Eagle Scout candidate beautifies Rocklin Library grounds with landscaping project
News Release -- Placer County -- Published June 20, 2024
As Samantha Springer prepared for her Eagle Scout project, she knew from the start what she wanted to do: something that revolved around the Rocklin Library.
Springer, 13, has spent her life reading, visiting the Rocklin Library, and participating in their events. Initially, she considered building a Little Free Library box because she was earning her reading merit badge through a book drive to fill the boxes.
Along the way, she met Gloria Beverage, the book sale chairwoman for the Friends of the Library, who is responsible for replenishing Little Free Libraries around Rocklin. Beverage introduced Springer to the Friends of Rocklin Library and they set up a time to meet.
As she waited outside the Rocklin Library before the meeting, Springer saw a need. The landscaping between the pond and the library could use some help, she thought.
This was the beginning of a four-month endeavor to beautify the space and fulfill her Eagle project.
“I am delighted with the results of Samantha’s project and thank all who contributed to its success,” said Director of Library Services Mary George. “Enhancing outdoor spaces around the library allows customers to more fully enjoy all that their library has to offer.”
As an Eagle Scout candidate in Rocklin’s Troop 219, it was Springer’s responsibility to secure donations along with the design and implementation of her project. She secured donations from the Friends of the Rocklin Library and coordination support from Rocklin’s Office of the City Manager and Parks Division.
She also received donations of landscaping materials from local companies, and her own troop helped her implement her design. In total, Springer worked with 67 people for 259 hours, uniting the community to make her landscape project a success.
Soon, Springer will be presenting her project to scout leaders to earn her Eagle Scout rank.
Springer said she wants “more people to come out and enjoy nature as they read a book and for this to be an inviting space for more people in general.”