
We hope this newsletter finds you well and that the summer season has been good to you.

Recently, we have been sharing with you the successes of our hard-working and dedicated program participants, and we are excited to continue doing so. 

One of our learners is just a few points shy of earning his GED! He credits SEM for building his confidence and making a once difficult subject easier and enjoyable. Click here to read more.

Another one of our learners says that SEM has taken her from the "bottom to the top." Click here to read more.

As we continue to educate, mentor, and support the individuals we serve, we would like to say thank you! Thank you for your  support of SEM, and ask that you do not stop now. Your contributions really do make a significant difference in the lives of the many people who walk through our doors.

We encourage you to also spread the word!

Thank you!

Building Confidence
"As long as you come and you're open to getting your GED, you have the will to come to class everyday, Southeast Ministry is where it's at."

To learn more, click here. 

"No matter what it is, if you put your mind and heart and put the work into it, you can be successful."


To learn more,  click here.

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