School District of Wisconsin Dells
March 2021 | 2021-3
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Why is the District Asking for an Operating Referendum?
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State Testing 'tis the season
State testing underway
By Brian Grove
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
The information in this newseltter is similar to the past couple of months, but you will find updates in the calendar below. Despite all of the current challenges put forth by the pandemic, Federal law still requires states and school districts to move forward with state assessments.
Art students with 3D letters
Different learning styles of middle schoolers
By Casey Whitehurst, WDMS Principal
I recently read a book titled, Middle School: The Inside Story, What Kids Tell Us, But Don’t Tell You, by Cynthia Tobias and Sue Acuna. This book asks the pivotal question: “Do you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a middle schooler?” ...READ MORE
Drawing of student doing homework at home
Remote learning tips & tricks
By Julie Ennis, SHES Principal
Approximately 20% of our student population at Spring Hill are virtual learners full time, and some students may transition to remote learning for a short period of time due to class quarantine. During the first half of the school year, we have learned strategies to best support students while working remotely. ...READ MORE
Teacher with student at desk
English as a second language
By Dawn Sine, Director Pupil Services
There are many misnomers and misperceptions about English as a Second Language within our school district. Let’s start with some basic understanding of who an English learner is and what types of services our school provides. First, we must ...READ MORE
Food Service Director Greg Heller offers ways to get your family
to eat green. And a reminder to virtual households
about meal ordering and pick-up.
Green foods to eat
Top 10 Ways to Get Your Family
to Eat Green. ...READ MORE
Variety box of food
Meal Reminders for Virtual Students
Kids on school bus
10 school bus rules for safety
By Fred Steinhorst, Transportation Director
Be safe, be responsible and be respectful. Here are 10 school bus rules to live by. ...READ MORE
WDEF logo
Foundation News
Bon Appetit! On March 11, 2021, Sprecher’s Restaurant and Pub, one of our community’s favorite lunch and dinner locations, will donate 20% of their proceeds to the WDEF in support of Wisconsin Dells graduates. ...READ MORE