Summer 2024 Newsletter

President’s Message

Michele Vass, President

Hi Friends!

It’s been a busy few months for the Friends, and we’re not slowing down just because it’s summer.

Our Vice President Carlos Valdez and I attended a 3-month series on Strategic Planning hosted by the Placer Community Foundation. We learned from professionals in the board management space and from other local non-profit leaders. We’re excited to begin this process with the Friends as we seek to increase our support for the Placer County Library. We also attended a workshop on board development which has been super helpful as we are in the process of updating our governing documents too.

The Friends are pleased to be partnering with our Placer County Library in supporting Summer at your Library! Our staff has done a truly amazing job with this year’s offerings and there is something for everyone. Make sure you are recording your time spent reading as we all work to reach our systemwide goal of one million minutes.

The Board of Supervisors approved the library budget for 24-25 this week. You’ll notice that we didn’t have any special advocacy this year regarding the budget. That’s because the recommendations from our library’s leadership team were accepted early in the budget process. We appreciate our Board of Supervisors continued support.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to work and shopped at our book sale earlier this month. A special shout out to the young men of Boy Scout Troop 435 who helped us set up and take down the sale. We really couldn’t have done it without you. 

I’ll be traveling to San Diego for the American Library Association Conference in a few days. I’ve never been and I’m looking forward to learning from library staff, advocates, and other friends’ groups from around the country. There are so many people doing great things in our communities in regard to libraries.

Enjoy your summer and make time to read and rest!

In Service,


Readers of all ages invited to 'Choose Your Own Adventure' at the Library this Summer

News Release -- Placer County -- Published May 30, 2024

The Placer County Library’s Summer Reading Program kicks off June 4 and runs through July. This year’s theme is Choose Your Own Adventure. 

Participants of all ages can dive into realms of fantasy, quests and endless adventure. The first step is to sign up on the library's Beanstack page (web or mobile app) and choose a path: the Knight, the Wizard, the Faerie, the Pirate or the Mermaid. 

The summer reading challenge invites readers of all ages to track reading, participate in challenges, share reviews and earn tokens via the digital platform. Every token earned can be traded at the Library Marketplace for prizes. Additionally, participants are invited to visit the library each week to take part in “Side Quests” that feature fun and easy activities for all ages.

This summer’s events also include an exciting lineup of performances at many Placer County Library locations including puppet shows, musical performances, magicians, science activities, animal shows and more. Registration is required through Eventbrite. 

“Research has shown that reading over the summer prevents summer learning loss,” said Felicia Black, Programming Librarian. “The Placer County Library is committed to supporting lifelong learning and educational enrichment for all ages.

"Plus, everyone can do their part to help us reach our community reading goal of one million minutes,” Black added. “If Placer can collectively log one million minutes, your Librarians will do some sort of outrageous stunt as a reward!”

Readers can join the Summer Program by visiting starting June 4 or by downloading the Beanstack app (free for iOS and Android). To learn more about the summer reading adventure, visit the Library’s website,, and follow Placer County Library on social media.

Eagle Scout candidate beautifies Rocklin Library grounds with landscaping project

News Release -- Placer County -- Published June 20, 2024

As Samantha Springer prepared for her Eagle Scout project, she knew from the start what she wanted to do: something that revolved around the Rocklin Library.

Springer, 13, has spent her life reading, visiting the Rocklin Library, and participating in their events. Initially, she considered building a Little Free Library box because she was earning her reading merit badge through a book drive to fill the boxes.

Along the way, she met Gloria Beverage, the book sale chairwoman for the Friends of the Library, who is responsible for replenishing Little Free Libraries around Rocklin. Beverage introduced Springer to the Friends of Rocklin Library and they set up a time to meet.

As she waited outside the Rocklin Library before the meeting, Springer saw a need. The landscaping between the pond and the library could use some help, she thought.

This was the beginning of a four-month endeavor to beautify the space and fulfill her Eagle project.

“I am delighted with the results of Samantha’s project and thank all who contributed to its success,” said Director of Library Services Mary George. “Enhancing outdoor spaces around the library allows customers to more fully enjoy all that their library has to offer.”

As an Eagle Scout candidate in Rocklin’s Troop 219, it was Springer’s responsibility to secure donations along with the design and implementation of her project. She secured donations from the Friends of the Rocklin Library and coordination support from Rocklin’s Office of the City Manager and Parks Division.

She also received donations of landscaping materials from local companies, and her own troop helped her implement her design. In total, Springer worked with 67 people for 259 hours, uniting the community to make her landscape project a success.

Soon, Springer will be presenting her project to scout leaders to earn her Eagle Scout rank.

Springer said she wants “more people to come out and enjoy nature as they read a book and for this to be an inviting space for more people in general.”

Used Book Sale Update

by Gloria Beverage

  Thanks for your support, Book Lovers!!!


  Our semi-annual book sale, held May 8, netted more than $870 thanks to generous shoppers. In addition to fiction and non-fiction books, bargain hunters took home a number of gift items, including vintage books, jigsaw puzzles and stuffed animals. All of the items offered were donated by Friends of the Library supporters.

  Mark your calendars for our next book sale, which will be held Nov. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rocklin Parks and Recreation building on Fifth Street (in Johnson-Springview Park).

  In the meantime, if you need to satisfy your book reading addiction, visit our used bookstore inside the Rocklin library. We offer a wide range of recent publications in a variety of genres. We also offer CDs and DVDs as well as children’s and teen books. During the last week of each month, all books on the 50-cent cart just outside the store are on sale for 25-cents. Volunteers restock the store daily.

  If you’re looking for a unique gift for a book loving friend or family member, check out our eBay store.

  We welcome donations of gently used books, especially children’s books, CDs and DVDs. Please note that we cannot accept computer manuals, textbooks, Bibles, VHS tapes, dictionaries or encyclopedias. To arrange for the delivery of a donation, send an email to

  Proceeds from our book sale as well as sales in the bookstore are used to purchase adult and children’s books as well as special materials for the library collection.   


  Friends also host programs throughout the year, including the Birthday Club and Storytime at the Station.


  To join the Dream Team or to donate books, send an email to


  To become a member of the Friends of the Library, visit Memberships start at $10. 

American Library Association's "Outstanding Friend" for 2024 Announced!

The Rocklin Friends of the Library are pleased to announce that our President, Michele Vass, has been chosen as the American Library Association's "Outstanding Friend" for 2024. Michele was chosen from a field of Friends leaders from across the nation.

Congratulations on your recognition Michele, and thank you for being a leader for libraries and literacy in our community and beyond! 📖❤🤩

We are accepting material donations!

We are accepting books, CDs, DVDs, and puzzles for our used book sales. Email us to schedule a time to drop off your donation -

Thank you for supporting the Placer County Library System and the Rocklin Friends of the Library!

The mission of Rocklin Friends of the Library is to generate support for the

Rocklin Library and Placer County library services and to promote community

interest in libraries, reading, and lifelong learning.

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