April 6, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Summary

On April 6, 2020, the Regular Council Meeting of Palmetto Bay was held virtually due to COVID-19 precautions. Here is a summary of the meeting.

Interim Village Manager Greg Truitt reported that people are now getting the message about social distancing and respecting the closures of Village Parks. He added that police patrol the parks three times daily. Mr. Truitt reiterated to residents to use caution and not allow anyone in their homes during this time, and to stay vigilant when trips outside the home are necessary. Regarding completion of the Franjo Road project, Mr. Truitt said work is now being done on utilities, but that construction has slowed as many contractors are not reporting to work due to COVID-19 precautions. 

Palmetto Bay Police Director Major Maria Guerra said her officers continue to advise residents of the need to heed health advisories to keep safe. She reported that year to date, overall crime is down 42 percent in the Village.

A resolution was passed approving redesign costs for the SW 136 th Street project. Although SW 136 Street is a county road, the project is being shared by Miami-Dade County, the Village of Palmetto Bay and the Village of Pinecrest. Due to site conditions, the project was redesigned to replace a bike lane with a 10 foot shared-use path on the south side of the roadway. The measure was approved by Council.

A resolution regarding the installation of speed tables was on the agenda, specifically the installation of up to 24 of them throughout the Village. Given the current COVID-19 constraints, Council voted to defer discussion of the matter until the June Regular Council meeting.

An Emergency Resolution calling for the Interim Village Manager to issue a 10 pm to 5 am curfew throughout the Village was discussed. Two amendments to the measure were brought forth; the first calls for the Interim Village Manager to determine the urgency to declare a curfew, and the authority to institute a curfew. The second calls for the Interim Village Manager, should he determine the need for a curfew, to contact the City Managers of both Cutler Bay and Pinecrest to request that they institute reciprocal curfews in their cities. With the inclusion of the two amendments, the measure passed unanimously.

Another Emergency Resolution called for urging the Mayor of Miami-Dade County to require all residents to shelter-in-place. The current order issued by Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez calls for a shelter-in-place recommendation.  Council passed the Emergency Resolution unanimously.

A third Emergency Resolution calls for the prevention of employers in Palmetto Bay from prohibiting employees to wear personal protection equipment i.e. gloves, masks. The Resolution passed with the unanimously.

Council discussed and passed an ordinance on first reading amending the zoning code to require that informational public meetings for potential development projects, which are organized by the project developer, take place within specific time periods to ensure more resident participation. The ordinance also requires for such meetings to be held at least two to four weeks prior to Council deliberations. Other requirements include public notice information and meeting procedures. The ordinance will now move for second notice and adoption.

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