit from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
for a fun-filled day of activities, networking, raffles, lunch & a sweet treat.
Oct. 27, 8:30 a.m. to noon

Register now for Operational Excellence: Lean Foundations, an introductory training program for Carolina employees 8:30 a.m. - noon Oct. 27 in the ITS-Manning 4th floor training room. Learn the basic concepts of the lean problem-solving process, key tools used in improvement work and your role in implementing these tools within your school, unit or department.
Nov. 2, 12 to 1:30 p.m.

Raise your awareness of how our emotions drive our physiology, understand and implement relaxation techniques, and become responsive and helpful to those who are struggling.
The Non-Diet Approach to Nutrition

It's healthiest when we view food as fuel, nourishment, and something to be enjoyed. Learn tips from UNC Healthy Heels on how to pay attention to your body's needs and use gentle nutrition strategies to support a healthy relationship with food.
Let Us Hear from You!
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Send your Comings & Goings and staff updates to
Email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter