When we are young women we are searching for our own style and identity. (Remember those high school years?) We try to emulate the people that we admire and we try on their style and behavior to see if it fits.
But as we grow older we find ourselves and become women of substance. Women who have accumulated a large body of knowledge...women who continue to grow and produce great contributions in this world. Whether through creating amazing families, beginning new businesses, contributing our creativity in the Arts, or volunteering out time and knowledge.
Clearly rooted in who we are we can now refine our style and learn from each other without giving up our own identities. We are multidimensional women of substance altering and redefining aging.
Even though they may have achieved so many things in their lives many women begin to feel invisible as they get older. They feel like they have lost their identities and are no longer relevant . This is often due to the fact that they are basing their identities on an outdated version of themselves. Like your computer you may need to upgrade your operating system. The best gift you can give yourself is to re-invent yourself every decade. Life is pushing you along every decade teaching you new things and giving you new experiences. Use everything you've learned in the last decade to re-invent yourself for the next one.
"As a Man Thinketh He Is" could not be more true. Believe in yourself, cultivate what you like about yourself and that is what others will see.