February 2019 News   

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Next Meeting

The next ACCA board meeting will be
March 5

ACCA Child Development Center
7200 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003

Refreshments and fellowship 
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m. 
Open to all visitors.   

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 Our Benefactors Include:  
Contact Information 
Mailing Address
7200 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003



(Fairfax County)

(except furniture)

Furniture Donations 


ACCA Website www.accacares.org

ACCA Members
Annandale United Methodist

Braddock Baptist

Calvary Church of the Nazarene

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Annandale Ward
Little River Ward

Cornerstone Evangelical Free

Culmore United Methodist

First Presbyterian

Friendship United Methodist

Holy Spirit Catholic

Hope Lutheran

John Calvin Presbyterian

Lincolnia United Methodist 

Peace Lutheran

Providence Presbyterian

Queen of the Apostles Catholic

Ravenworth Baptist

Sleepy Hollow United Methodist

St. Alban's Episcopal

St. Anthony Catholic

St. Barnabas Episcopal

St. Michael's Catholic

St. Paul's Episcopal

United Baptist

Warner Baptist    

A Ton of Food for the ACCA Food Pantry

A volunteer from Annandale High School works to 'Stuff the Bus'.
The countywide " Stuff the Bus " food drive collected more than a TON of food at the Annandale Giant on Saturday, February 9 (2047 lbs to be exact).  

Many thanks to the local community for their generous donations and volunteers for their support with the latest food drive to help stock the ACCA Food Pantry. David Posey, manager of the Annandale Giant, and Fairfax County Supervisor Penny Gross provided support and encouraged the community to participate.

Volunteers from Annandale High School, FastTran, and Fairfax County helped throughout the day to transport and shelve the food. The food pantry provides emergency food for individuals and families referred by social workers and ACCA member churches. 
Warmest Thanks

Thank you to everyone who donated to the 13th annual Winter Clothing Drive! There were 2 drives this winter and we gathered nearly 200 large bags of outerwear thanks to the generosity of our community.  The clothing was then distributed to the day laborers in conjunction with the Legal Aide and Justice organization, Safe Haven, Baileys Shelter, and the ACCA Child Development Center. 

Participating churches this year included Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Ravensworth Baptist, Providence Presbyterian, Lincolnia Methodist, St. Anthony's Catholic, St. Michael's Catholic, Holy Spirit Catholic, John Calvin Presbyterian, St. Barnabas Episcopal, and St. Mark's of Vienna.  Your kindness and generosity have touched many lives!
Crop Walk Results

ACCA recently received a check from Church World Service in the amount of $5,195.06 which represents the local share of funds raised for Church World Service through the 2018 Annandale CROP Hunger Walk.  

The walk raised a total of $20,735.23. This includes $18,895.23 in collected funds and $1890 in online gifts. The fund-raiser who collected the most donations for this walk is Sally Norris of United Baptist Church, who raised a total of $7183 this year-- the most she has raised in any single year. In addition, the Boxall family (John Calvin Presbyterian) raised a total of $3411. 
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2018 CROP Walk through member gifts, walkers or volunteers.  Participating churches included United Baptist Church, John Calvin Presbyterian Church, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Hope Lutheran Church, Ravensworth Baptist Church, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Peace Lutheran Church, Annandale United Methodist Church, Friendship United Methodist Church, St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Warner Baptist Church, Queen of Apostles Catholic Church, and St. Michael Catholic Church. The Annandale HS Just World Club participated, as well as 8 individuals.

The Annandale CROP Hunger Walk raises funds for Church World Service and for ACCA. Church World Service works with Christian organizations around the world to sponsor programs for hunger, disaster and refugee relief, and sustainable development programs to help improve peoples' lives. In the U.S., CWS responds to natural disasters and supports refugee resettlement. 
The 2019 Annandale CROP Hunger Walk is tentatively scheduled for October 19.
Homework Club News

 ACCA is working with Lutheran Social Services to provide homework help to children from refugee families in the area. This project began in January and is off to a good start! 

The families arrive at Peace Lutheran Church on Saturdays and volunteers are in place to help with homework for the children while their parents work on their English skills. So far, three families with a total of twelve children have attended.  Since much of their homework is online, donations of laptops would be much appreciated.  

For further information or to volunteer, please contact Nadia Fitzcharles ( nadia@sharingpeace.org ) or Carol Weber ( caroljeanweber@hotmail.com ). 
Ministry Updates

Family Emergency Assistance served 27 households in January, providing $20,615 in emergency aid for rent, utilities, medical and other assistance.  Many families had employment and health issues and included 2 households that were affected by the federal government shutdown. 
The  Food Pantry made 104 deliveries in December and January assisting 306 individuals. Fifty-five families at Bailey's Elementary received a 3 - 4 day supply of food to help them over the weekends when their school breakfasts and lunches are not available. Forty Christmas baskets were also delivered.  In addition to those who helped with our annual 'Stuff the Bus' food drive, we would like to thank our neighbors at Lafayette Village for their recent food drive. 
The  Furniture Ministry made deliveries to 13 households and completed 12 pickups along with 14 warehouse donations in January. The 42 volunteers this month helped these families which included several with single mothers, children, senior citizens, and people with special needs. 
Annandale Meals on Wheels 
During January, this program transitioned from delivering hot meals 5 days a week to delivering frozen meals 3 days a week. This allowed us to reorganize the routes for efficiency. We delivered a total of 1176 meals to 29 clients in January.    This program provides meals to homebound elderly, disabled, or convalescing individuals unable to cook for themselves.