eNews | May 2019
In this issue...
May 31 Deadlines, OT Employer Resource, Succession Planning, Referrals to Treat or Assess Clients, Explaining Consent
Renewal & QA Deadlines
OTs must complete their Renewal and PD Plan by May 31
Avoid the late fee – renew your registration by the deadline! 
OTs are required to renew or resign online by May 31, 2019.

  • If you do not renew or resign your registration by the May 31, 2019 deadline, you will receive notice that your registration will be suspended for non-payment of fees, if fees are not paid within 30 days.

Complete your Professional Development Plans by May 31
OTs, your completed Professional Development (PD) Plans are also due May 31, 2019.

To update and complete your PD plan, log in  and select MyQA.

If you need help with your Professional Development Plan:

View the latest MyQA information at : Finding Your Way in MyQA
Volunteer Opportunity
Tell us what you want clients to know
We want everyone to know the value of working with a licensed health professional like you!

A brochure for patients and clients is in the works and we need your help.

We are looking for 20 volunteers to share their thoughts. No travel required! If you're interested, send an email to info@coto.org.
Resource for OT Employers
3 steps to ensure safe, quality practice
Check, Verify, Report: A Partnership Between Employers and the College
Do you employ OTs? There's a new resource to help support patient and client safety.

Check out this resource or share this page with your employers: coto.org/employers
You and Your Practice
Read the latest case and find answers to your questions
Case of the Month: Succession Planning for Client Records 
Marina is an OT with a private practice providing psychotherapy treatment. She works out of her home office and is the health information custodian of the client records. 

Marina has a friend who is also an OT in private practice. Due to illness, her friend is uncertain how much longer she will be working and is getting advice about closing her practice. Marina realizes she hasn't given much thought to her own succession plan and and is uncertain who can act as her own successor.

Q&A: Referrals to Assess or Treat Clients
You asked us: Do OTs need a referral to assess or treat clients? 

Where an OT works will determine if a referral to assess or treat a client is needed.

Clarification: Obtaining Consent from Divorced or Separated Parents
The December 2018 Q&A addressed obtaining consent for a minor when their parents are no longer in a relationship together whether divorced, separated or otherwise apart.

We've updated the document in response to your feedback. Read the update here:
Case Study Feedback Summary
Thank you to all who responded to our January case study feedback survey.

We heard the cases are of value to you and even used as a basis for monthly meetings. Your comments were helpful and we will work to address the suggested topics, including cases featuring non-clinical roles.

Ongoing comments and topic suggestions are always welcome. Send your thoughts to practice@coto.org .
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Contact our Practice Team at  practice@coto.org  or 1.800.890.6570/416.214.1177 x240.
Patient and Client Resources
Information to share with patients and clients
Understanding Consent
All patients and clients have the right to informed consent. Our new article can help explain complex concepts like what informed consent looks like and the role of a substitute decision-maker to patients, clients and caregivers.

This resource is available online or as a printable PDF on our website.

Links to Public Programs and Resources
Looking for a link? Check our new online list of programs and resources available to the public. Take a look and share the list. Access our list of Patient and Client Resources.
Any changes to your profile information in the last 30 days? Make sure you update your profile.
20 Bay Street, Suite 900, Toronto, ON · 416.214.1177 1.800.890.6570 · www.coto.org · info@coto.org

If registrants unsubscribe, they will be contacted to re-subscribe. The College communicates to OTs by email regarding changes to standards, mandatory registration requirements, public consultations and more. We strive to keep communication relevant and to a minimum.