President’s Message
Michele Vass
Hello Friends!
I hope that you are well and enjoying our nice summer weather.
We are so excited to be entering the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year;” or as it’s more commonly called, Summer Reading! Your Placer County Library Team has been putting months of effort into picking a theme, planning events, creating challenges, and curating prizes. This year will feature collectable pins for those under 18, and entries into prize raffles for adults. The system wide goal is 1 million minutes read this summer; so, do your part and sign up online today!
I wanted to thank everyone who has responded to our email pleas in recent weeks and for writing to our County Supervisors about supporting the Placer County Library System. Due in part to your advocacy efforts, there will be a $100,000 increase in the annual materials budget to $600,000.
The Supervisors also voted to accept the $4.9 million-dollar (matching funds), State Library Grant that your Library Administration Team was able to secure for rehabbing the Auburn Library. The only downside of that decision was that up to $1 million dollars of the library budget can be used as part of the County’s matching funds. While in theory Library funds can and should be used for library facilities, the Board of Supervisors has yet to adopt the 2022 Library Services Study they commissioned, and they have not put in the effort to ensure that our County Library funds are being used equitably to serve all the residents in our Library Service area. This piecemeal approach is not sustainable and relies on their “feelings” about the library on any given day when making decisions about the Library System. We need our Supervisors to adopt the 2022 Library Services Study, and then use the information contained in it to chart a way forward for our System.
As the Library’s tax base funding has grown over the past couple of years, we are finally in a place for the Supervisors to be able to reinstate the hours that were taken from the Auburn and Rocklin branches in January of 2015. The Library Administration Team presented that very request to the Supervisors in April, and they are hoping to add 4 additional staff members to facilitate the return of Monday hours, with a possible expansion to a half-day Sunday model at those locations as well.
We’ll be asking you again soon to submit written comment, or if you’re able, to join me at their meeting on June 13th in Auburn to speak in person. Our libraries are so important to our individual communities. From serving our littlest learners, hosting book clubs, offering a safe place for our neighbors to increase their literacy, or just being a welcoming home away from home – our Rocklin community has gone 8 years waiting for our library to be returned to us on Mondays. Now is the time to make good on their promise to return our hours.
I would like to thank our partner in supporting the Placer County Library System, Supervisor Jim Holmes. Jim has always been available and eager to listen to our concerns. He has sought to understand the complex issues facing the library, and he continues to be supportive of our library staff, and their mission in serving our community. Jim has read and digested the 2022 Library Services Study and at the public meeting in which it was presented, he stated that he is in favor of continued additional investment in our Library System to help bring us up from our current average/below average status. Next time you see Jim, please tell him thank you for being a champion of our libraries and an educated and informed population.
Thank you for your continued support of the Rocklin Friends of the Library and our Placer County Library System. Our advocacy and financial gifts to the Library would not be possible without without your continued support.