Minor Guardianship CLE
January 30, 2018
Join Atlanta Legal Aid for a CLE on minor guardianships and help low-income Metro-Atlanta caregivers apply to be named a child-in-need's guardian.
The CLE will be held on Tuesday, January 30, from 1 - 2:30 pm at Atlanta Legal Aid's Downtown Office in the 4th Floor Event Hall.
This event will offer 1.5 CLE Hours. Registration is $10, with discounts available for Legal Aid volunteers.
Presented by our experienced staff attorneys, this CLE will cover the ins and outs of minor guardianship cases and prepare you to make a positive impact on the lives of children in need!
Toolkit on Ethics in Access to Justice
March 8, 2018
Atlanta Legal Aid Society will present a four part CLE Series on shaping civil legal justice. The first session is the Toolkit on Ethics in Access to Justice.
Save the date and plan to join
us on Thursday, March 8, from 12 - 1 pm at our Downtown Office in the 4th Floor Event Hall.
Look for more details in our next edition.
Follow us to stay up-to-date on Pro Bono at Atlanta Legal Aid!
We offer more than 15 pro bono projects program-wide. Here are some of our featured needs:
- Debt defense and consumer advocacy opportunities available in all Metro counties. To learn more, click here.
Disability Rights Advocacy
- Represent parents of children with special needs in guardianship petitions - opportunities available in all Metro counties. To learn more, click here.
- Special Education advocacy - opportunities available in all Metro counties To learn more, click here.
Domestic Violence Protection Project
- Handle a TPO Case - opportunities every Tuesday in Cobb County. To learn more, contact Kate Gaffney at kmgaffney@atlantalegalaid.org.
- Divorce by Publication, help a domestic violence victim divorce their abuser - opportunities in Fulton county. To learn more, click here.
- Minor Guardianship Petitions - opportunities available in all counties. To learn more, click here.
- Spanish Speaking Family Law Attorneys - opportunities available in Cobb county. To learn more, click here.
Housing Preservation Project
- Eviction Defense Cases - opportunities available in all Metro counties. To learn more, click here.
Child Support Worksheet Helpline & Child Protection Seminar
The Family Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia invites all members to consider volunteering for the Child Support Worksheet Helpline. Income qualified, unrepresented litigants needing help with the child support calculator can call the helpline and work with a volunteer attorney over the telephone to prepare the child support worksheets for their case. The child support worksheets will be emailed or mailed to the caller. The Helpline assists qualified callers whose cases are pending outside the five metro-Atlanta counties of Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Clayton and Gwinnett. It is an easy way to help with a brief donation of your time!
To learn more about our other projects or to volunteer with us, visit our
volunteer page
Learn More About Our Work
Atlanta Legal Aid works with volunteer attorneys and law students in all of our practice areas. Our Health Law Unit, managed by Payal Kapoor, is working with Georgia State University School of Law to give law students opportunities to work with one-on-one with our clients.
Our attorneys assisted Ms. Johnson, a 29 year old mother with Stage IV Breast Cancer and with four children under the age of 10, with estate planning. Ms. Johnson expressed her wishes in earlier meetings to have our staff draft her Last Will and Testament, Advance Directive for Healthcare, Financial Power of Attorney and Guardianship documents for her minor children prior to her coming to the office to execute her estate planning documents.
When Ms. Johnson came into our office to execute the documents, we had the attorney assisting Ms. Johnson, a new attorney in the office, two interns, two witnesses and a notary in the conference room. When we began to review the section where she stated she wanted a burial, she could not bring herself to confirm that this was what she wanted. The attorney asked her if she had any questions, and she stated her mother and sister wanted her to have a burial, but she could not bear the thought of her children seeing her like that. Our attorney asked if she wanted more time to think about it, that we did not have to rush the decision if she was not ready. Ms. Johnson looked up at everyone in the room and gently said, "I do not have anymore time." She knew her time was coming to an end, and all she could do was think about was her four young children. The attorney explained to her that we wanted to ensure her wishes were expressed, not the wishes of her mother or sister and that only she could decide what she wanted. She ultimately decided she wanted a cremation and as she signed the document, there was not a dry eye in the room.
Ms. Johnson passed away the next week. Losing a client is never easy, but knowing that she went in peace, with her wishes expressed, with her children in mind, makes us grateful to be able to do the work we do for our breast cancer clients.
Atlanta Legal Aid Society would like to thank the following firms for hosting pro bono training sessions:
2017 Fall Quarter Pro Bono Superstars
Thank you to the following individuals for supporting an Atlanta Legal Aid Pro Bono Project in 2017!
*note that this list does not include all volunteers. A complete list of our volunteers can be found in the Annual Report.
Want to support our work?