May 2018
NSU Law Commencement Ceremony
Thursday, May 10, 2018 | 2:30 p.m.
Rick Case Arena, Don Taft University Center
Please join us in congratulating all our 191 JD and 59 MS students who will graduating with their respective NSU Law degrees. Commencement is a recognition and celebration of academic achievement and the lasting contributions that students have made to the university.

Members of the Class of 2018 provided more than 12,321.5 hours of pro bono service to the local community. Fifty-six candidates participated in the Pro Bono Honor Program, earning Gold (300+ hours each), Silver (125-299 hours each) and Bronze (50-124 hours each) honors. 

We welcome all family, staff, faculty and alumni to join us for this event at which John T. Berry will be giving the commencement speech and honoring our outgoing class as they join our alumni family. Mr. Berry serves as The Florida Bar’s Legal Division Director, supervising the lawyer regulation and professionalism efforts. Mr. Berry will be receiving an honorary degree from Nova Southeastern University. More Information
NSU Law Honors Program
Application Deadline June 1, 2018
NSU Law is beginning an Honors Program with the 2018 academic year. The Honors Program will be a small, select group of students who embody the mission of NSU Law. As part of the new Honors Program, student who have successfully completed their first year of law school with at least a 3.00 GPA are encouraged to apply. In addition to the rising 2L students, the College of Law has also accepted new 1L students into the program.
Benefits include:
  • Guaranteed funded research in collaboration with a full-time faculty member in second year (or third year for a part-time student);
  • Final year Honors Fellowship comprised of a research project, clinical program, or selected clerkship;
  • Participation in special honors events;
  • Membership in the NSU Law Leadership Academy and its specialized courses;
  • Recognition at graduation.
Leo Goodwin Sr. Building Rededication
Wednesday, May 23 | 5:30 p.m.
NSU and the Leo Goodwin Foundation will be celebrating the rededication of the Leo Goodwin Sr. Building, which houses the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law.

The Leo Goodwin Sr. Building broke ground in 1990 and was completed in 1992. In 2013, the Leo Goodwin Sr. Building was recognized by The National Jurist magazine as the number one Most Wired Law School in the United States. Following a major interior renovation during the summer of 2016, the Leo Goodwin Sr Hall was recognized in the 2017 American School & University Architectural Portfolio, the premier showcase celebrating the best in education design.
NSU Law at The Florida Bar Convention
June 13-16, 2018
Register to attend the NSU Law Alumni reception at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, in Orlando Florida. Whether you are attending the 68th Annual Florida Bar Convention or interested in mingling with your peers at the alumni reception, this is one of the largest gatherings of NSU Law alumni, judges, and dignitaries. 

Sign up today for your complimentary registration to the alumni reception to enjoy healthy refreshments and networking opportunities. This event is open to students, faculty and staff as well as those in the law community.
NSU Law Hosts CLE at Florida Supercon
Wednesday, May 23 | 5:30 p.m.
NSU Law will host Florida Supercon’s first panel program exclusively for lawyers. This CLE program focuses on a wide range of the legal issues involved in creating, licensing, and managing the creative works involved in comic books, video games, films, and merchandise. 3 CLE Pending. Ticket price will include 4 all-day passes to Florida Supercon.
NSU Law News
NSU Law Professor Grohman, Professor Karp and Professor Mintz to retire
NSU Law announces the retirement of three longtime faculty members: Professor Joseph Grohman, Professor Judith Karp and Professor Joel Mintz.

Professor Joe Grohman joined the College of Law's full time faculty in August 1983. In addition to teaching property, real property closing workshop and real estate transactions and finance Professor Grohman’s provided interactive lessons for law students via the Center for Computer Legal Instruction (CALI) and has served as the NSU Law Executive Dean for Faculty Development and is active in the university's academic program review process, chairing NSU's Academic Review Committee.

Professor Judith Karp has been a faculty member since 1997. Her teaching responsibilities included professional responsibility, agency, and various transactional and litigation skills courses and the Director of the NSU Law Civil Field Placement Clinic. She previously served as the Director of the Lawyering Skills and Values (LSV) program and as the Director of the Master of Science in Employment Law program.

Professor Joel A. Mintz has been a faculty member at Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law since 1982. He taught courses in environmental law, torts, and environmental enforcement, and he has taught courses and seminars in land use planning, state and local government law, and comparative environmental law. In addition, following his retirement from the full-time faculty, Professor Joel Mintz will be recognized as a C. William Trout Senior Fellow in Public Interest Law to continue his leadership in environmental law on behalf of NSU Law nationally.

All three professors were honored at a special program “Master Class: Reflections on Teaching, Scholarship and Service” which provided an opportunity for Professors Grohman, Karp and Mintz to share their reflections on their time at NSU Law.

NSU Law faculty, administration, staff and students will miss these dedicated Professors as a part of our school community and are deeply grateful to them for their service to NSU and especially to their students.
Professor Joe Grohman
Professor Judith Karp
Professor Joel A. Mintz
Environmental Law Symposium – Environmental Issues in Changing Times
Friday, April 20, 2018 | Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center
The 2018 Environmental Law Symposium brought lawyers scientists, and environmental experts together at the NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center. The featured speaker was Professor Robert V. Percival, the Robert F. Stanton Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental Law Program with the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland.

Speakers from across the state presented on environmental law and policy shifts at the state and federal level. Among the speakers were alumna Erin Deady (JD 2000), George Cavros (JD 2005), NSU Dean Richard Dodge, Professor Richard Grosso, and special invitation speakers Tania Galloni, Jonathan Webber, Professor Keith Rizzardi, Stephen Tilbrook and David Tolces. 
February 2018 Bar Induction Ceremony
Monday April 16, 2018 
Panza Maurer Law Library - 3rd Floor
Over one hundred NSU Shepard Broad College of Law graduates, guests, faculty and staff attended the Bar Induction Ceremony. Hon. Robert Diaz and Hon. Kal Evans joined Dean Jon Garon in swearing in the new attorneys and celebrating this milestone with our graduates and families.

We congratulate all our outstanding inductees and wish them well as they commence their journeys into practicing law.
Nova Law Review Symposium - Call for Papers
Progression 2018: Using Law to Facilitate an Efficacious Innovation Economy

The Nova Law Review will be hosting its annual Symposium on October 8, 2018 at the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. The Symposium will address the intersection of law and business as it focuses on new technologies, ethics, and regulatio n. Submission Deadline for Abstracts: July 1, 2018  

If you are interested in submitting a paper for review please contact the Nova Law Review at More details will be posted on Nova Law Review on ~ May 7, 2018.
Upcoming Events
NSU Law Commencement
Speaker: John T. Berry
Thursday, May 10, 2018 | 2:30 pm
Rick Case Arena at the Don Taft University Center
The Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law has invited John T. Berry to serve as the 2018 Commencement Speaker and recipient of the NSU honorary degree. Mr. Berry serves as The Florida Bar’s Legal Division Director supervising the lawyer regulation and professionalism efforts.
Leo Goodwin Sr. Building Rededication
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018 
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Leo Goodwin Sr. Building | Shepard Broad College of Law
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law was founded in 1974 with the help of Leo Goodwin Sr. and the Leo Goodwin Foundation. Innovative teaching and a 21st-century curriculum sets NSU Law apart from other law schools. This is all made possible by the generous support of the Leo Goodwin Foundation and its Trustees.
Law Alumni Reception
at The Florida Bar Convention
Thursday, June 14, 2018 
6:30 p.m., Flagler Room
at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek 
Join NSU Law alumni, faculty and staff for an informal reception at t he 68th Annual Florida Bar Convention.
Florida Supercon - CLE
How to Build a Fictional World: Legal and Business Aspects of Pop Culture and Creative Industries
July 13, 2018 | 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
at the Fort Lauderdale Convention Center
In Florida Supercon’s first panel program exclusively for lawyers, this CLE program focuses on a wide range of the legal issues involved in creating, licensing, and managing the creative works involved in comic books, video games, films, and merchandise. 3 CLE Pending
Entrepreneurial Boot Camp
August 9 -12, 2018, Save The Date
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
In Collaboration with the Shepard Broad College of Law, H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, and the College of Engineering and Computing, the Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Law Clinic will offer the first annual Entrepreneurial Boot Camp.

The program is designed to immerse entrepreneurs in the skills and disciplines needed to successfully launch a start-up business, with particular focus on those companies built on research, design, or innovation.
Students News
ABA National Appellate Advocacy Team – National Semi-Finalists

Bethany J.M. Pandher (4L), James Foster (2L), and Aleah Shuren (4L) competed in Washington, D.C. at the ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition in April 2018. The NSU team finished fourth and placed fourth for the National Best Brief Award. Pandher was named Third Best Advocate and Shuren was named Eighth Best Advocate.
Adrienne Rodriguez Published in Seattle Journal for Social Justice

Rodriguez, Adrienne (2018) " A Cry for Change: The Fallacy of the American Dream for K-4 Children ," 16 Seattle Journal for Social Justice (2018).
NSU Trial Association – Show Me Challenge Team

The team consisting of Guianeya Herrera Osorio (3L), Kelly Ann DesRosiers (2L), and Aaron Bryan (2L) finished fifth place overall in one of the nation’s largest jury selection competitions. Their coach was Nathan Nelson (JD 2016) and faculty advisor Professor Megan Chaney, Director, Trial & Appellate Advocacy.
Community Connection with A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

Professor James B. Levy and Samantha Gozlan (2L) presented “Know Your Rights” on the intellectual property rights relevant to visual artists to the A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida on April 13, 2018. Gozlan is a 2010 alumna of the A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts.
Faculty & Staff News
Professor Timothy Arcaro
Presented at the Juvenile Certification Review Training in Orlando, Florida on April 19, 2018.
Accepted an offer to publish his article Think Fast: Post Judgement consideration in Hague Child Abduction Cases in the Suffolk University Law School Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy.

Worked with the NSU Children and Families Law Clinic to successfully prosecute a Petition for Return under The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, reuniting a left-behind parent in Spain with his ten-year-old daughter. The final judgment was entered after a ten-month abduction, during which our client was unable to exercise his timeshare rights with his child. The case was referred to the NSU Children and Families Clinic on a pro bono basis from the U.S. State Department Office of Children’s Legal Issues.
Professor Randolph Braccialarghe
Was appointed by Florida Bar President Michelle Suskauer to the Vice Chair of the Florida Bar’s Professional Ethics Committee.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
Presented TJ From Mental Health Law to Health Law at the St. Thomas University School of Law April 2018 Symposium honoring the Career and Retirement of Professor Amy D. Ronner.
Professor Phyllis Coleman
Published A Legal Opinion on Liability Waivers: Does the Hambrook Case Make a Difference? , UNDERCURRENT 15 (Jan. 2017). 

Published an op-ed, Young Animal Abusers Can Grow Up to Commit Unspeakable Violence , in the April 4, 2018 issue of the Miami Herald.
Professor Michael Dale
Is teaching Introduction to the American System of Civil Litigation at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Charles University is an NSU Law duel degree and semester abroad partner.
Professor Robert M. Jarvis
Edited and contributed to Florida’s Other Courts: Unconventional Justice in the Sunshine State (University Press of Florida 2018), which received a profile in the January 31, 2107 Seminole Tribune.
Published a book review of The Rooster Bar by John Grisham in the Florida Bar Journal, at 92 Fla. B.J. 60 (April 2018).

Accepted an offer to publish Slave Gambling in the Antebellum South in Volume 14 of the Florida A&M University Law Review and The Maritime Origins of Sherlock Holmes in Volume 49 of the Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce.

Was quoted by Gambling Compliance, Miami New Times, Sun-Sentinel and the Florida Bulldog during January, February and March 2018.
Professor Donna Litman
Published the chapter Religious Courts in Florida’s Other Courts: Unconventional Justice in the Sunshine State (2018), edited by Professor Robert M. Jarvis.
Professor James B. Levy
Presented “Know Your Rights” on the intellectual property rights relevant to visual artists to the A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida on April 13, 2018.
Professor of Practice Chance Meyer
Was quoted by the Florida Supreme Court in its April 5, 2018 opinion in Reynolds v. State.
Professor Joel Mintz
Was consulted by the Wilmington Star News regarding emissions of toxic air pollutants from a chemical manufacturing plant outside Wilmington, North Carolina.

Was consulted by the Bloomberg News Service regarding an unprecedented Consent Decree entered into by the Trump/Pruitt EPA and an energy company. That agreement allows the company to deduct from its federal taxes, as “ordinary and necessary” business expenses, all of the money it will spend to correct its environmental law violations.

Published Hitting Rock Bottom: The Decline of EPA Enforcement Under Pruitt and Trump , in the Washington, D.C. publication The Hill.

Peer reviewed “Executive Principals and Environmental Enforcement: Examining the ‘Rick Scott Effect’ in the U.S. State of Florida,” for the Review of Policy Research.

Was quoted in the April 3, 2018 Energywire article about the penalty imposed on Enbridge for the 2010 Kalamazoo River pipeline spill and the resulting tension between EPA and PHMSA.

Accepted an offer to publish The President's 'Two for One' Executive Order and the Interpretation Mandate of the National Environmental Policy Act: A Legal Constraint on Presidential Power in the Fall 2018 issue of the University of Missouri Kansas City Law Review.
Professor Kathryn Webber Nuñez
Article Toxic Cultures Require a Stronger Cure: The Lessons of Fox News for Reforming Sexual Harassment Law will be included in the 2018 Edition of Women and the Law.
Professor Emerita Gail Richmond
Taught Federal Income Taxation at Stetson University College of Law during the Spring 2018 term.

Co-Published with Russell L. Weaver The Southeastern Association of Law Schools: A Thematic History , 86 UMKC L. REV. 599 (2018). This article is part of a 14-article symposium commemorating SEALS’s 70th year.

Published the chapter Researching a Federal Tax Issue in Effectively Representing your Client Before the IRS (ABA Section of Taxation, 7th ed. 2018).

Co-Published with Kevin M. Yamato Federal Tax Research: Guide to Materials and Techniques , Foundation Press, 10th ed. 2018.

Co-Published with Reginald Mombrun and Felicia Branch Mastering Corporate Tax (Carolina Academic Press, 2d ed. 2017).

Serves as the Secretary/Corporate Compliance Officer and as a member of the Program Formatting Committee for the Southeastern Association of Law School, Inc.
Professor Emeritus Michael Rooke-Ley
Contact Us
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services
E:          | P: 954-262-6127