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A New Era Has Begun!

adjective: ineffable
  • too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.      "the ineffable natural beauty of the Everglades"
  • indescribable, inexpressible, beyond words, beyond description
  • begging description; indefinable, unutterable, untold, unimaginable
  • overwhelming, breathtaking, awesome, marvelous, wonderful
  • staggering, amazing                                                                "the ineffable, surging joy of the Beatles"

The greatest art is always perceived as having been delivered with great ease, but the underlying effort required to achieve that state  is monumental. We have undertaken an all out assault on the pinnacle of reproduced sound, maximizing each element, sparing no expense to explore and conquer new territory. Each Sukhavati interconnect cable has 8 ribbons per channel. The actual number of distinct elements in each interconnect cable is 53 including 9 conductive elements, 36 dielectric elements 4 copper foil shields and one tin plated braided shield. The number goes to 55 if we include the connectors. Such a creation can only be made by hand, is built to order and takes weeks to create.

Out of complexity, simplicity

The honest nature of a thing in itself cannot be denied. Each aspect of sound presents itself as simply there. Proper weight, absolute individuation, distinct massed harmonics, absolute definition at the edges of sound, utterly effortless dynamics, infinite headroom.

In our last email we showed the beginning of the process of the making of the Sukhavati speaker cable. That is still in process. We have delivered the first of the Sukha interconnects. The experience of inserting them into our reference system has left me speechless and wondering what the sound will be when the cables are all Sukhavati.

All PranaWire products are made in our Novato, California studio using materials made in the U.S.A. to our exacting specifications. 

We strive to obtain the purest possible signal delivery by mitigating the influence of noise through multiple approaches.  
  • Deva, Nataraja, Cosmos, Arhat, Avatar & Sukhavati Series Interconnects and Speaker Cables
  • Kensho, Satori, Cosmos & Vajra Series 7 gauge copper and silver Power Cables
  • Samadhi, MahaSamadhi and Arhat air dielectric Power Cables
  • The Photon USB Cable
  • The Lalit Phono Cable
  • OL, GP, SE, XE and Sovereign In-line Passive Power Filters

"Pure Joy"

"Dulce Pontes always is excellent to assess system quality. Her voice can be piercing and crack the enamel right off your teeth if anything is wrong. With the Linebacker in place, her Momentos album was pure joy...In our tests through various setups with their inherent noise-generating capabilities plus external noise sources, each time the Linebacker was included, calmness and quiet entered the scene and unrest and indecision left the building." 

"...the PranaWire Photon USB demonstrated superiority in key areas, including transparency, ease, naturalness of presentation, and exceptional spatiality. The improved detail was notable. Overall, there was a transformation of DSD file sources, making their clear superiority even more evident."
   David Robinson, PositiveFeedback.com January, 2014 

"Simply put, the PranaWires are without question the most musically expressive cables I've ever had in my own system. Their sonic achievement represents a degree of performance I would not have though obtainable through the installation of "mere" cables. "
   Greg Weaver, Positive-Feedback.com Issue 25

"Want a lifelike sense of palpability? Want depth and width to a soundstage? You got it... I heard a very deep soundfield that extended behind the speakers quite a bit, even beyond the rear wall, which pretty much disappeared, as did the side walls. The Nataraja cables produced the biggest soundstage I have heard in my room. The sound simply swelled with little or no perceived limitations to its size. Not to suggest monstrous images, but music was not tethered to the speakers or limited by the wall boundaries. Images were very coherent and palpable, exceeding either of my reference cables."
   Dave Clark, Positive Feedback, Issue 5

We encourage you to contact us directly at 415-897-8884 or email us at joe@lotusgroupusa.com with any questions you may have.

Veteran audiophiles who have heard many systems and multiple iterations of the same system know that there is no end to the process of upgrading. On rare occasions, over the years, we have heard improvements that have left us gob-smacked and stuttering to find the words to describe what it was we just experienced. Many times we thought, "It can't get better than this," but then the next step reveals where there was room for improvement. Getting there has never been easy and would not be possible without customers who put their faith in our work and made this progress possible. So this newsletter is dedicated to those customers who had the vision to understand and the faith to trust that we could deliver the next paradigm, that barriers could be obliterated and a new game begun.

Thank you!

Thank you for all of your support,

Joseph Cohen
The Lotus Group

Get your tickets now for 
At The Fenix, Sunday Oct. 15th
6:30 - 9:30pm

Don't Miss It!