NL51 By Greg Roberts

Volti Audio Newsletter
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By: Greg Roberts - 1/13/2023

Subscribers-Only Special New Year's Offers

Hello subscribers and Happy New Year.

I know that Thanksgiving is the time when we are supposed to give thanks and be thankful. But for me, it's always this time of the year, after the holiday hubub is over, and it feels like a fresh start again that I take the time to look back. I'm thankful for many things as I look back on the year 2022. One of them is that we had another great year in business with Volti Audio.

Many new customers, a new employee in the shop, New speaker models, better organization of our workspace, and more refinement of our manufacturing. Over the last few years, we have been steadily moving more towards CNC automation, and I know I've talked about it before, but with all the other changes that have happened around the move to CNC-cut cabinet parts, there is a transformation happening here that is really impacting the quality level of our speakers, and the efficiency of our operation in a positive way. It's excited to watch it happen and in 2023 I believe we will continue to see the benefits of all these changes in a big way.

Below you will find some special offers that I'm making just to my subscribers (except for the Bubinga Rivals, which are on the website as well). I'm doing this because I need to raise some cash. I need an influx of capital right now for the business and the best way I can think of to do that, is to move some speakers! So if you've been on the fence, thinking about buying a pair of Volti Audio speakers, take advantage. Deals like this don't come along very often.

Demo New Rivals

As you all know by now, I sell my speakers direct to my customers. I do this by choice so that I can keep my business a manageable size and to offer the highest-value home stereo speakers on the market.

It's rare to ever see Volti Audio speakers for sale at a discount. We simply don't have that big markup built in the way other speaker manufacturers do. Speakers sold through dealers have a retail price that is about twice the manufacturers price, and that leaves a lot of room to entice buyers with a discount. I have never played that game, opting instead to offer my speakers manufacturer-direct at a great price and an even greater value.

So what I'm getting at here, is that a discounted price on a pair of new Volti Audio speakers is a big deal!

Check it out. I've got a set of Demo New Rival speakers in Bubinga veneer up for grabs. These are normally $15K plus $500 for crating plus whatever the shipping cost is - here in the '48' usually $600 - $1,500 for truck freight shipping fully insured.

Right now for a limited time you can pick up these speakers for $14K, crates and shipping included.

They come with Premium black woven grills.

They are in perfect condition.

Go see all the pictures at the Volti Audio website:

Volti Audio Speakers For Sale

I'm also offering a 10% discount on any new speaker order placed before the end of February 2023


The New Vittora

Hey, have you heard about the New Vittora? Yeah, I haven't been talking about it much, but I've been working hard on it lately.

If you go to the Vittora webpage on the Volti Audio website, you'll read a little bit about it.

I've written a lot more about it, in detail, in a private forum that I've set up for the folks who have already purchased the New Vittora system (pre-production). It's a private forum that I set up as an easy way to communicate with my buyers. But there are a few other individuals who have asked to be able to view the forum. I assume they might be interested in purchasing a set someday. If you'd like to be a part of the private New Vittora forum, please send me an email and I'll get you connected.

The New Vittora is an even better speaker than the amazing first gen Vittora system. I am on the third set of prototypes right now, and these are sounding absolutely amazing. I have never heard a speaker that can capture the sound of live instruments and the essence of the live event more convincingly. The detail, the depth of the sound-field, the dynamic range, and oh my gosh, the MIDRANGE! The experience of sitting in front of these is incredible. I've never heard another speaker system as good. Actually not even nearly as good. My opinion of course.

I have one more set of pre-production Vittoras that I'm offering here at a significant discount over what the estimated selling price will be. It's a big discount.

I'm offering this special pricing as a way to raise capital for the business and to help cover the very expensive development costs of the Vittora. Offering a discount and generating a sale because of it, is better than borrowing money I think. If you buy a set of New Vittoras at a discounted price, not only will you be getting one of the finest speakers systems ever developed, but you will be helping me in the development of this great system. And that will be much appreciated.

Send me an email and I'll get you all the details.

So will we see you at the Tampa, Florida Show? Let me know.

Well that's it for this issue of the Volti Audio email newsletter. 

Thank you for subscribing and until next time,

trust your ears and as always,

Have Fun! 
