"Rest and self-care are so important.
When you take time to replenish your spirit,
it allows you to serve others from the overflow.
You cannot serve from an empty vessel."

Eleanor Brownn
Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore the energies needed
for personal, communal, and world transformation."
Take time in this sacred space to rest and receive the gifts of silence waiting for you. Private room, home-cooked meals, and spiritual direction, if desired, are offered as part of these days. COVID protocols followed.
*Start date is firm, but with an option for 5-8 days
Come relax, refresh, rejuvenate and receive the gifts of silence waiting for you. Private room, home-cooked meals, and spiritual direction, if desired, are offered as part of these days. COVID protocols followed.
Our world has changed and is not finished changing. How do we find "home" in the daily unfamiliar? Writing is one way, writing so that we encounter our own ground and center in these shifting times. You will have time, quiet, guidance, and the opportunity to hear how others are also "writing their way home" in this weekend gathering.
Private room, home-cooked meals and meeting with your facilitator, if desired, are offered as part of these days. COVID protocols followed.
Facilitator Brenda Peddigrew rsm
Each of us has a story, a unique story about these months and the continuing challenges in the months ahead. What has changed for us? Many of our faith journeys have been challenged. We are being called to listen into the depths of the lockdown … staying in the stillness and hearing whispers to let go - expectations, assumptions, accomplishments, relationships… called to mourn our losses, and the lives lost… naming the challenges of isolation, and emotional fragility; and being nudged to wake up to the depths of the present moment - listening for the ever-present whispers of the Holy One - in the currents unfolding in our midst. New hope is being nurtured in our hearts, in our very precious lives, day by day - can we have the courage to go into the future with profound peace and confidence in the Holy One calling each us to lean in closer? Let us share our stories and listen deeply...
Private room, home-cooked meals are offered as part of these days. COVID protocols followed.
Facilitator Maureen McDonnell D.Min
We are blessed to be able to serve during these times.
Truly our ministry is meeting a need...

Come find your centre at our Centre...
We are open!

Grand re-opening, July 7!
After much thought, preparation and attention to detail, we welcomed our first group since March 13. Limited to a group of 10 – and with COVID protocols stringently in place, retreatants settled in for a 6-Day Silent Retreat. A 5-Day Guided Retreat followed on July 15 and then an 8-Day Silent Retreat on July 21. The sacred features of the labyrinth, lake, woods, gardens, various walks, and wildlife were waiting and ready to nourish their spirits.
We are grateful that the Centre could offer a safe haven again and our guests’ comments (see below) tell us how deep are the blessings received.


Missing Library Books
Our recently refurbished library is such a source of inspiration and encouragement to our guests during their stays.

However, some cherished books are missing and presumed resting on shelves and tables in other homes…
Please help us by returning any borrowed items.  
Just mail them to:
Loretto Maryholme, 379A Bouchier St., Keswick, ON L4P 3C8 
or leave them in a bag at the office door.
No fines, no recriminations, just thanks. 

Rest and Relaxation 
Book a cabin for a personal retreat.

In addition to the rustic and comfortable accommodations that our cabins provide for year-round private bookings, we offer our guests contemplative experiences: lake vistas and access, labyrinth, various gardens, savannah, Cosmic Walk, Stations of the Light, etc.
Spiritual Direction available upon request.

"Almost everything will work again
if you unplug it for a few minutes... including you."
Anne Lamott

"Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space.
Invite one to stay."
Maya Angelou
Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe.
Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning. New Smart TV, Surround-Sound & Blue Ray player available for presentations and workshops in our gathering space.

In an effort to make things easier for fast registration, we now accept e-transfers! If mailing in payment, please note our new mailing address is: Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre, 379A Bouchier Street, Keswick, ON L4P 3C8.

Individuals may book time throughout the year. Spiritual direction is available upon request.

for availability.
Guest Comments
"I just loved being here. The house is so welcoming. The property so wild & yet so looked after. The attention to the land the First Nations, the Cosmos! Jesus & GOD, silent presences, not overt or forced. So much attention & intention. I was able to relax, pray, meditate, commune, learn, discover, go deep, recreate, retreat, enjoy myself!"

​"This place, these people, these creatures, provide the kind of respite I crave. I shall return.
P.S. I just want to congratulate Maryholme for your efforts and success at making this place safe in these Covid-times."

"I experienced a deeper sense of the heartfulness practice & how it can lead to silence, and experienced deep rest."

"This was exactly what I needed & every time I come, I feel so relaxed, rejuvenated & renewed. Thank you to your entire team!"

"I love coming here. It is very peaceful & affirming. Nature is especially important to me, I find it very healing, as is this space & the quiet. I am very grateful for this opportunity & hope to come again."

"I am grateful for this refuge of quiet and tranquility, where the practices taught guide me in my discernment and lead me to a deeper knowing, in the stillness of my heart. I'm also grateful to learn that the path, and the lessons are ongoing - fall down, get back up, be en-COURAGE-d! The other women held me in great love."

"Thanks so much for opening during Covid & making all the preparations necessary to do so! xo"
Find your centre at our Centre. Come and see ...
Tel. 905.476.4013
© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2020
Regular Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-12pm,
afternoons by chance.