Saturday, November 20, 2021
Students from Carmichaels Middle / High School search for microinvertebrates in water samples, Nov. 2, 2021. Photo by Jason Cohn.
Connecting the Region's Past to Its Future

Southwestern Pennsylvania’s natural resources have shaped our industrial past and cultural heritage. Understanding that context is only part of what Rivers of Steel's student education programs offer. Through unique, inquiry-based opportunities, students explore how those connections to our past influence our environment today and our region’s future.

Blending history and with hands-on STEM exploration, Rivers of Steel’s education programs guide students in understanding the complex nature that industry, innovation, environment, and economics play in defining our region’s assets and opportunities.  

Today's featured story takes an in-depth look at the flagship program on the Explorer riverboat, Environmental Science on the Three Rivers, sharing how the students' experiences during their outing can change their perspective and prepare them for success outside the classroom.

We're also excited to announce an exciting opportunity for educators—a National Endowment for the Humanities workshop that offers a immersive exploration of the Homestead Strike and the growth of America as an industrial power. Accepted applicants will receive a $1,300 stipend to attend the weeklong program presented by Rivers of Steel and the University of Pittsburgh.

Thanks for reading! If you are interested in learning more about our student and educator programs, check out our student programs brochure or send us an email.
Environmental Science on the Three Rivers program boosted by Peoples Gas sponsorship
This fall, Peoples Gas provided scholarships for 100 students to participate in Rivers of Steel's Environmental Science on the Three Rivers program. Highlighting the stories of these students and classroom teachers, this article shares just how impactful this STEM program can be!
Educator Opportunity: The Homestead Steel Strike NEH Workshop
July 10 – 16 and July 17 – 23, 2022
The Homestead Steel Strike and the Growth of America as an Industrial Power is an NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture workshop for K-12 educators, museum educators, and librarians that will be hosted in Pittsburgh July 10-16, 2022 and July 17-23, 2022.

Presented by the Archives & Special Collections Department at the University of Pittsburgh Library System and Rivers of Steel, the weeklong workshop will provide teachers with a full accounting of the circumstances that led to the Battle of Homestead and what its lasting impact has been in the United States.

This program will provide a framework for participants to immerse themselves in the battle from both sides by examining primary sources related to Carnegie and Frick’s business practices, worker conditions, the direct aftermath of the battle, and what came in later years as U.S. business took stock of the relationship between management and labor.

Click here for more information on this workshop or watch the video below.
Learn More
The Homestead Steel Strike and the Growth of America as an Industrial Power is an NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture workshop that will be hosted in Pittsburgh July 10 – 16 and July 17 –23, 2022.  

Help preserve our region’s industrial and cultural heritage! Your tax-deductible contribution will help ensure that Rivers of Steel can continue to offer vital, engaging, community-based arts, education, and heritage programs for the residents of southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond.