The Goddard School's Summer Camp offers a broad range of programs and mini camps crafted to pique the interest and curiosity of every child; there is something for everybody!
Thank you for your interest in our summer camp!

It is loaded with high energy, outdoor activities, field trips and engaging visitors in a nurturing environment. Children do not need to be enrolled at the Goddard School during the school year to attend our summer camp.

For overview, click SUMMER DETAILS

Our 3+ acre campus includes a separate school age building that has a large gym, gaga ball pit, sports court, soccer field, baking kitchen, shaded play areas and tech center. Older campers can participate in our optional splash day at Milburn Park each week.

Here are the weekly rates you requested:
Juliette - Full: $295 (5 days); $239 (3) // Half: $243 (5); $197 (3)* Summer Camp
After School: $111 (5 days); $90 (3 days)
Jameson - Full: $312 (5 days); $253 (3) // Half: $243 (5); $197 (3)
*apply 5% oldest sibling discount if both enrolled

Summer Camp (Kinder to 5th grade): Tues, 5/30 - Tues, 8/15
5 full day tuition is $295/week and 2 - 5 days/week options available. Registration forms are available at our office or click REGISTRATION
  • Enroll by the week or month
  • 5% sibling discount

If you'd like a summer camp tour, in-person or video chat, or have questions:
  • Call our office at 512.258.5292 or
  • Text 512.258.5292 and message "summer" with preferred date & time or
  • Click TOUR

After School for Fall 2024
Our buses pick up at local elementary schools and provide homework assistance along with fun, engaging after school activities. Call for more details or click AFTERSCHOOL.

Goddard School
1905 El Salido Parkway ~ Cedar Park