REI E-Update
July 2019
DUE JULY 16th!
 Student-Led, Faculty Guided Technical Assistance

Applications close tomorrow for Fall Student-Led, Faculty-Guided technical assistance projects! Technical assistance projects are structured to assist distressed communities via regional economic development initiatives. Through the guidance of esteemed faculty, students are enabled to help the Michigan communities and produce valuable research not typically available to the public. Applications close on July 16th, 2019. Find out more information and apply below!

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Send Us Your Ideas!

Do you have ideas on how to stimulate Michigan's economy? Want to see if those ideas can be brought to life? Let us know at the link below and your idea could be voted on at our  Innovate Michigan!  Summit, or it might become a future REI project!

Submit Your Ideas
REGISTER NOW! | Innovate Michigan! Summit
Registration is now open for the 8th annual Innovate Michigan! Summit. Join us on Thursday, August 29th, 2019 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center located in East Lansing, Michigan.

The Innovate Michigan! Summit will feature presentations on innovative economic development tools, models, programs, and policies from around the state. Following the Summit, participants are invited to stroll the MIC Expo and network at the evening reception. 

If you are still wondering if this event is for you, our network aims to create real projects to improve the future for the State of Michigan. You will have the opportunity to:
  • Learn about real, active projects being produced by government and commercial organizations.
  • Discover revitalization efforts being put in place all over the state; helping communities and people right next to you.
  • Collaborate to develop economically and environmentally sustainable solutions for wasteful practices. 
  • Meet professionals working today on revitalizing distressed
    communities throughout the  Great Lakes area.
Register now or learn more below!