Junipero Serra High School Newsletter
Junipero Serra High School believes that students of all faiths and backgrounds deserve an academically challenging, spiritually enriching Catholic college preparatory education that forms them to become generous, responsible citizens and leaders
"Up in The Morning and Out To School"
Do you remember your first day of High School? Where is my locker? How long do I have to wear this Beanie? Homeroom? Where is 9B? Senior Walk? What's that?
For Pandemic related and other reasons (students not being on a campus for a year is one)) Serra instituted a four week "Summer Bridge Program" this summer for incoming Cavaliers. The new Cavaliers are taking Foundational Algebra, Literature and Writing. In addition to the academics, Dean Austin Jackson '01, Head Counselor Vivian Bertrand, Athletic Director Richard Jenkins, Campus Ministry, Life Team and Facilities Director Paul Murphy will be explaining their services and opportunities. IT Director Jose Lopez will be solving any tech problems.
In addition, ASB, Student Council and Life Team (shown above) conducted campus tours for our new Cavaliers. We were able to listen to a couple of tour leaders as they explained the traditions of Senior Walk and Senior Lawn. Our new Cavaliers listened with wide eyes. Afterwards, ASB, Student Council and Life Team members gathered in the gym for a debriefing and we took the picture above. Great job Cavaliers as the traditions continue.
By the way, if you didn't check out the Class of 2021's planned majors and colleges/universities in the last newsletter, Click Here
Joe retired from the US Navy as a Chief Petty Officer. He visited the school for the first time in many years and was impressed with the campus. We took a look at the progress of the new (above right) Student Center, the completion of the new DeMar Harper Field as well as the Grotto,
the Alumni Wall, and, well, everything.
Joe plans on returning August 20th for the first game on the new DeMar Harper Field versus Orange Lutheran. Joe asked about buying Serra gear. There are three places. The Booster's Club will be set up early on August 20th at the opening game versus Orange Lutheran. If you can't wait to buy, you may want to visit Michael's, Serra's School Uniform Supplier, at 225 S. Market St.
in Inglewood, or call them at(310) 672-2170.
We think there will be quite a crowd at this historic opener. If you haven't yet, click here to get your ALL HAIL! Card and avoid standing in line at the ticket booth.
5th Annual Cavalier Golf Classic is on July 23rd and it is Full!
The 5th Annual Cavalier Classic!
144 Golfers Ready to Tee off, after a long year wait.
Serra's 5th Annual Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament is scheduled for July 23rd at Serra's home course, Chester Washington, 2.1 miles driveway to driveway.
And all 144 Slots are Full!
On the left, Golf Tournament Impresario Brian Cooper '74 critiques Ramona's and Don Bosco Tech's, Ed Medina's' form with a 3 Iron on Senior Lawn. On the right, the 2019 Cavalier Classic gets underway.
You can still Click Here to become a Sponsor, Provide Silent Auction Items,
or provide Promotional Items for the Goody Bags or purchase tickets to attend the Awards Dinner on Senior Lawn which will begin at 5:30 on Friday, July 23rd.
Contact Brian Cooper (310) 910-5414 or
The Golfers who completed the 144 or contributed Auction or Promotional items, include Vince Warren, Norval Smith '62, Derek Ennis '81, Keith Feder, MD, Jack Cavanagh '60, David Ross'65 and Randy Hammon '69, Coachella Valley Real Estate Professionals Richard and Andrea Berger, and Kathy and Jim McCaffery.
Mother Teresa and the Missing Drops!
"The ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
Thank you to Connie Bohannon, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Gregory Dancy '79
and Robert Biglow '80.
Thank you to a lot of Alumni for their buckets, cups, drops!
This is not official or audited, but Serra Alumni will squeak to a new gift/revenue record for fiscal year 2020-21 ending Jun 30th. We have narrowly surpassed the $278,890 record set for June 19-20th.
Serra's Lady Cavs finished with another successful Basketball season. They ended with a won-loss of 11-2 in the shortened season and finished ranked 17th in CIF Southern Section Division One. The Ladies were defeated 63-62 in the second round of the Division One Play Offs to 16th ranked Esperanza on a last 1/2 second shot from beyond mid-court mid court,.
Serra's SWAG Alumnae Chapter SWAG were there in support to include Caila Hailey, Makeisha Washington and pictured below, Porsche Kirksey, Marina Giles. Jessica McConico and Lady Cavs Basketball Mom, Mai Singleton.
We are looking at a very good 2021-22 season. Your ALL HAIL! Card gets you in.
Events Back on the Calendar!
1) JULY 23rd - Serra Cavalier Golf Classic is Full. Come to the Awards Ceremony.
2) AUGUST 14th - 50th Year Reunions Classes '70-'71
Surface Mail Invitations sent yesterday and E-mail Invitations sent a few minutes ago.
3) August 20th - Celebration of new DeMar Harper Turf Field at Kretzschmar Stadium7:00PM game versus Orange Lutheran. Special Events are planned. If you were a Team Captain or know who was, please send your name or his name to John Rout '62 at
4) August 28th Old-Timers Legends
Note Date Change
Coach Marty Garrison, Coach Ray Kalinich '62 and Mike Gallagher '57 will attend.
OCTOBER 23rd 40th Year Reunions '80-'81
Thanks to Some of Our Golf Supporters!
Cavaliers have faith and integrity.
Cavaliers are humble and accountable.
Cavaliers are scholars who lead and serve.
Cavaliers are soldiers for Christ.
We are Cavaliers.
All Hail!
Joe Cormier '81
Director of Development