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Succession Planning:

Talent pools increase retention

While you’re probably doing a great job keeping employees happy, it’s almost impossible to have a 0% turnover rate. That’s why firms need to boost their bench strength using talent pools.

In today’s work environment, succession plans are too disconnected. They often only look for replacements in the specific department or – even more narrow – the team.


Because they’re not connected with other HR programs (e.g., workforce planning, performance management, and learning & development).

Not being connected causes duplicate efforts and inadequate development for other employees. And keeping the narrow focus on just the team or department means the firm misses out on opportunities for cross-functional development.

Change the way of thinking

When firms think about secession plans, it’s typically only in the realm of executive and senior leaders leaving and causing a vulnerability in the firm’s foundation.

But in all honesty, when a role is left vacant with no one to jump in and fill it at any level that also creates a crack in the foundation.

Flexibility in succession plans

HR professionals wear so many different hats it’s nearly impossible to excel in all of them.

To build flexibility in succession plans:

Group critical roles together

These should be roles that share similar knowledge and skills. Critical roles placed in a specific group should be a potential successor to any role within that group. That doesn’t mean every critical role in a specific group has the exact same competencies. But they must share several similarities so they’re able to be grouped together.

The benefits of grouping roles allow for easier interdepartmental movement, provide a much larger talent pool and stronger bench strength, and open leaders’ eyes to the diverse talent they have in their company. 

Create talent pools

If used properly, talent pools prevent only having one qualified successor for an open position. Every role group has its own talent pool – people who’ve been identified as having the skills and competencies required to succeed in any position in the group.

To be put in a talent pool, there are specific criteria that must be met when it comes to competencies and credentials for that role group. The criteria are created by leaders and HR. When employees are placed in specific role groups, it’s the company’s responsibility to help develop their skills and competencies to succeed in any of the role group’s positions. If an employee is placed in more than one talent pool, it’s hard for companies to focus on individual development.

Choose successors from talent pools

Employees should know which talent pool they’re in and that they’re potential successors for those roles. The benefit of making employees aware of their placement in talent pools is they’re more committed to increased performance demands, competency building and strategic priorities of the organization. It also helps decrease turnover when employees know they’re being groomed for career advancement.

To select a candidate for an upcoming vacancy, look at the requirements for the position. Then look at the talent pool for that specific role group and select candidates who are move-in ready. Meet with each candidate and make sure they’re still interested in the open role, and if they are, set up an internal interview process for all candidates who meet the criteria for the position. Do a final assessment, pick the best candidate and have that person’s manager offer the

opportunity for advancement to the vacant role. And communicate to all candidates who was selected and why to remain transparent and fair.

That promotion will create another hole that’ll be filled in the same way.

Information provided by HR Morning

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Have You Started Planning?


Alternative HR’s succession planning process takes a look at your entire staff, and helps prepare a pathway to your long-term goals and objectives.

It exposes needs, helps mitigate risks associated with turnover, and identifies options to meet future organizational needs. 

With our succession planning process, we walk with you through several steps that will position your organization for smoother and more productive transitions.

Give us a call when you are ready to plan!


For additional information, send us an email to info@alternativehr.com


Rhonda Toft

Human Resources Consultant

Happy 1 Year Employment Anniversary Rhonda Toft!

Time flies when you’re doing a fantastic job! Today marks your first anniversary as part of the A-Team!

Thank you for the positive attitude you bring to work each day. You make our team BETTER!

Happy Anniversary!!

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