Oct. 30, 2023

Substance Use Disorder Stakeholder Newsletter

This newsletter provides information and updates from HCPF on House Bill (HB) 18-1136 and the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) benefit at Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program). Share this newsletter with your colleagues. Previous editions are on the SUD webpage: Ensuring Full Continuum SUD Benefits. Your feedback, ideas and questions are welcome and can be shared with us at hcpf_sudbenefits@state.co.us. 

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What's New

HCPF SUD Office Hours  

HCPF will host monthly office hours on the first Wednesday of the month (when there is no Provider Forum) to answer questions from providers regarding the SUD benefit. 

Upcoming Office Hours: 

  • Wednesday, Nov. 1 from 2 to 3 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, Dec. 6 from 2 to 3 p.m. 

Register if you have a question we can help you answer. 


ASAM Criteria 4th Edition 

The first volume of the fourth edition of ASAM is now available digitally—updated and enhanced to reflect current research and clinical best practices that facilitate better, patient-centered care and improve outcomes for the millions of people diagnosed with substance use disorders each year. The print version will be released in December 2023. Follow this link to review a summary of major changes to the ASAM Criteria 4th Edition or visit the ASAM 4th Edition section of the ASAM website to learn more.  

HCPF, in collaboration with the BHA and other state agencies, is reviewing all changes to criteria and will provide a proposed timeline for stakeholder feedback on implementation plans over the next two months. Implementation is not anticipated before 2026. 

Take Note

SUD Utilization Management Report 

The quarterly SUD Utilization Management Report, produced in accordance with SB 21-137, is available for review.  


Register for 2024 Quarterly SUD Provider Forums 

The Quarterly SUD Provider Forum is open to providers and other stakeholders to learn about policies, changes and expectations of service delivery and billing in the SUD continuum of care, ask questions and raise concerns. Suggestions for presentations and topics are accepted by email submission to hcpf_sudbenefits@state.co.us

You can choose to register for any or all 2024 dates.

Meetings are quarterly and held on the first Wednesday of the month from 2 - 3 p.m.: 

  • Jan. 3, 2024  
  • April 3, 2024  
  • July 3, 2024  
  • Oct. 2, 2024   


Moratorium on New Enrollments for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) 

Effective Oct. 1, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved a moratorium of at least six months on any new and pending Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) provider enrollments. The moratorium is due to a significant potential for fraud, waste, or abuse of the Health First Colorado (Colorado Medicaid) program. Additional information will be announced as it becomes available.  

If you are a Behavioral Health provider assisting a member with setting up NEMT transportation for SUD services, please see the NEMT Providers List

You are encouraged to visit the Provider News webpage over the coming months for any updates. 

HCPF has fliers to help Health First Colorado members know what NEMT drivers should and should not do when giving members a ride. There are directions for members to report suspicious activity. Please help HCPF prevent fraud, waste, and abuse, and to protect member health and safety, by printing and posting the English and Spanish fliers in spaces where Health First Colorado members can see the information. Thank you for your continued partnership caring for members.

Debunking Myths & Misinformation About Health First Colorado

Did you know… An emergency commitment (C.R.S. 27-81-111) is used when a person is under the influence of or incapacitated by substances and clearly dangerous to the health and safety of himself, herself, or others.  An emergency commitment inherently establishes a behavioral health crisis, so Behavioral Health Secure Transportation (BHST) may be used to transport an individual to an emergency department, walk-in center, or other approved treatment facility, as described in 6 CCR 1011-4.  

To learn more, contact hcpf_crisisservices@state.co.us or check out the HCPF BHST webpage

Other Things Happening in the SUD Space

BHA Releases RFA for Behavioral Health Workforce Peer Support Professionals 

The BHA is currently seeking to expand and grow professional or career opportunities for Colorado Peer Support Professionals who have experiences living with a Mental Health Disorder or Substance Use Conditions. 

Application Due Date: Nov. 14, 2023, at 5 p.m. 

All interested parties are encouraged to review the Vendor Self Service Portal (VSS) for information regarding this solicitation. Applicants will be required to be registered in order to receive an award and in order to receive any communications regarding this solicitation. Complete instructions for becoming a registered vendor are provided in the documents located on the VSS site. For additional help with the VSS site, please contact the help desk via email at VSSHelp@state.co.us. The Colorado VSS Help Desk is available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT. 

SUD Stakeholder Webpage