Suder Montessori is committed to keeping our entire school community safe. We continue to ensure that everyone in our school community wears a mask, we keep students socially distanced as much as possible (especially during lunch and nap time), we test all students with consent forms on Tuesday afternoons, we encourage our families to get students vaccinated, and we properly clean our school building.
Please know that we are committed to working hard to notify impacted families of positive COVID-19 cases as soon as we are made aware of the case. Cases come in at different times throughout the day, night, and weekend and we are notifying parents as soon as we receive the information. While I understand that receiving this information and finding childcare on such short notice is a challenge, I am going to ask that families are gracious and courteous to staff. Unfortunately, the positive cases are out of our control and we cannot control when we receive the news of the positive case. We appreciate the families that have been understanding, responsive, and supportive during these very difficult times. Thank you to our families that have quickly picked up students due to an illness or required quarantine due to exposure to COVID 19. We look forward to your continued partnership during the latest surge of COVID-19 cases.
January 17: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 18: COVID Testing Day, 1:00-3:30pm
January 20: COVID Vaccination Clinic at Suder, 2:30-3:30
January 25: Suder PAC Meeting, 5:15pm
January 27: End of Quarter 2
January 28: No School for Students - School Improvement Day
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Suder COVID-19 Vaccination Event
We are pleased to host our first on site vaccination event on Thursday, January 20, from 2:30-3:30. Staff, students ages 5+, and families are welcome to be vaccinated or boosted. Both Pfizer and Moderna will be offered for first doses and as additional doses/booster doses. Vaccinations will be administered by CIMPAR (
If you plan to be vaccinated, please register here to ensure appropriate amounts of vaccines onsite.
Consent forms are necessary and should be completed prior to arriving at the vaccination location.
COVID Vaccination Card Submission
In order for students to report to school after being identified as a close contact to someone with COVID-19, we must have their vaccination card on file. Please complete the form below and upload a CLEAR IMAGE of your student's COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card after they have been fully vaccinated, to be included with their health and immunization records. You must be signed into Google to upload the image. The best way to upload the image is to login using the student's CPS Google account.
Note: Fully vaccinated means two weeks after their second dose.
Join the Suder ALSC this Year
We have a vacant parent representative seat on the Suder ALSC. We are looking to fill this seat with a parent/legal guardian. The parent representative will serve on the current Suder ALSC, which runs through June 2022.
The Suder ALSC meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. We are currently meeting virtually via Google Meets.
The January ALSC meeting will be on Tuesday, January 18, at 5:30pm. Those that have submitted the necessary paperwork will be asked to give a short presentation to the current members. Once everyone has presented, the current ALSC members will have a closed door meeting and will vote on the candidates. We will then return to the public meeting and will announce the results of the vote.
What is the LSC?
Local School Councils are made up of the principal, parents, community members, school staff members and students.Local School Councils carry out the responsibilities of local school governance in the four principal areas of:
- Approving the school based academic plan (CIWP)
- Approving the alignment of budgetary resources to the CIWP
- Engaging in the annual evaluation of contract principal’s professional practices
- Selecting or renewing contract principals
Parent Representative
A parent is eligible to serve as a parent representative if he/she/they:
- Is the parent or legal guardian of a child currently enrolled in that school; and
- Is not an employee of the Board.
You will also need to have a background check completed once you are an active ALSC member.
If interested, please complete and submit the four ALSC application forms below along with a copy of your driver's license to Ms. Baker at by January 17.
Apply for Local School Councils for SY23-25
This year, CPS is holding district-wide Local School Council (LSC) elections, and we want to encourage you to run as a candidate for one of the parent or community member positions on your school’s LSC!
There are six LSC positions for parent representatives, and two for community representatives. Elected candidates will help inform your school’s policies and priorities over a two-year term.
To apply, visit to download the application forms. Bring your completed application and two forms of identification to one of the following locations by March 4, 2022:
The CPS Office of Local School Council Relations, 2651 W. Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL 60612
The main office of the school where you intend to run as a candidate
Local School Council elections will take place on the following dates:
- Wednesday, April 20, 2022: Elementary School LSC Elections
- Thursday, April 21, 2022: High School LSC Elections
If you have additional questions about running for an LSC, please do not hesitate to contact CPS Office of Local School Council Relations. Please also encourage anyone you know who may be interested in serving on an LSC to apply.
CPS Office of Local School Council Relations
CPS Sexual Health Education at Suder Montessori
This school year your child will receive Sexual Health Education as part of the CPS Sexual Health Education Policy. The Board acknowledges that parents/guardians are the primary sexuality educators for their child/children. Suder Montessori is committed to partnering with you to provide supplementary instruction to students via the sexual health education lessons.
In alignment with Illinois law, a parent/guardian must provide a timely written objection to opt their child/children out of participating in any CPS Sexual Health Education course. If you wish to have your child excused from participation, please inform Ms. Hogan in writing at