Hi, Student Affairs Team,
Mark your calendars for Friday, Oct. 21! Our Employee Appreciation Day is back as an in-person event for the first time since 2019.
Carolina Union/Pit
Fri., Oct. 21, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Free lunch (and Pelican’s Snow Cones)
- Carnival games and inflatables
- Department and local business fair
- Employee talent performances
- Flu shots and COVID boosters
Participation is free and attendance is considered work time for staff, but please seek advance approval from your supervisor to attend. We know that some folks are not typically on-site on Fridays, but we hope you’ll be able to arrange your schedule so you can join in the day’s festivities.
Please also add your voice to “ Cheers to Peers,” a shout-out platform for sending a short message to your Carolina colleagues to celebrate the big and small successes of the past year. Fill out the Cheers to Peers online form any time through Oct. 19. Cheers to Peers messages will be published on Employee Appreciation Day, when you can view and search all messages—the ones you’ve sent and the ones you’ve received.
Another event that I hope you’ll join is our next Carolina Mental Health Seminar: "It's OK to Pause." Facilitated by the School of Medicine's Crystal Schiller, we will explore the theory and practice of how to prioritize taking time to replenish and recharge. Please help us spread the word to your colleagues and students.
And this week's newsletter is chock full of other haps that your Student Affairs colleagues are planning. Take a look, consider taking a pause yourself, and let’s make a special effort to acknowledge our terrific peers and the great work that happens in Student Affairs (and beyond) by reaching out to celebrate one another this month!
So grateful for all you do!
Office of the Vice Chancellor
Phillips Scholarship Applications Open
After a several-year hiatus due to COVID-related travel restrictions, the Frances L. Phillips Travel Scholarship is back this year and open to full-time juniors or seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences at UNC who have attended high school in North Carolina. The scholarship provides self-designed and directed international travel experiences for periods ranging from two months to six months. Approximately 20 Phillips Scholarships for up to $9,500 each are awarded every year on the basis of a competitive written application and committee interview. Please share this opportunity with students in your areas and encourage them to learn more and apply.
WordPress Training Resources
For those staff who are responsible for managing your websites, we have added a new tutorial on how to easily add pages to your website on the WordPress platform.
University Career Services
Professional Internship Experience Certificate
We’d like to promote this Certificate to your part-time student workers and their supervisors because there is a component that involves supervisor buy-in and support. If you are a student supervisor, please reach out to our Job Location Development Coordinator, Kara Alves, who will follow up with the specifics on how you can support your students’ in completing the UCS Certificate.
Student Life and Leadership
Happy National Voter Education Week! We have opened two Voter Registration Help Desks in the Carolina Union. From now until Oct. 14, students can come in and register to vote with one of our Office Assistants when they are on shift between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Voter Registration Help Desks are at the SLL/CUAB desk in the annex section of the Union, and the other is in the Student Government Suite by the Aquarium Lounge. Feel free to refer folks to us if they are looking for a more quiet or private location to register to vote and share this with your networks!
Also, check out this week's The Well story that features the work of SLL in partnership with the Carolina Center for Public Service on the Promote Democracy Initiative.
2023-24 Housing Selection
It's that time of year again already! The 2023-2024 Housing Selection Process is about to launch for any student who is already taking classes at Carolina and is interested in living on campus next year. The application is open starting Wednesday, Oct. 12, and the priority deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 11:59 p.m.
Hats off to our own Steven Wiley, assistant director of assignments for Carolina Housing, who played a starring role in our YouTube video to help explain how the process of applying for Priority Housing Selection works.
We appreciate your support in amplifying our messaging that you may see on social media!
CAROLINA CARES, CAROLINA SHARES: The N.C. State Employees Combined Campaign, which allows state employees to support approved charities — launched Sept. 29. Since the first SECC campaign in 1985, state employees have contributed more than $100 million to charities serving North Carolina residents. More than 826 charities were approved to participate this year. Please consider contributing this year!
FLU SHOTS ON CAMPUS: There are still opportunities left for staff to obtain a flu vaccination on campus! There are a number of walk-in clinics scheduled across campus, or you can visit the Student Stores Pharmacy or Campus Health Pharmacy. Parking, Insurance and more information at https://flu.unc.edu.
SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Portions of sidewalk along the east side of South Columbia Street will be closed to pedestrians through March 2023. Pedestrians should follow designated detours and remain alert to construction activity in the area.
FROM THE WELL: Don’t let that paywall stop you! Carolina students, faculty and staff get access to Wall Street Journal articles from 1984 to the present. Learn more: https://go.unc.edu/Access.
Live Action with Carolina Basketball
Rescheduled to Oct. 7 because of Tropical Storm Ian
Tomorrow! Kick off the 2022-23 Tar Heel basketball season at the Dean E. Smith Center with GameDay host B Daht, who will emcee the festivities, which include a combined three-point shooting contest and intra-squad scrimmages by the men’s and women’s teams. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the free event starts at 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 8, 10:30 a.m.
Calling all foodies! Join Carolina Public Humanities’ seminar “Edible North Carolina: Exploring our State’s Food Cultures,” 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Oct. 8. American studies professor emerita Marcie Cohen Ferris will take a deep dive into North Carolina’s rich and diverse food culture and explain how food can be a site of everyday social activism.
Oct. 10, 8 p.m.
For some nighttime fun on Oct. 10 from 8-11 p.m., go up on the roof of The Durham Hotel for telescopic stargazing with guided constellation tours, educational activities and music. The Morehead Planetarium and Science Center is sponsoring the free event.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, noon
Join this session to better understand the theory and practice of mindful pauses, how to prioritize them in your own life, and how to inspire them in the community around you. Featuring Crystal Schiller, Ph.D., a psychologist and researcher in the UNC School of Medicine. Register for the Zoom link.
Working as a High-Performance Team
Oct. 12, 9 a.m.
Working together as a team is imperative in today’s business environment. Diagnose any issues limiting your team from moving to high performance and learn techniques to cover those challenges during a webinar called “Working as a High-Performance Team” 9-11:30 a.m. Oct. 12. Register on Carolina Talent by Oct. 9.
Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Join us Friday, Oct. 21, at the Carolina Union & The Pit from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
for a fun-filled day of activities, networking, raffles, lunch & a sweet treat.
Oct. 27, 8:30 a.m. to noon
Register now for Operational Excellence: Lean Foundations, an introductory training program for Carolina employees 8:30 a.m.-noon Oct. 27 in the ITS-Manning 4th floor training room. Learn the basic concepts of the lean problem-solving process, key tools used in improvement work and your role in implementing these tools within your school, unit or department.
Participate in Carolina’s Total WellBeing Interest Survey
We stand by our motto “Our purpose is our people,” and want to know your top health and wellness interests.
To better provide you with the most relevant work/life and wellness programs, please take time to complete a brief, 10-minute-or-less Total WellBeing Employee Interest Survey to shape the wellness offerings at Carolina for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The information collected in this survey will assist Wellness Champions, Wellness Committees and the Department of Work/Life & Wellness in establishing programs that meet your work/life and wellness interests and needs.
Be happy, healthy and well!
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to studentaffairs@unc.edu.
Email your newsletter submissions to studentaffairs@unc.edu by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter