Summer 2022 Update

We hope that everyone has had a safe and enjoyable summer! The North DuSable Lake Shore Drive (NDLSD) Project Team has been busy this summer and wanted to share updates about recent and upcoming project activities.

New Visualizations

We often hear that it is difficult to imagine what the user experience will be on the Drive, or how the proposed improvements would actually look. Therefore, we have created some new visualizations (these are located under Task Force Small Group Workshops and Exhibits) to help picture what the Drive and the Lakefront could look like. Please take a look on the project website, and we hope these assist in envisioning the future of the Drive!

Access and Experience at the Lakefront Survey & Public Life Study

Thank you to all who participated in the online survey between March and May 2022! The survey asked community members what they love about the lakefront, how they would prefer to access the lakefront, and what they desire for future lakefront spaces. The project team wants to ensure that future amenities and access features along NDLSD serve the needs and desires of the people who will use them. We received over 5,000 responses and are currently reviewing results in coordination with data gathered from the Public Life Study.

The project team, in collaboration with 100+ community researchers, conducted a Public Life Study along the north lakefront in June 2022. The Public Life Study is an eye-level analysis of the relationship between human activity and the built environment. It uses pedestrian counts and activity observations to understand the everyday life of a place. Thank you to all of the community researchers who dedicated a half day (or more!) to completing these observations. We could not have done this without you! Keep an eye out for results and recommendations based on the observations and survey results later this year.


Task Force Small Group Workshops

The project team held Small Group Workshops with Task Force members in July to have more detailed discussions on topics presented in Task Force Meeting #13, including the remaining Level 3 screening criteria such as equity and climate change. No new Level 3 Screening results were presented during these meetings. All materials from the workshops are available on the project website.

Level 3 Screening

The project team has been working through the Level 3 Screening process on the five remaining corridor-wide alternatives (fall 2020 handout linked). We will provide results from this screening at the next public meeting, currently expected to take place in early 2023.


As the project team continues through the Level 3 Screening process, we would like to share two new Study Spotlights that address topics that commonly receive questions – Safety and Transit Priority at Express Bus Junctions.

What is Level 3 Screening?

Level 3 Screening is the final screening process, through which the five remaining corridor-wide alternatives are being compared to one another using both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The outcome of Level 3 Screening will be a Preferred Alternative. Once a Preferred Alternative is identified, the project team will then advance more detailed community-specific design decisions.  

Previously released Spotlights are available here. Please note that these older documents capture the project’s status at the specific time they were prepared and may not necessarily reflect all of the latest project information.

Upcoming Activities

  • The project team is looking forward to participating in Fifth Third Bike the Drive on September 4, 2022. We will be located at the post-ride festival in Grant Park’s Butler Field. Come say hello, and we hope everyone enjoys this unique experience!

  • A project newsletter will be released in Fall 2022 to provide a more comprehensive update on the project’s status and next steps.

  • The next public meeting is expected to take place in early 2023. During the meeting, we will present the Level 3 Screening process and results and look forward to your input.


As always, we appreciate your involvement in the study and helping us to Redefine the Drive!



The North DuSable Lake Shore Drive Project Team


Please stay up to date with the project with the social media links below and our website: