BAC Talk: News for Partners & Friends March 2021
Message from Shelley Feist
Hello, friend!

To be effective we need to work together. 

This is the resounding message that came out of the opening plenary of Federal leaders at the 2021 Consumer Food Safety Education Virtual Conference earlier this month. 

Federal leadership Frank Yiannas of FDA, Paul Kiecker of USDA, Robert Tauxe of CDC, and Carter Blakey of HHS, all spoke to the importance of cross-sector collaboration in reducing the risk of foodborne illness.

This message was reinforced at a recent meeting between the Partnership’s Board of Directors and USDA senior leadership. 

As a PFSE Contributing Partner, you understand the value of cross-sector collaboration which is why you make an annual financial contribution.

For more than 24 years the Partnership for Food Safety Education has been a leader in bringing together the diverse voices and sectors of the food industry. I have been approached by organizations on several occasions on they how might consider PFSE as a model for addressing an area of consumer behavior. 

PFSE was formed in 1997 through an MOU signed by U.S. federal agencies, industry associations, and consumer leaders pledging cooperation in the development of science-based, actionable home food safety messaging.  

The goal? To support home cooks in reducing their risk of foodborne illness. We know now that more than 90% of Americans are eating more at home due to the pandemic. 

Now with just a few days since the close of the 2021 CFSE Conference, we can all feel proud about all the ways that this collaboration — which you so generously support — helps support health educators and people to eat healthily.  

Over the years, I’ve seen incredible, talented people like you come together with your peers with a laser-focus on consistent, science-based messaging that keeps families healthy.

There is so much yet to be done this year! We will move our Science review recommendations to a Communications Review. Also, we will build and launch an outreach effort on food delivery.  

Thank you for being part of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. 
Let’s keep up this great work together by continuing to pave the way for food safety education for households across the nation!

Shelley signature
Shelley Feist
Executive Director
Mission Moment
Upcoming Events
Pop-up Event with Special Guest Frank Yiannas, FDA
Wednesday, March 31
2:30 to 3 p.m. Eastern

Join us for a discussion on modernizing food safety education with a focus on food delivery and how, together, we can support households.

Facebook Live Event: Young Cooks Recipe Challenge
Wednesday, March 31
4 p.m. Eastern

Virtual Partner & Federal Liaison Meeting
Thursday, May 20
12 noon Eastern

Register here to attend the virtual Partner meeting.
Inspiration for Your Internal
Food Safety Culture Plans
For many PFSE Partners, these past 12 months have been filled with long days, critical thinking, and protecting the safety of your customers, stakeholders, employees, and even yourselves.

Thank you for your tireless days and hard work to keep us fed and fed safely!

Recently, we learned about an incredible recognition activity Meijer, Inc. is doing for its 100 team members in the food safety and quality department.

We’re pleased to share Meijer’s efforts with you in hopes it provides inspiration for your internal food safety culture plans and how Fight BAC! can be part of those plans.
Cory Hedman, vice president of food safety and quality assurance for Meijer, described it best: “Whether working from home for our corporate staff, in person for our manufacturing, distribution and store facilities, our food safety and quality team never missed a beat to ensure food safety and focused foremost on the needs of our customers. This Challenge Coin may be small in size, but it symbolizes the greatness of our food safety and quality team and our commitment to providing only safe, high-quality food day-in-day-out, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone on our team rose to meet the challenge and in doing so, made our entire organization proud.”
CFSEC 2021 Recap
Our first-ever virtual conference was a huge success! More than 500 registered, and about 452 joined us LIVE during the three days. We're still compiling data from the conference and feedback from attendees — so stay tuned for a full report.

Here are some initial results from the conference attendee survey:

  • 100% of respondents said the conference delivered value for them
  • 98% of respondents said they would disseminate this information to create positive behavior changes in consumer food handling practices
  • 93% of respondents said they will make changes in their practice as a result of information presented at the conference

Thank you PFSE Partners, Board members, and BAC Fighter Community Connectors for helping to make this virtual conference a great experience for BAC Fighters!

Your support — both financial and knowledge lending — is deeply appreciated!
You Are Where It Starts: 
Let's Modernize Food Safety Education
With the onset of the global pandemic last year, many companies that offer food delivery saw demand for their services skyrocket.
We see now that there is a need for evidence-based basics to help people handle foods safely while developing trust between delivery recipients and providers.

To do this will require modernization of food safety education. PFSE is looking for investors ready to take this on!
The Association of Food and Drug Officials has graciously committed two years of support to the development and launch of outreach on the safe handling of delivered foods. This support is a powerful statement to have our nation's leading state food and drug officials get behind this necessary work.
Please consider an additional gift to PFSE in the first half of 2021 so we are able to meet the demand for a delivered foods outreach effort.  

To learn more, join us on Wednesday, March 31, for a pop-up event with Frank Yiannas, FDA, to discuss the modernization of food safety education with a food delivery focus. RSVP here.

Contact Shelley Feist or Britanny Saunier to explore how your investment can be a catalyst for modernizing food safety education!
Young Cooks Recipe Challenge
You wanted a recipe contest for kids... the challenge is on!
Open to kids and teens in grades 1 to 12, young cooks are asked to submit a healthy lunch recipe. Entries can be from an individual or team.
The perfect combination of fun and education! You’ll find plenty of tools to help guide kids to create their own recipes plus instructions for online entry at
Want to know more? Join our Facebook Live event on Wednesday, March 31 at 4 p.m. Eastern.
The deadline for entry is Monday, May 3. Winners will be announced online for World Food Safety Day on June 7. Winners will receive a cash prize and be featured in an online cookbook!
Don't forget to share the contest with colleagues and friends! 
FDA Releases Food Safety and Nutrition Survey Results
The FDA released the latest results of its Food Safety and Nutrition Survey  (FSANS), designed to assess consumers’ awareness, knowledge, understanding, and reported behaviors relating to a variety of food safety and nutrition-related topics. Key food safety findings include:

  • Consumers think people are more likely to get a foodborne illness from food prepared at a restaurant than food prepared at home.

  • Hand washing practices vary depending on the occasion. Consumers are more likely to wash hands with soap after touching raw meat than before preparing food, or after cracking raw eggs.

  • The majority of consumers own a food thermometer, but usage varies depending on what is being cooked.

Online Resources for YOU!
Check out the updated Partners page!

  • Partner renewal form
  • Marketing/Communications resources
  • BAC Talk past issues
  • Partner meeting documents
  • PFSE logo and style guide

Can't find something? Reach out to Shawnte Loeri or Britanny Saunier for help.