Issue 19|June 17, 2021
Editor’s note: We have shifted to our summer monthly schedule. Look for our next issue on July 15 until the start of the fall semester, when we will resume our bi-monthly schedule.
Special thanks to Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Success and Administration Jonathan Sauls being our guest writer this week.
Return to In-Person Learning

Hello Friends,
I could never have imagined when we extended spring break in March 2020 that we would still be dealing with a global pandemic 16 months later. It is an extraordinary understatement to note that this has been an unusual year. Despite all of the upheaval and uncertainty, I have been inspired by so many of my colleagues from Student Affairs and across campus who have worked heroically to promote our students’ health and safety, to uplift and support our employees, and to overcome the challenges posed by an ever-changing health environment.

Carolina People
Massey Award Winner
Dr. Mario Ciocca of Campus Health was one of eight Carolina employees who received the 2021 C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award, one of the most prestigious distinctions for faculty and staff. Ciocca is the director of sports medicine in Campus Health and serves as chief medical officer for Carolina’s 28 varsity sports teams.

During the pandemic, he spearheaded efforts that allowed 800 student-athletes to stay safe and continue to compete.

Campus Health
Returning to Campus

Campus life comes with so many benefits! And yet, for many of us, returning to campus comes with a whole lot of stress and anxiety.

Student Affairs Development
Inside Student Affairs
Special Guest Aisha Pridgen

This episode of Inside Student Affairs features Director pf Student Conduct Aisha Pridgen as she shares info about the spring, the UNC Honor System and how her office works to create future leaders.
Professional Development

Rising Professionals Program
The Rising Professionals Program (RPP) fosters a diverse and inclusive group of Student Affairs professionals who are well-prepared to pursue an array of opportunities at colleges and universities throughout the country. 
The RPP is tailored to entry-level to mid-level professional staff who don’t already oversee significant budgets or staff teams. The program is designed to introduce and foster RPP members’ professional growth and expertise in key areas: student development, higher education finance and budgets, law/policy, assessment, and managing staff. For more information about the schedule, planned curriculum, and learning goals, visit our RPP Webpage.
Applications will be accepted online through Friday, June 25.
Carolina Housing

CarolinaGo App
Check out the Carolina Housing Module in the CarolinaGo App! Housing will be announcing this tool during our Summer Orientation Sessions for families, with the new addition of a limited-time Move-In Module specifically created to help navigate all things Move-In: from move-in appointments, to assignments, to the popular “What to Bring /What to NOT Bring ” packing lists, etc. Make sure to also check out our 2021-2022 Move-In Guide.
University Career Services
First Destination Survey
Please continue to share this survey with your students by posting it in your newsletter, listserv, website, and social media. The First Destination Survey captures information regarding how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation. By completing the survey, students will be eligible to win a $250 Amazon gift card (courtesy of Handshake). Questions? Contact Tessa Minnich at

UCS will have all career and information fairs virtually this Fall on Handshake. Student registration for the Data Science and Analytics Career Fair and Carolina Career & Internship (All Majors) Fair will open on Friday, June 18 at 8 a.m. EDT. Mark your calendars and share these fairs with your students!
Upcoming Wellness Webinars
As part of our ongoing commitment to the health and wellness of employees, this summer the University is offering a variety of programs focused on healthy lifestyles and balancing the responsibilities of work and personal life.

Also check out the following article: Pandemic mental fatigue: Don’t be shy about asking for help.
  • The Well: If you’ve received one or both doses of a COVID-19 vaccination, let the University know by using the COVID-19 vaccine certification on the Environment, Health and Safety website.

  • The Well: Share your questions, concerns and hopes as University employees who have worked remotely for more than a year prepare for the return to campus on July 19. Email and include the phrase Return to Campus in the subject line.

  • The Well: Cheers to ITS for its work in delivering customer support. By enabling a Virtual Agent chatbot, the ITS Service Desk has been able to help customers with common problems find solutions faster and reducing the need to talk with a live agent.

Ken Pittman | Campus Health: Congratulations to Ken on getting recertified as a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Certification is required every five years and Ken has maintained this credential for over 25 years. Certification requires a week of on-line trainings, passing a test, an interview, along with a application.

Keith Hines | Carolina Union: Congratulations to Keith for being elected as Vice Chair of the Employee Forum. Shout out to other Student Affairs team members who are also serving as delegates. See election results.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Employee Forum Community Town Hall
Tuesday, June 22
  • The Employee Forum is set to host a community forum via Zoom, open to all employees. Additional details pending.

Tuesday, June 29

Join Vice Chancellor Amy Johnson and your Student Affairs colleagues as we celebrate the end of another academic year!
Webinar ID: 919 2449 0281
Passcode: 816524
Number for Attendees: 1-346-248-7799

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter