NSU Law Action to July Bar Results
The July 2018 Florida Bar Examination results for first-time test takers reflected a surprising and unacceptable decline from prior administrations. The results were unexpected because the academic predictors of our students have improved, the feedback from the bar preparation coaches was positive, and we believed the effort being put into the bar exam had also increased from prior years. We also know, however, that the bar has become more difficult than ever before and it will take a greater effort to pass it than it did in prior years.
While the commitment and effort needed to pass the bar must come from the hard work and dedication of each test taker, the faculty and staff of NSU Law is working to assure that our students and alumni have every tool possible to succeed.
For the coming February and July Bar administrations, NSU Law will be providing AdaptiBar as an additional free service. We already work with both BarBri and Kaplan for various programs such a PMBR, and we will continue to partner with appropriate coaches and organizations to assist our current students and those alumni who need to retake the bar. We will be offering sessions with alumnus Jonathan Grossman and Professor Steve Friedland to supplement the coaching of our full-time faculty and our professional staff. In addition to working with ASP coaches, each test taker will be partnered with a member of the faculty, and faculty will be serving as subject-matter tutors for those who need additional assistance.
This is just a snapshot of the steps being taken to provide the best possible environment for our students and alumni to prepare for the bar. We are assessing aspects of the curriculum and Academic Support and Professionalism Program to improve effectiveness and we are continuing to enhance the academic predictors in each entering class.
Through these many efforts, NSU Law remains committed to providing top-quality legal education, bar preparation, and training to serve in the legal profession.
Jon M. Garon, Dean and Professor of Law
Nova Southeastern University | Shepard Broad College of Law
3305 College Ave., Leo Goodwin Sr., Bldg, 120B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Gerald Morris - NSU Distinguished Alumni Awards Honoree
Gerald Morris will be honored with the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award as the Alumnus of the Year for the Shepard Broad College of Law. This award is the highest and most prestigious honor bestowed upon a graduate from NSU. It is presented each year to a graduate from one of the 15 colleges at NSU during homecoming activities.
Mr. Morris received his JD from NSU in 1977 and was a member of the inaugural class. He has been an adjunct professor at NSU Law since 1992 and was awarded NSU Law Adjunct Professor of the Year in 2008. Professor Morris has supported NSU Law as a member of the NSU Law Board of Governors, as a coach for the Transactional Moot Court competition team, and as an adjunct professor. He is currently general counsel with Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
NSU Law will be hosting a lunch to honor Professor Morris on Monday, November 5, 2018 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. For more information contact
Karen Rose,
(954) 262-6303.
2018-2019 Mentoring Program Breakfast
The Business of Law
Mentoring law students and preparing them for entry into the profession of law remains one of the most important roles for alumni to play in the life of the law school. Through the NSU Law Group Mentoring program, approximately 40 attorneys joined an equal number of law students for a panel and roundtable discussion which helped make connections between the students and the alumni.
Three expert panelists, all NSU JD alumni, presented on the morning of September 21, 2018 on
The Business of Law
. Dean Janice Shaw, Assistant Dean of NSU Law’s Career and Professional Development office, was the moderator for the program, which hosted James C. Sawran (’82), Managing Shareholder, Vice President of McIntosh Sawran & Cartaya, P.A., Alison Smith, Esq. (’03), Partner Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Cole & Bierman, and Jeffrey M. Wank (’09), Partner at Kelley Kronenberg. The panelists represented law firms of varying size and provided different perspectives on key business principles and the financial factors that impact attorney and law firm success.
New mentors are always welcome. The next mentoring breakfast information is here:
Next Mentoring Breakfast:
Path to Partnership
Save the Date
Friday, November 2, 2018 | 7:30 – 9:00 am
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
Upcoming October Mentoring opportunities include:
Saturday, October 27, 2018 | 12:00 – 4:00 pm
CB Smith Park
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 – October 15, 2018
NSU and NSU Law will celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Hispanic Student Bar Association
celebrated with a Hispanic Heritage Happy Hour on September 14
and will host their annual social on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at the NSU Flight Deck in the Taft University Center. No RSVP necessary.
NSU Alvin Sherman Library continues its wide range of events centered on
Hispanic Heritage Month, including Art and Music in October.
2nd NSU Law and community organizations host Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
On Saturday, September 29, 2018, NSU Law, Americans for Immigrant Justice, Catholic Legal Services, and Hispanic Unity of Florida along with NSU Law student organizations ILSA, ILO, HSBA, NHRO and PILS partnered to provide free legal screenings to the community. This pro bono immigration clinic offered over
participants the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families with Know Your Rights Presentations. Participants also had the opportunity to participate in intakes and receive a free consultation with an immigration attorney. The next Immigration Legal Screening Clinic will be held in February 2019.
NSU Law was able to facilitate information in four languages through student interpreters: English, Spanish, Creole, and Portuguese.
Moot Court Society says Thank You &
2nd Volunteer Opportunity
Saturday, October 13
The NSU Moot Court Society thanks the 68 NSU alumni that gave their time to Judge the September Upperclassman Competition.
A second opportunity for volunteering is open for Saturday, October 13, 2018 for the Thomas Tang Southern Regional Moot Court Competition.
October Pro Bono Events for Students
The following events are pro bono opportunities for NSU Law students for the month of September 2018. Details available on
- click on the Events tab on the left navigation bar.
Please click on the date you are interested in for more information:
NSU Law Organizations involved in Trunk or Treat are:
PULSE! Health Law Society, Family Law Society (FLS), Phi Alpha Delta (PAD), Florida Association of Women Laws (FAWL), Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF), Lexis Nexis, and Nova Human Rights Organization (NHRO)
Trunk or Treat
PULSE! Health Law Society will be participating in a Trunk or Treat event at the Broward Children’s Center in Pompano Beach on October 31, 2018 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Broward Children’s Center is a medical foster home with no opportunity to go door to door trick or treating.
If your NSU Law student organziation would like to particpate please contact
Megan JaNel Nelson
, PULSE! President.
Call for nominations for the three President's Awards for Excellence in Community Service!
All employees are eligible to submit in one of three categories: Faculty, Staff or Administrator/ Professional.
If you or someone you know exemplifies NSU's core value of "Community," be sure to
click here
to review the guidelines. Winners of these coveted awards will be announced at EmployeeFest in early Winter 2019 and will receive a $500.00 honorarium, Faculty Club membership for one year, and a commemorative plaque.
NSU Law Partners with the NSU Paralegal Program
NSU has long been a leader in legal education through its undergraduate and MS programs in addition to the JD program. Beginning in January 2019, the Shepard Broad College of Law will be supporting the Paralegal Studies Program with an expansion of the Paralegal Certificate Program.
Led by Associate Professor Jessica Garcia-Brown (JD '99) and Associate Professor Ellen Kracoff (JD '81), the new Paralegal Certificate Program will offer residential, hybrid, and online options for those interested in working in law firms to enhance their skills with a highly-recognized, post-baccalaureate Paralegal Certificate.
This is a great opportunity for NSU Law alumni to assist their staff in improving their professional skills and learning the new technologies shaping the practice of law. Tuition scholarships are available to applicants working with NSU Law alumni.
Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Clinic Taking on Advance Directives
The Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Law Clinic under the direction of Professor Tim Arcaro will collaborate with Jennifer Gordon, Director of Public Interest Programs, on providing informational presentations to members of the community and creating advance directives for qualified clients. Law students will work with faculty and staff, including Professor Kathy Cerminara and Professor Marilyn Uzdavines, to create presentations tailored to indigent clients and clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Law students will also work with faculty and staff to create information and forms for advance directives
The AIDD Law Clinic has been working with community partners to expand its service network and collaborate on direct client-representation opportunities. The AIDD Law Clinic is exploring ways to create a legal platform to service potentially hundreds individuals through collaborations with the regional school districts and with networks that support legal services for indigent families.
The AIDD Clinic has provided direct representation to multiple families in Guardianship Advocacy cases in successfully obtaining necessary court orders for the care of disabled adults. The Broward County bench and bar have been incredibly gracious with offers of assistance as the Clinic expands its network of legal services through the use of our talented law students.
If you would like to be involved in the AIDD Clinic network, please contact
Professor Tim Arcaro
to discuss collaborative opportunities.
Cryptocurrency/ Blockchain Regulation
Law Alumni Association – Miami-Dade Chapter event
Thursday, October 4, 2018 | 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Fiduciary Trust International of the South,
2 Alhambra Plaza, PH-1A, Coral Gables, FL
Florida Bar CLE Credits: 1.0 Technology & 3.5 General | Florida Bar Certification Credits: 3.5 Business Litigation, 1.0 IP Law, 1.0 Tax Law, 0.5 State and Fed. Gov. and Admin. Practice
Nova Law Review Symposium
Progression 2018: Using Law to Facilitate an Efficacious Innovative Economy
Friday, October 5, 2018 | 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
with reception to follow
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
& Streaming Live.
Join us for the annual Nova Law Review academic symposium, offering 6.0 CLE credits and presentations from leading lawyers and faculty across the nation. This year’s symposium issue’s theme is: Progression 2018: Using Law to Facilitate an Efficacious Innovation Economy. The panels will address the intersection of law and business, focusing on new technologies, ethics, and regulation.
The Symposium presents an opportunity for academics, practitioners, and students in a variety of legal, business, and technology fields to exchange ideas and explore emerging issues.
Alumni Reunion – Celebrating the Classes of 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013
Saturday, November 3, 2018
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
Class captains are: 2013 Brooke Latta | 2003 Alison Smith
Celebrate and connect with classmates and enjoy cocktails, fare, music, and dancing.
Class Captain’s and Co-Captains are needed. Sponsor your class or decade?
Please contact
Karen Rose
via email, or call (954) 262-6303.
Professor Timothy T. Arcaro
Published the lead article Think Fast: Post Judgment Considerations in Hague Child Abduction Cases in the Suffolk Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy, Volume XXIII, 2017-18, Issue 2.
Professor Michael Dale
Was lead teacher at a National Institute For Trial Advocacy skills program for the Capitol Area Private Defender Service in Austin, Texas, September 19-21, 2018.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
Completed a supplement for the treatise The Right to Die: The Law of End-of-Life Decisionmaking.
Associate Dean for Library Services Panza Maurer Law Library & Professor of Law Vicenç Feliú
Presented Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyright, and Publicity at the August 2018 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Boot Camp along with Raymond Massie, Attorney & NSU Law Adjunct Professor
Dean Jon M. Garon
Presented Zoning the Internet: A Strategy to Limit Fake News for the Alvin Sherman Library “Gear Up” Series on September 27, 2018.
Professor Robert Jarvis
Was quoted in the August 30, 2018, Tallahassee Democrat newspaper concerning election law, specifically on Andrew Gillum’s posting of a photo of himself voting in the August 2018 primary election.
Director of the Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Law Clinic Steven Kass
Presented Business Models—Legal Structures, Ownership Models, and Tax Implications at the August 2018 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Boot Camp along with Professor Donna Litman.
Professor Ishaq Kundawala
Presented Issues Arising in Physician Contracts to medical residents at the University of South Florida’s College of Medicine about issues arising in physician contracts during their Transition to Practice Lecture Series on August 2, 2018.
Professor Donna Litman
Presented Business Models—Legal Structures, Ownership Models, and Tax Implications at the August 2018 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Boot Camp along with Steven Kass, Director of the Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Law Clinic.
Professor Michael Masinter
Presented Eleventh Circuit Update at a CLE program for the ACLU Lawyers’ Conference on Friday, September 7, 2018. This presentation and accompanying written materials cover all published civil rights and civil liberties decisions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit since August 1, 2017 through the date of the presentation.
The Honorable Frank Orlando, Ret.
Attended and participated in the Aspen Institute Non-Partisan Forum for Value Based Leadership and Exchange of Ideas in Aspen, Colorado in August 2018. Speakers and discussion leaders included former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Evan Thomas with The New York Times and biographer for The Honorable Sandra Day O’Conner, and Michael Steele former Chair of the Republican Party.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services