You're Invited to Cub Scout Adventure Camp

As you're planning your summer adventures, 
don't forget the fun activities and opportunities that Scouting offers!
Offered at both Firelands Scout Reservation out west, and Beaumont Scout Reservation out east!

Adventure Camp is the best summertime program for specially-designed for Cub Scouts in Tiger rank and above! W ith daytime and overnight options at both Firelands and Beaumont, campers will love their adventure-filled week of fun, learning, and advancement opportunities.

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Adventure Camp and Cub Scout Resident Camp are now part of the same flexible program in order to offer better options for parents and packs, and better program for scouts! Choose from the traditional day camp (Monday-Friday), overnight camp (Wednesday-Saturday), or join us for both programs and a full week of fun!
We're offering SUPER deals every month for early-bird packs attending summer camps!
How to Book Your Spot at Adventure Camp

Registering scouts for Adventure Camp is easy and in your full control using our online registration. You can make payments toward camp at your own pace, and make changes anytime! A $25 deposit is all you need to get a camper started!

Check first with your Cubmaster to see when the pack is attending – it's best to register as a group. But individual families can register too!
Program Area Highlight: Archery

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it is going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.” Our Adventure Camp staff and Range Masters are here to help you launch your arrow forward! The highly trained and motivated volunteers will guide you in safety on the range for yourself and others, how to operate the bow and arrow, and range terminology. It is important to know while not every shot is a bullseye, a true superhero doesn’t give up!
Den Leaders & Cubmasters!
You can help us build the program to meet your needs!

We want to know which rank advancement adventures would be the most helpful to for your scouts complete while at camp rather than in the year-round program.
Meet the Staff!
Meet the Camp Director
Jarrod Blundy
Firelands Scout Reservation
Who is your favorite superhero?

Spider-Man, definitely. I've always had a fascination with climbing, and he's both funny and stand-up guy!

Meet the Camp Director
Laurie Bott
Beaumont Scout Reservation
If you could have a super power, what would it be?

I’m torn between Telekinesis and Teleportation. Both would be awesome.
Meet the Program Director
Alex Coker
Firelands Scout Reservation
What's your favorite food?

I don't have a favorite food, but I love to travel and eat all types of food. I do love black olives though!
Meet the Program Director
Kaci Bartchak
Beaumont Scout Reservation
What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is black because it’s a mixture of ALL the colors!
Check out our other upcoming spring events!