In addition, please be sure to mark your calendars for September! We will have a Village Committee/Commission fair on September 10th in Constitution Park to give residents an opportunity to learn about our different volunteer organizations and how to get involved. Larchmont Day will be on September 23rd and our Larchmont Arts Festival will be held on September 30th this year. We will share more details on all of these events soon.
Flint Park Renovation Project
The Village and the Flint Park Conservancy have been hard at work on Phase 1 of the Flint Park renovation. Work has already begun on the re-imagined tennis house. We will have a beautiful new event space and café in our park once that work is complete early this fall. We will begin the installation of the new playground and upgraded basketball courts later this summer and are beginning to develop our plans for improving Flint A and B (soon to be the Puglisi Playfields). Thank you to all of our generous donors and the tireless efforts of Flint Park Conservancy!
We will also be lining our tennis courts in Flint Park so that they can also be used for pickleball. The courts will be ready for pickleball by July 5th! If you have a tennis permit, you can also use that permit for pickleball. If do not have one, but would like a permit, please email
Land Use Process Improvements
The Village Board is continuing its review of our land use application process. So far, the changes we made to the threshold for site plan review are having their intended impact and fewer applications are being sent to the Planning Board for site plan approval. We passed a law at our meeting on June 19th related to non-commercial pools, which we hope will bring more clarity to which projects require site plan approval. Next, we will be looking at the application requirements for site plan approval to try to further streamline and simplify the process.
Downtown Commercial Area Plan Update
The Our meeting on June 19th was a busy one and we also passed a resolution to create a Commercial Area Plan and a Commercial Area Plan Committee. Following on the success of the Centro building on Chatsworth Ave., the Village would like to review the zoning laws in its commercial district. The goal is to create a plan that considers not only the physical and economic development of our commercial areas, but also considers public spaces, mixed land uses, a range of housing opportunities, resiliency, climate change, green infrastructure, diversity, mobility, and other social, environmental, and regional concerns. The next steps in this process will be for the Village Board to appoint members to serve on the Commercial Area Plan Committee and to draft a “Request for Proposals” for planning consultants to assist us in creating the plan. There will be plenty of opportunities for public feedback throughout this process. We will also be sending out a more detailed email requesting letters of interest from residents who would like to serve on the Committee.
Recent Retirements
Lastly, we had a few retirements from the Village this spring we wanted to highlight. June Hesler retired from the Larchmont Library this month. She began working at the library in 1973 and decided to retire after 50 years of service. We wish her well in her retirement, and thank her for her many years of service to the Village.