Golf Tournament Early Bird Rate Expires July 30
Register now and save $25 for the annual Education Fundraiser Golf Tournament. Early bird rate ends July 30. The Captain's Choice style tournament takes place Oct. 20 at the Lonnie Poole Golf Course in Raleigh, N.C.
Come early to participate in the Board of Directors meeting and reception on Oct. 19.
Suppliers Recognized as Persons of the Year
The Steel Erectors Association of America announces that two individuals have received the 2017 Person of the Year award. They are Duke Perry, General Manager of Bluearc Stud Welding, Braselton, Ga., and Dave Brown, Sr., Regional Sales Manager of the Southeast Region for United Rentals.
The awards were given during the 45th Annual Convention and Tradeshow in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Both individuals represent suppliers to the industry-a manufacturer weld studs, stud welding equipment and accessories, and a lifting equipment rental company-an indication of the value steel erectors and fabricators place on their relationships with product and service providers. More
SEAA Board Members attend SESAC Meeting
SEAA staff and board members attend a business meeting of the the Steel Erectors Safety Association of Colorado on July 12, in Denver, Colo. The networking event allowed for both groups to share information about their organizations and industry best practices.
"There is always something to be gained from talking with erectors who put a priority on safety," said Stephen Burkholder, SEAA board member and Long-Range Planning Committee chairman. "Collaboration and networking like this is an example of how SEAA is fighting for the greater good, not just for members but for the whole industry." As a result, SEAA proposed during its Third Quarter board meeting to strategically meet with groups sharing similar interests in conjunction with future board meetings. Learn more about SESAC at SESAC.org.
2017-2019 Board Members, President Elect Confirmed
During its April Board of Directors Meeting held in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the Steel Erectors Association of America (SEAA) elected David Schulz of Schulz Iron Works Inc., Raleigh, N.C., as President Elect. In addition, six board members were confirmed for the 2017-2019 term. More
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Modern Steel Construction: Taking the Complexity out of Complex Steel Erection
The key to complex erection bracing projects is not unique, "one-off" bracing schemes used past on projects, but rather the strategies used to overcome complex erection bracing issues.
An article by Thomas Getschman, published in June 2017 Modern Steel Construction, discusses some of the the strategies that erectors and erection engineers can use on complex steel erection bracing projects. More
Connector: SEAA Members Lead Efforts to Develop Skilled Ironworkers
Standardized training doesn't mean that steel erectors are limited to a cookie-cutter program. Each of the SEAA member companies participating in the SEAA/NCCER Ironworker Craft Training and Apprenticeship is taking a different approach, molding the program to their individual needs. An article by Tracy Bennett, published in Spring 2017 Connector, profiles success stories.
Some program are targeting high school seniors or military veterans, while others are providing skills development to their existing workforce. Most participating companies are erectors, but not all. Others are engaged in fabrication, labor recruitment and employment placement, risk management services, and one is a technical college system that provides assessments only. More
OSHA Intends to Delay Crane Operator Certification Again
In May, OSHA announced its intention to extend the November 10, 2017 compliance date for crane operator certification. The proposal was presented on June 20 to the Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health. Although nothing official has been issued, OSHA is expected to issue a formal extension of the enforcement date by one year to November 2018.
OSHA Exends Date for Electronic Recordkeeping Requirements
OSHA has published a notice of proposed rulemaking that extends the initial submission deadline for reporting 2016 Form 300A data to December 1, 2017. The purpose of the extension is to provide the new administration an opportunity to review the new electronic reporting requirements prior to their implementation and allow affected entities sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the electronic reporting system. The Injury Tracking Application will be available beginning August 1, 2017 from the ITA launch page.
The record-keeping rule requires certain employers submit injury and illness data electronically. The rule applies to establishments with 250 or more employees and establishments with less than 250 employees but 20 or more in certain high-risk industries. However,
OSHA also intends to issue a separate proposal to reconsider, revise, or remove other provisions of the prior final rule. OSHA will seek comment on those provisions in that separate proposal.
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California Erector Receives Training Grant
The Education Committee awarded Rackley Company, a structural steel erector and metal building erector based in Northern California, with its Craft Training & Education Grant. Funded by the annual golf tournament, boom lift ball drop, and other fundraisers, the grant supports expansion of the SEAA/NCCER Ironworker Craft Training & Apprenticeship Program.
Open to new participants in the program, the grant
valued at $4500, offsets startup costs for company's
seeking to implement Ironworker Craft Training.
Emmons Steel Erectors in the News
ABC TV affiliate 3WEAR in Pensacola, Fla., reported on Emmons Steel's Project of the Year recognition for
its work at Elgin Air Force Base. The company received the SEAA Project of the Year award for the Class I category for projects valued up to $500,000.
Red-D-Arc Releases Product Video
H&E Equipment Opens New Colorado Branch
H&E Equipment Services Inc. has opened a branch in Fort Collins, Colo., joining neighboring branches in Denver and Colorado Springs, for a total of 79 branches nationwide. The Fort Collins branch specializes in aerial lifts, telescopic forklifts, earthmoving, and general construction equipment.
G.A. West Receives Safety Award
G.A. West is the proud recipient of the 2017 Safest in the Industry Silver Award presented by Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Alabama Chapter, Alabama AGC and Subcontractors Association of Alabama during the annual "Safe Day" event.
Safe Day helps bring safety awareness to the forefront of the construction industry. In the spirit of the event, ABC, AGC Alabama and the Subcontractors Association of Alabama partnered to present the Safest in the Industry Awards in Birmingham Alabama on May 5, 2017.
Safety Flash: Protecting Workers from Heat Illness
Working in the heat is one of the most dangerous hazards in construction. Heat stress results from four environmental factors: temperature, humidity, radiant heat, and air movement. Heat-induced illnesses occur when stress created by heat exceeds the body's capacity to maintain normal body functions. Here are a few practical ways to keep workers cool.fall distance for the worker.
Construction Business Owner: Using low level lifts to eliminate injuries
ForConstructionPros.com: IPAF issues white paper on new North American Aerial Lift standards
EHS Today: Safety vs. Productivity
Facility Safety Management: ASSE crafts OSHA reform blueprint
OH&S: Three groups to consider in emergency communication plans
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Connector Summer Edition August 2017 Coming Soon
Watch your inbox in the coming weeks for latest Connector magazine, featuring 2016 Projects of the Year winners, and articles on pre-construction tips and protecting ironworkers from low-level falls.
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