January 2021
Dear Team,

Welcome to the new year! 

Many of our staff will still be working remotely for a while, but the new semester preparations are underway. Students will be coming back, online and on campus. It’s an exciting time, and I want us to start the semester with what really matters…


At the conclusion of our December division town hall, we saw what connection is all about. Kelly invited us to type something we were celebrating personally or as colleagues into the Zoom chat field, and that thing just exploded! There were so many shout-outs and expressions of gratitude for each other and for individual acts of service, kindness, and dedication that, honestly, I felt like bursting with pride. I cannot list all of them here, so I selected a handful of the shout-outs that seemed to capture what we accomplished last year and why we matter to each other.
  • I celebrate the amazing team I get to work with on a daily and weekly basis. I know that they have my back when I start to feel overburdened.
  • The collaboration between departments in this division is wonderful! Too many examples to list but it is amazing to be a part of. 
  • Admissions team hosted a successful first ever virtual event for Experience ISU!
  • Registrar staff are reporting 100 more graduation applications than normal!
  • Orientation is expanding ways for students to stay connected, in virtual environments!
  • Financial Aid staff have processed over $3M in CARES funding to our students.
  • I am in awe with the great work the enrollment group has done and accomplished this year and look forward to their great accomplishments moving forward!
  • Trio has been rocking their outreach to students, really making sure their students stay in touch with resources. Awesome work!
  • Counseling Center staff is rocking it.. Thanks!
  • Thanks to all of you that have taken on more duties and responsibilities!
  • I love the way everyone has been tackling the challenges. Positive, positive, positive!
  • Equity and Inclusion has had quite a whirlwind of a year with changing regulations, but have met this challenge at every opportunity. Great job!
  • Thanks to our custodial staff who work so hard to keep us safe and clean!
  • So proud of our Financial Aid staff who have not missed a beat in keeping up with answering phones and emails from students and processing documents as they come in while working remotely.
  • Love this group of people, couldn't imagine a better group to go through a pandemic with. :-) 
  • From one of my favorite books: "We all lift this bridge together." 
  • I love how positive the atmosphere of the Student Affairs division has been and how well it is maintained!
  • So much, every moment to cherish being alive!

I am in awe of the staff in the division of Student Affairs. We have a great team, and I am looking forward to everything we will accomplish together in 2021!

Roar, team Roar!


Tennis Court Reservation Update

 Dear Members, 

On behalf of ISU Campus Recreation, we are thrilled to announce the launch of a reservation system for the tennis courts: CourtReserve. We will begin using this online reservation system exclusively on January 7, 2021. CourtReserve will enable members to see the schedule for all courts at all times and reserve a specific open court for a specific day and time. 

You will receive an email from CourtReserve with a link to the member portal. Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you may create a password to link with your email address as your username. You may then log into the system online at www.courtreserve.com or download the CourtReserve app on your phone. You can review the rules and restrictions for reservations on the front page of the member portal when you log into CourtReserve from a computer. 

If you are unable to take advantage of the online application, you may still come into the gym, where the front desk staff can help you make your reservation. We appreciate your patience as we work through the inevitable kinks at the beginning of our new system implementation. 

See you on the courts! 


ISU Campus Recreation  
Student Affairs | isu.edu/studentaffairs