JULY 22-24

Open Bible Church of Rapid City

(2225 E. St. Patrick St.)

We are looking forward to having your child (or children) join us for Summer Blast 2022—Making Waves!



“Whoever believes in me...rivers of living water will flow from them.”  John 7:38 (NIV)

FRIDAY MORNING: God made people with purpose (Genesis 1 & 2)

FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Jesus invited people to follow Him. (Matthew 14:22-23)

SATURDAY MORNING: You can trust Jesus with your life. (John 18-21)

SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Love others the way Jesus loves you (John 13 & Acts 8)

SUNDAY @ 10 AMSUNDAY Summer Blast Service at OBC Sanctuary!

God can help you change the world around you. (Galatians 5: 22-23)


1st-4th Grade Families 

· DROP OFF children at 8 AM on 7/22 & 7/23 at the WEST entrance of Open Bible Church (2225 E. St. Patrick St.)

· Check in with our amazing volunteer team and your child will be given a Make Waves Lanyard (with their name and security information on it) as well as a Make Waves T-shirt. Kids will tell parents goodbye as they head to the gym for playtime on the inflatables. 

· PICKUP is promptly at 5:00 PM on 7/22 & 7/23 at the WEST entrance of OBC. Security tags (or a picture of the security tag) MUST be presented by an adult to pick up children. 

· Morning and afternoon snack as well as lunch will be provided on Friday and Saturday. If your child has ANY food allergies, please send them with their own food. A menu can be provided upon request.

· Please make sure your child is dressed in comfortable, modest clothing . They need to wear socks and tennis shoes (activities will be happening outside). 

· We ask that children DO NOT bring ANY electronic devices with them. 

·If your child needs to be administered medication please note that all medications will be turned over to our First Aid provider upon registration.    

5th & 6th Grade Families

DROP OFF children at 8 AM on 7/22 at the WEST entrance of Open Bible Church of Rapid City (2225 E. St. Patrick St.)

· Check in with our amazing volunteer team and your child will be given a Make Waves Lanyard (with their name and security information on it) as well as a Make Waves T-shirt.


· GIRLS will drop off their overnight supplies (sleeping bags, pillows, extra clothing, swimsuits & toiletries) in Room 160 & BOYS will drop off their overnight supplies (sleeping bags, pillows, extra clothing, swimsuits & toiletries) in Room 161.

· Kids will tell parents goodbye as they head to the gym for an amazing time on the inflatables.

· PICKUP is at 9:30 AM on Sunday, 7/24 in the gym. Please take children’s belongings to the car BEFORE service time. Security tags (or a picture of the security tag) MUST be presented by an adult to pick up children.

· Your children will be well-fed (and snacked) while they are with us. If your child has ANY food allergies, please send them with their own food.

· Please make sure your child is dressed in comfortable, modest clothing and wearing socks and tennis shoes (activities will be happening outside). 

· We ask that children DO NOT bring ANY electronic devices with them. 

· Please send money with your child if they should want to purchase snacks at Watiki Waterpark Saturday.

If your children would like to begin enjoying the music from SUMMER BLAST - MAKE WAVES

please give this playlist a listen!  ALL Summer Blast participants will be asked to join in for the main song "Make Waves" during the service on Sunday morning.  


QUESTIONS?  Call Pastor Seth Caldwell at 605.342.4496 (office) or 605.381.2145 (cell)

or email at seth@openbiblerc.org