This Week
Click here for a complete calendar overview. All Shabbat Services & Programming will be available via Zoom and/or Facebook Live. 

If you are having trouble accessing the website, please visit to access registration forms for this weekend.
Toasts and Torah in the Sukkah with R. David Ingber
Thursday, October 8
7:00 PM EDT

Join Rabbi David Ingber, the Romemu clergy team and other special guests for an evening of learning, toasting and singing inside the sukkah. Free! Registration required. Register Here
Sukkot Day 7 Services
Friday, October 9 | 9:30 AM EDT | Free | Register Here
Friday, October 9 | 5:00 PM EDT | Free | Register Here
Erev Shemini Atzeret Services
Friday, October 9 | 6:30 PM EDT | Free | Register Here
Shemini Atzeret Services with Yizkor
Saturday, October 10 | 9:30 AM EDT | Free | Register Here
*Note that there will NOT be Open Book before services, and services will begin at a special time, 9:30 AM
Romemu is excited to partner with JCC Harlem
for Sukkot programming this year.
Public Sukkahs
10/2-10/10; Sign Up for a Time

JCC Harlem has installed Sukkahs for public use. To ensure that special COVID-19 safety protocols are enforced, pre-registration is required. Please use this registration link to read up on these safety measures, which include adhering to time limits to allow for buffers between groups, capacity limits, and available hand washing and hand sanitizing, and to sign up for a time to visit the Sukkah. Register Here
Sukkot Companion

JCC Harlem's Sukkot Companion is available to read or download now on their site. The Sukkot Companion is part of a series of collections of Torah thoughts and reflections from a diverse set of voices in the Harlem community, paired with illustrative imagery, which centers holidays in the Jewish calendar. To learn more or see the companion Click Here
Sukkot in Harlem
10/2-10/10; Some require sign-up

JCC Harlem and Based in Harlem have created their annual Sukkah map of Sukkot that are free and open for public and community use. Use this link to see the map, and click on the sukkah you're interested in visiting to see details about their hours, registration requirements, and social distancing and COVID-19 safety protocols. More Information Here
Simhat Torah
Family Simhat Torah Services
Saturday, October 10 | 5:45 PM EDT | Free

Please join us for a family-friendly Simhat Torah celebration with Rabbi Elster and Carla Friend of Tkiya. Join us to sing and dance and learn about our sacred Torah. Register Here
The Jewish Emergent Network presents: Simhat Torah Coast to Coast
Saturday, October 10 | 8:00 PM EDT | Free

Join us for Torah, teaching, dance, and song curated by the seven Jewish Emergent Network communities. Pre-recorded program airs at 8 pm ET/ 7 pm CT and again at 7 pm PT. Each broadcast will be followed by a live dance party via Zoom. Free! No registration required for the main program. Streaming on and on the Jewish Emergent Network's Facebook page.
Simhat Torah Coast to Coast: Ravayah Dance Party
Saturday, October 10 | 9:30 PM EDT | Free
Hosted by Romemu & the Jewish Emergent Network

Join us for a live Zoom Dance Party guided by Kohenet Aliza Rivka of Romemu. Come as you are for some living room disco fun. Glow sticks encouraged, but no accessories are required. Registration is a must! Stay late for Uni-verses with Rabbi David Ingber, a Romemu Simhat Torah tradition where we receive a pasuk (Hebrew verse) for the coming year. Register Here
Simhat Torah Services
Sunday, October 11
9:30 AM EDT

Join us for Simhat Torah services as we conclude the High Holy Days! Register Here
In Case You Missed It
For the Sin of...
If you missed the Jewish Emergent Network's Yom Kippur afternoon breakout sessions, they're still available on the Jewish Emergent Network website through Simhat Torah. Visit their website to see the self-guided tour of teachings, meditations, conversations, music, and exercises engaging with the powerful themes of the Al Chet confessional liturgy. Be sure to visit "The Living Room" to listen to Romemu Brooklyn Rabbi Scott Perlo in conversation with writer and journalist Dahlia Lithwick and voting rights expert Yael Bromberg on the subject of "An Elegy for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg."
Happening This Month
Return to the Place: Sefer Yetzirah - Book Release Party with Rabbi Jill Hammer & Special Guests
10/18 @ 5 PM/EDT
Celebrate the publication of this unique book with an author interview, Q&A, original music, a slideshow of images related to the book’s creation, and an opportunity to meditate on this mystical and poetic text. Register Here
Make a Difference - Community Kitchen Initiative with Romemu & Mandala Cafe

We are seeking volunteers for a meaningful, community-building, service opportunity on 10/18. Join Romemu and Mandala Cafe at the renovated Romemu Center kitchen, to prepare and serve a healthy meal made with love; for our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. Contact Rabbi Rivera at to get involved.
October Programming
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NEW REGISTRATION LINKS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. MAKE SURE TO REGISTER ACCORDINGLY. You will only need to register once each month for Hasidic Masters, Orot Hateshuvah, and Morning Minyan to receive the Zoom links.

UPDATE ON VIRTUAL PROTOCOLS: In an effort to ensure our prayer spaces remain sacred and safe, all Romemu programs and prayer services require registration. Upon completion of the form you will automatically receive the zoom link for the event. For questions or zoom tech support please email

Morning Minyan with Rabbi Mira Rivera
Registration required on a monthly basis. Now open for October registration.
Mon. - Fri. 7:30-8:30 EDT with Mourners Kaddish at 8:15 AM/EDT
Sunday 8:30-9:30 EDT with Mourners Kaddish 9:15 AM/EDT
Start the day in prayer with Rabbi Mira Rivera and community. Plug into the power of a morning practice to stay centered during uncertain times. 

Register HereZoom link provided upon registration, Also on Romemu’s Facebook Live

Registration required on a monthly basis. Now open for October registration.

Hasidic Masters Series with Rabbi David Ingber
Click here for October Registration. You will receive a Zoom link that you can use until October 30th.
Tues-Fri @ 1:00 PM/EDT
Members: Free | Non Members: $180 per month or $18 per class
Join Rabbi Ingber as he teaches from the writings of the great Hasidic teachers. We will explore the writings of each master for a month at a time. This month we learn directly from the writings of one of the greatest and most prolific teachers, Rabbi Zadok Rabinowitz, known as the greatest student of the Ishbitzer Rebbe.

As of October, Hasidic Masters will not be streaming on Facebook and will be available by Zoom only. Registration is required using the link above.
The Soul's Illumination Series: Daily Teachings from Orot Ha'Teshuvah with Rabbi David Ingber
Click here for October Registration. You will receive a Zoom link that you can use until October 30th.
Tues-Fri @ 1:00 PM/EDT
Members: Free | Non Members: $180 per month or $18 per class
Are you yearning to immerse yourself in the deep waters of tehshuvah/repentance? Join Rabbi Ingber for intensive study of The Lights of Penitence, Orot Hateshuvah by the mystic Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook. Rabbi Ingber will take participants on a spiritual journey through the month of Elul, exploring the cosmic and metaphysical forces of penitence through the lens of Rav Kook

The Soul's Illumination is available by Zoom only. Registration is required using the link above.
Our Adult Education / Lifelong Learning program will begin the first week of November. Stay tuned for course details, dates and registration! 
Seekers Holistic Hebrew School is Going Virtual! There's still time to register before classes start!
Seekers Holistic Hebrew school is going virtual! That means you can be a Seeker from anywhere. Enroll into our program from wherever your learner is--be it Manhattan, Westchester, Brooklyn, or anywhere else! Enroll Here

If you have any questions about Seekers or require tuition assistance, please contact Rabbi Elster at
Interested in Booking a B Mitzvah with Romemu?
At Romemu, we offer a program of study and exploration that creates a meaningful journey for the student and family. We are now booking for 2021 & 2022. 

To learn more about our program or to choose your date,
contact Rabbi Janice Elster at

Seeking Marketing & Communications Associate immediately to help manage website, social media, email communications, print, preparation, shabbat and other programs. Reply to with your cover letter and resume.
Seeking Youth & Family Programs Associate. This is an administrative position starting immediately, 25 hours a week for someone who is organized and tech savvy. Please reply to Rabbi Janice Elster, Director of Youth & Family Education with a resume and cover letter,
Romemu Brooklyn seeks an awesome full-time, high-energy, go-getting Administrative & Community Coordinator to help build our burgeoning spiritual community through excellence in operations, administration, clergy support, event planning/management, audacious hospitality, and member engagement. Send your cover letter and resume to
Here For You in this Difficult & Uncertain Time
We recognize the physical, emotional, and spiritual strain that so many of us are experiencing. Here are some resources within Romemu:

Pastoral Help from Romemu Clergy & Members
Do you need help with groceries/meals/errands? Can you offer to help with that?
Please contact

Do you want to connect with a clergy member? Are you or a family member sick and want private support to be listed on our public refuah shleyma (healing) list at services? Are you or a family member sick and want private support/prayer from clergy?
Please contact Rabbi Mira Rivera,

Community Bulletin
During this difficult period it is the perfect time to rely on each other. We are compelled to rely more and more on each other for support, resources, and for help in all kinds of ways. In order to help facilitate the many requests we get to share information with the Romemu community we have launched a Community Bulletin.

Do you have something you need? Do you have something to offer? Have something you’d like to announce to the community? Go to this form. We will be updating the website weekly with new posts. Visit to see the latest postings.

Have Questions? Email
This forum is meant to be community driven and does not imply endorsement or promotion by Romemu. Please note this is only open to Romemu Members. 
ROMEMU EMERGENCY FUND While most of our services and programs are free of charge as we have moved online, the overall needs of the community have increased dramatically. We still need your help to sustain those who make our services, programs, pastoral care, and community outreach possible. If you can, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help support our clergy, staff, musicians, and contract workers during this difficult time. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!
Community Care
by the Romemu Choir

"Spread over us your sukkah and shelter in place"

Comfort in song, together.
Listen to the voices of Romemu!
What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life is an initiative in the Jewish community of New York that highlights the importance of advance care planning. The COVID-19 crisis has brought this process to our doorsteps.  If you would like help in developing an advance care plan, Romemu has trained and certified facilitators to help you with this.  

Please email us at and one of our team members will be in touch with you.
Thank you to our Holy Callers!
Volunteer to Reach Out & (Virtually) Touch Someone
We want to check in with each one of you, one-on-one, to see how you are doing, listen to how you are feeling, ask for what you need, and accept what you can offer to others.
A huge “Thank You” to all our amazing, holy callers, and to our Yad B’Yad membership and Hesed committee leaders for organizing. We need more volunteers. To help call those in need, or to offer assistance in other ways, sign up by CLICKING HERE or email

12-Step Inspired Group at Romemu
If you are a member of any 12-step program and part of the Romemu community, we invite you to a Jewish, 12-step inspired recovery meeting. For more information and for meeting dates and locations, please contact

Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is a model of spiritual and emotional support in which clergy members support people in their pain, loss, and anxiety, as well as in their joys and blessings. It’s a holistic approach that focuses on guiding, supporting, healing and empowering people to draw upon spiritual resources. It is not psychotherapy and clergy may refer individuals to therapists. Sessions last for 45-50 minutes, are usually limited to three consecutive sessions, and are intended for Romemu members only. Since our clergy acts as a team, any one of our pastoral clergy may meet with you. Please note, the clergy meets weekly as a team to confidentially discuss pastoral cases. Although you will only be meeting with one member of the team, you will have the benefit of the expertise of the whole pastoral team to support you.  
To arrange for a Pastoral Care consult, please contact
For pastoral emergencies, such as a death in the family, please email or call (212) 580-4294, press 1, and leave a message.

Hesed Care
During this time we know that there are many needs in our community - spiritual, emotional and physical. We also know that we have many resources amongst us and that while we might not be physically able to gather, we are still “stronger together.”  
With that as our principle, the Romemu clergy team partners with community volunteers on the Hesed Committee to provide essential services to community members in need. Such support may include assistance ordering food online or by phone, picking up and delivering medications, and helping obtain any other essential items that cannot be ordered online or delivered by the vendor. 
The Hesed Committee relies on community members offering their time and attention to help. During this intense time, we lots of people to volunteer… in fact, everyone who can. Please sign up as a volunteer (no specific commitment or skills required) by emailing
A huge “Thank You” to all our amazing, holy callers, and to our Yad B’Yad membership and Hesed committee leaders!
Support Romemu
Support our clergy, staff, and contract workers during this difficult time by making a donation. Please click here to make your gift today.
Romemu | (212) 580-4294 |
The Romemu Campus | Corner of 105 St. & Amsterdam Ave.
Romemu Center | 176 West 105 Street
Romemu @ West End Presbyterian Church | 165 West 105 Streetet