Student-Led Conferences
October 14th-18th
The Academy will be holding mandatory student-led conferences from
Oct 14th - Oct 18th
. Please view the sign up list that was sent to you via ParentSquare and find a convenient time to meet with your student's advisor/teachers! If you did not receive an invite, please contact
Mrs. Laura.
We align the conference process with our mission: to foster student's growth in the intellectual virtues in a thoughtful, challenging, and supportive academic environment. We believe partnering with our Academy families, collaboratively and holistically guides our students towards success.
Every Academy student is given the opportunity to take the lead, and speak their truth, while demonstrating intellectual courage and thoroughness. Students write reflection letters to identify what struggles they have faced, and where they have grown. Students thoughtfully connect their experiences to the virtues, deepening their understanding of their own thinking and learning. Finally, conference reflections end with appreciations.
Thank you! We look forward to connecting with you!