Student Services Outcomes

Assessment Bulletin

December 2022

A special publication from the Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation to support student and academic support units in defining and assessing meaningful outcomes for continuous improvement. 

Wrapping up Your Assessments

Hello my Student Services friends!

As the semester draws to a close, we hope you have had the opportunity to reflect on the many amazing things you and your students have accomplished in just a few short months. And with that reflection, now is the time to officially tie the bow - or close the loop - on your assessment processes. 

Photo credit: Delineate Your Dwelling

For our Student Affairs units, this will be your opportunity to close the loop, or assess the impact of your proposed changes implemented this semester. Be sure to update any sections of your assessment document that may have changed, include your Fall 2022 data for your Results, complete Reflections, complete Gi. Impact of Past Improvements, and identify new actions to be implemented in Spring 2023 for Gii. Use of Assessment Results for Future Improvement. Check out the bottom of this message for guiding questions and tips for these sections. 

For the rest of our student and academic support units, this will be your first opportunity to reflect on what worked well based on the data you collected and what specific actions you will take in the Spring semester for improvement. You should update any previous sections based on changes and complete all sections except Gi. Impact of Past Improvements and Changes. 

All units may make changes to previous sections, which may include refining your SLO, modifying your measurement tool, or providing additional detail and context. Don't forget to revisit your IAA feedback from the beginning of the semester to strengthen your assessment document. 

We enjoyed seeing so many of you at our Charrette events and discussing your outcomes and plans for future improvement. The person responsible for your assessment document submission should have received an email from "Brad Sturz via Smartsheet" for uploading your Fall 2022 assessment word document by

December 16. 

If you have any questions along the way, please reach out. 

All the best,


Improvement Plans

Gi. Impact of Past Improvements and Changes

Student Affairs Units Only

Questions to Consider:

  • Did you implement all of the things you planned to do?
  • Who did it?
  • When did it happen?
  • Did it work?
  • How do you know it worked?
  • What did this year’s results show based on the changes you made?

Assessment Data Review Worksheet

Gii. Use of Assessment Results for Future Improvement

All Units

Questions to Consider:

  • What are the proposed changes for the next semester and how do those relate to the outcome?
  • How will proposed changes be implemented? - Be specific!
  • What is the rationale for how proposed changes will support the outcome?

Meaningful Actions for Improvement

Survey Design Folio Course

Register Here

Learning Improvement Lab:

Survey Design Asynchronous Folio Course

This six module Folio course provides an overview of the survey design process, best practices for drafting different survey items, and guidelines for distributing your survey. Completion of the course and an action plan also counts toward the Meaningful and Manageable Assessment Badge.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define the purpose and scope of your survey
  • Follow best practices for writing survey items
  • Make a plan for survey distribution
  • Determine a strategy for data collection and analysis

Student Services Outcomes Assessment documents for Fall 2022 are due by close of business on Friday, December 16, 2022.

Institutional Assessment and Accreditation (IAA) works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and administration to ensure the quality of the programs and educational experiences offered by the university, addressing the unique assessment needs of courses, departments, colleges, or units through individual and group consultations, professional development workshops, recommendations for technology implementation, and best practice reference materials.

Student Services Assessment Website
Assessment Services Request Form