CRC Steering Committee Upcoming Meetings
Next Meeting:
Friday, August 16, 2019
10:00am - 11:30 am
iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,4891442868#
Or Telephone- Dial:
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 489 144 2868
Future Steering Committee Meetings:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
8:30am - 2:30 pm
Taft College
29 Cougar Ct, Taft, CA
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort at Fall CCCAOE
41000 Bob Hope Dr, Rancho Mirage, CA
Past Meeting Minutes and Materials:
Find It. Be it. Campaign Update
Welding Programs Drive Students Into Big Oilfield Jobs at
West Hills College Coalinga
Philip Woelk, a student in the Welding Program at West Hills College Coalinga, has seen the value of the certificates he’s earned through the college. They let employers know he knows what he’s doing. They are paving his path to an oil-related career.
Watch the video.
Watch all Student and Employer Videos
K14 TAP Announced
Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE), host to the Central Mother Lode Region K12 Technical Assistance Provider position, is proud to announce Diane Baeza has been selected to serve in this capacity! Diane has a long history serving the Central Region in her roles at Kern Community College District, Bakersfield College, and Taft College overseeing various CTE grants and projects. In her most recent position as Director of the Pathways at KCCD, Diane facilitated K12 to Community College collaboration, working to ease transitions for students while aligning CTE programs, work-based learning experiences, and funding support. With her experience and passion for building relationships across systems, we are confident Diane will serve our region’s school districts and community colleges exceedingly well. This newly adapted Technical Assistance position will be a big lift with the size of our region and the large number of agencies to serve. We highly encourage your engagement with Diane as she sets out to provide support and opportunities to partner across the Central Mother Lode Region! Diane can be reached at
CRC Staffing and Key Talent Changes
CRC Staffing Changes
Shift is happening at the CRC and we want to make sure you get to the right person when you need them. April Farkas has accepted an interim position as a Senior Program Specialist with SCCCD’s Training Institute. Congrats, April! The CRC Program Specialist position is currently vacant as we search for someone to backfill the interim position. Items you previously may have contacted April for, please now direct those inquiries to Regional Chair Karri Hammerstrom at
or (559) 243-7291.
The CRC’s Budget Specialist Sypher Lee has accepted a limited-term position with the Center for International Trade Development beginning August 1st. During his limited-term assignment, Gwun Lau will take over handling the accounting and budgeting needs of the CRC. She is great and looking forward to this new assignment. Welcome, Gwun! After August 1st, please direct SWP invoices to Gwun at
The CRC has a new student intern! Please join us in welcoming Crystal Contreras-Cisneros! Born and raised in Fresno, Crystal is an aspiring elementary teacher. She is currently attending Clovis Community College and has plans to transfer to either Fresno State or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She shares, “I am Hispanic, family-oriented and in touch with my culture and would love to implement that into my career by teaching bilingual classes. Since high school I have always enjoyed things such as web designing and photography, so much that I became a yearbook editor for my last two years before graduating. I look forward to working with CRC and being able to provide support.” Her hobbies include photography, reading mystery crime books and listening to podcasts. She will be assisting the CRC in many ways including social media, newsletter, outreach and website support.
Key Talent Changes for Advanced Manufacturing SN/DSN
Congratulations goes out to our former Advanced Manufacturing SN and DSN Gurminder Sangha! He recently began in his new role as Fresno City College’s Career and Technology Center Dean of Instruction. We wish him luck and look forward to working with in this new capacity.
Precision Agriculture Faculty Convening
August 5 & 6, 2019
Hosted at WHCC Coalinga & Harris Ranch
Join us for focused time to develop curriculum and faculty in-service.
For registration or more information, contact Ag, Water and Environmental Technologies DSN,
Krista Vannest
Internship/Externship Workshop
Getting your company ready
for an Internship or an Externship!
September 17, 2019 in Fresno
This workshop has been designed to help employers explore internship and externship basics, identify key elements of a successful program and discuss how these programs help upskill the next generation of workers. This workshop is being co-sponsored by the San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance and the CRC.
Teacher Prep Pipeline/ Education Futures
Update from TPP Lead, Giselle Simons:
Over the last few months, I have conducted teacher preparation program (TPP) campus visits within the Central Valley Mother Lode Region. I would like to thank Fresno City College, Clovis Community College, San Joaquin Delta College, Columbia College, Porterville College, and Bakersfield College for welcoming me to their campuses and allowing me the opportunity to learn about their TPP development along with the best practices! I will continue to work my way to other colleges throughout summer and in fall! Please feel free to send me any updates, articles, or best practices that you have adopted so I can share them within our region and across the state! Also, let me know if there are any updates to point of contacts for this distribution!
Nora Seronello with the Centers of Excellence will be creating a regional TPP sector brochure that includes local labor market and contact information! More information to come!
Mark your calendars!
August 15 – 16, 2019
CCCTPP Statewide Conference– Bringing Education Systems Together – Sacramento, CA -
**There will be an opportunity to gather as a region during the Statewide conference – more info to come**
September 26, 2019
CRC Education Futures Convening and TEAM Teach Huddle – Lemoore, CA – Conference Center
November 15, 2019
TEACH! 2019 Conference – Lemoore, CA
Access the CCCCO
website – lots of resources available!
Work Based Learning & Apprenticeship
CRC WBL Communities of Practice
- CCCAOE Conference Pre-Conference Workshop dedicated to Work based Learning, October 16, 2019 in Ranch Mirage entitled What a difference One Year can make! Work-Based Learning @ San Diego Mesa College & YOU! Presented by San Diego Mesa College - $200
- Hold the Date: Jobspeaker Training in Fresno on October 24, 2019. More details to come.
- WBL Communities of Practice is moving from quarterly conference calls to monthly conference calls to share work based learning best practices.
Women in Apprenticeship Training Institute
August 5, 2019 in San Leandro, CA
Counselor Conference 2019
Congratulations to Bakersfield College
One of Two California Community College Programs Earn Dr. John W. Rice Award for Advancing Diversity, Equity and Student Success
The 19th annual Dr. John W. Rice Award was awarded to two college programs for their outstanding efforts to improve student equity, diversity and student success on campus. Named after former California Community Colleges Board of Governors member Dr. John W. Rice, the awards honor Santa Barbara City College’s Leaders in Equity, Antiracism and Reparations Now (LEARN) program for
Diversity and Equity
, and Bakersfield College’s Completion Coaching Communities program for
Student Success
Bakersfield College – Completion Coaching Communities
Bakersfield College has seen growth and improvement across virtually every metric at the college since beginning its Guided Pathways implementation several years ago. The success is due in large part to a campuswide redesign of existing structures in order to advance equitable access and completion.
To get more students to complete and/or transfer – on time and without excess units – Bakersfield College has implemented 10 Completion Coaching Communities, organized by meta-major, and each with a designated data coach. The organization ensures each student is guided to pursue the most direct path to his or her educational goal, while identifying and breaking down barriers that might stand in their way.
This structure has led to great success over the past two years, notably in closing the equity gap. Using the Guided Pathways framework, Bakersfield College has:
- Closed transfer-level English completion gap for African American students from 14% to 44%.
- Closed Latinx gap in Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) attainment from 61.6% to 67.4%.
- Improved completion rates for Latinx students from 26.8% to 38.6%.
- Improved completion rates for African American students from 32% to 39.8%.
Bakersfield College also credits establishing and maintaining momentum, being resilient in times of difficulty and committing to transparency and trust building while implementing Guided Pathways on the road to closing equity and achievement gaps.
California Workforce Association
The Best Coast Business Engagement Tours are to help strengthen relationships with industry stakeholders. Nationally recognized subject matter experts will be providing the best practice models for business engagement. The topics that will be covered include: Building Trust and Relationships with Business; Outreach; Messaging, Branding, Using Data to Recruit; Recruitment; Gaining Buy-In, Business Language and Communications; and Simplifying Accessibility to Business Services.
2019 Economic Summit 11/7 - 11/9/19
The 2019 California Economic Summit is a two-day event designed to accelerate implementation of the 2019 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity and to strengthen the Summit network.
Oct. 14-18, 2019 is Undocumented Student Action Week.
During this week of action, California's Community Colleges will engage in activities and advocacy in solidarity with our undocumented students. More details to follow in the coming months.