Week of March 7, 2021
Complete your FAFSA
It's time to fill out your FAFSA! Visit fafsa.gov to get started!
Deadline Extended: Mary Anne Ketelsen STEM Scholarship Program
$22,500 available to WV Women Preparing for Careers in Oil and Natural Gas
Those eligible to receive a scholarship must be:
  • Graduating high school seniors with at least a 3.0 grade point average
  • Current higher education students in either community/technical colleges or four-year institutions with at least a 3.0 grade point average;
  • Working adult professionals interested in advancing their careers;
  • West Virginia resident students attending institutions of higher education in West Virginia or located in an adjoining state (KY, MD, OH, PA or VA); and
  • Students willing to commit to work in West Virginia for the first two years of their careers.
Mental Wellness Support
Don't forget: We have free mental health resources available for students!
Receive emotional support, get help with responsibleness, improve daily life and so much more!

  • Counseling services are free; can be via phone, internet/online, in-person!
  • Counselors are licensed, professional counselors. Confidentiality is assured
  • ** WVNCC will not know which students utilize the services **
  • Your HOUSEHOLD members can utilize the services as well!!!
  • Services are available 24/7!
  • Each student receives 4 sessions per presenting issue;
  • additional referral made if needed after 4 sessions
  • Financial/Legal Consultation is available (free 30-minute session; not part of the 4 therapy sessions)
  • "Life Coaching" available - not every issue requires therapy.
  • Well Connect provides guidance and coaching too

Visit WellConnect today

Use Student Code: WVNCC-STU
National Social Work Month
March is National Social Work month and WVNCC would like to recognize and support the great profession of social work. Social workers are essential to the health and well-being of our community, and social workers are trained to help individuals, families, and groups of people address many problems of living, including those that have been impacted by Covid-19. Social work is one of the fastest growing professions in the U.S., and we have several programs which train individuals to work in the helping professions, including 2 year Associate of Applied Science degrees in "Human Services" and "Substance Abuse Intervention", and transfer degrees in "Social Work" which allow students to complete their first two years at WVNCC and then transfer to Bethany College, WVU, Franciscan University, or West Liberty University to complete a bachelor's degree in Social Work (BSW).
Academic Support Center
Meet the Tutors
Vanessa Swidowski
Vanessa works on the Weirton Campus, but is available for Zoom appointments on other campuses for help with Psychology, Human Services, English, and CIT.

Vanessa has an Associates Degree in Applied Science and is Pre-Psychology with Social Work
1.) Best thing about being a tutor?
I love helping people, and guiding individuals to their fullest potential is exciting for me.

2.) What advice do you have for students thinking about getting a tutor?
Don't be embarrassed to ask for assistance, we all need it at times. 
I also recommend getting guidance early on before you get too far behind.

3.) If you could change anything about being a tutor, to help your students more, what would it be and why?
If I could change anything about being a tutor, it would be to have more time to sit in 
on more classes to better be able to understand exactly what the students are doing. 

4.) What are your hobbies, interests or life goals?
My hobbies and interests include camping, making fairy gardens, and spending time with my 3 daughters.
5 signs you are in a toxic relationship
1.  Toxic communication- Instead of treating each other with kindness, most of your conversations are filled with sarcasm, criticism, or overt hostility. You may even start avoiding talking to each other.
2. Controlling Behaviors- Questioning where you are all the time or becoming overly upset when you don’t immediately answer texts are both signs of controlling behavior, which can contribute to toxicity in a relationship.
3. Dishonesty- You find yourself constantly making up lies about your whereabouts or who you meet up with to avoid spending time with your partner.
4. Constant Stress - A normal amount of tension runs through every relationship, but finding yourself constantly on edge is an indicator that something’s off. This ongoing stress can take a toll on your physical and emotional health
5.  Lost Relationships- You’ve stopped spending time with friends and family, either to avoid conflict with your partner or to get around having to explain what’s happening in your relationship. Alternatively, you might find your free time is wrapped up in dealing with your partner.
WVNCC wants everyone to have positive, supporting relationships. If you have more questions or if someone you love is crossing the line you can contact the Family Violence Prevention Program at 1-800-698-1247. This is a free service that operates 24/7. 
WVNCC also offers free mental health help through Well Connect. You can find more information about Well Connect here.
Help us help others!
The Student Nurses Association is collecting items to prepare diaper bags for the Gabriel Project in Wheeling.

The Gabriel Project provides supplies to young mothers who are in need, regardless of economic status.

We are collecting items until April 9.
Common Items Needed
  •  0-3 Month Teethers
  • Newborn Bath Towels
  • Crib Fitted Sheets
  • Head to Toe baby body wash
  • Baby Lotions
  • Baby Thermometers
  • Newborn Sleepers
  • Wipes
  • Diapers

Donations can be dropped off to
Abel Frohnapfel - EC 317E
or Lisa Baker - EC 321A
The fastest way to stay connected!
COVID Spring 2021 Updates
**Thank you for keeping our WVNCC community safe! **
Reminder: Please continue to check the website and your email for the latest information!

In addition, if you have any questions pertaining to our response to Coronavirus or any updates, please email [email protected] .
Feedback Form
Have feedback you'd like to share with the college? We now have an easy way to submit that! You can find our Student Feedback Form on our website, under the Current Student links.
Download our App!
WVNCC | 304.214.8839 | [email protected] | www.wvncc.edu