Dear Friends committed to living and aging consciously. We send you this newsletter a few days after the Summer Solstice – that time in our planet’s yearly cycle when the life force is greatest in all living beings. It is the time for using that force to empower those commitments that are most important to you, for your own wellbeing and growth and that of the communities in which you are embedded.
The purpose of this newsletter, and of the Center for Conscious Eldering, is to support you in growing into the conscious elderhood that is your birthright, but which requires your willingness to accept it as both gift and responsibility. We are doing something different this time, by leading off with an article by Ron Pevny in which he asks for your input on key questions he poses about the state of the conscious eldering movement at this time. Our other article is an elegant piece by Ira Rechtshaffen on the seasons—not of our planet home, but of our inner lives—and on the importance of honoring the energies of each of our inner seasons.
We present poetry to touch your heart and stir your intuition. You will find information about our conscious eldering retreats and workshops as we look forward to post-pandemic life. We also present information about three books we highly recommend as resources for your conscious eldering, as well as two organizations we are proud to have as partners in the work of supporting the development of true Elders.
There's a lot in this newsletter. Take time to savor it, ideally in several sessions.
Lastly, we want to notify you of a change in the address for the Center for Conscious Eldering. After 30 years of living and thriving in beautiful Durango, Colorado, Ron and Barbara Pevny will be moving August 1st to Ft. Collins in Northern Colorado. Our son daughter, and grandkids, ages 8 and 6 months, want our elder presence. And we want their youthful, wide-eyed energy and curiosity. The new Center for Conscious Eldering address and phone number (after August 1st) appear at the end of the newsletter. Our emails will remain the same.
Is Conscious Eldering a Fad or a True Paradigm Shift? We Ask for Your Perspective
By Ron Pevny
In mid-July I will be participating in a panel discussion in which several of us who are seen as leaders in the “conscious aging movement” will be exploring with each other the state of our efforts in today’s culture to support people in growing into a conscious elderhood. We are meeting because we sense that the wind has diminished that is needed to fill the sails that propel this necessary cultural transformation. I’m writing this article for the “Conscious Eldering Inspiration and Resources” newsletter to ask for your perspective, which you will have an opportunity to share on the Center for Conscious Eldering website.
So, I’ll begin this article with a story. Once upon a time, not so very long ago, Ram Dass, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Joan Halifax, and several other highly regarded teachers presented several conferences at Omega Institute in which they articulated a vision for living life’s later chapters, which became known as “Conscious Aging.” This was, (and is) an empowering, life-affirming, spiritually grounded alternative to the dominant societal view of the post-retirement years as being primarily defined by disengagement from contribution to society, doing one’s best to ward off decline and diminishment, and focusing on maximizing pleasure and security.
Conscious Aging is predicated upon the understanding, shared by most cultures until the industrial revolution, of the potential of life’s later chapters to be the pinnacle of human emotional and spiritual growth, and a time of special service to the community which emerges from this growth. In the years since those seminal Omega retreats and Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s groundbreaking book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, many of us who have embraced this vision and felt called to share it through our writing, workshops and other venues have chosen to use the term “Conscious Eldering” in recognition of the fact that life’s later years offer the opportunity for people to emerge from mid-life adulthood into a culminating stage of personal development called “Elderhood.” Others favor the term “Conscious Aging,”
Materialistic contemporary societies have lost sight of the potentials and dynamics of the human psyche as we grow through life’s stages. We do not have spiritually and emotionally empowering rites of passage, and have little if any recognition of the inner work that our psyches require for us to grow from stage to stage—with each stage offering the opportunity for us to move closer to inner wholeness. Therefore, our culture offers those nearing “retirement age” no vision for the possibility of growth into elderhood. So the best the majority of us can hope for is to hold on for as long as possible to who we have been, be as secure as possible, and find as much enjoyment as we can (and can afford).
The last 20 or 30 years have seen the emergence of paradigms for aging which are empowering in some important ways, but sorely lacking in others. We are all familiar with terms like Positive Aging, Active Aging, Successful Aging, Refirement-rather-than-Retirement, etc. All of these approaches help to support aliveness and provide the opportunity to be seen as relevant, and to feel relevant) which is so critical as we age. But they generally lack recognition of the needs of our inner selves—our souls—for bringing forth the wholeness and wisdom of elderhood. With their focus on activity and “doing”, they do not recognize the importance of the inner journey of aging, of the necessary focus on the state of our “being” if we are to realize our potential for growth and fulfillment in our later life chapters.
So, with this context being set, the story continues:
In the year 2000, I knew that my decades-long calling to support people in moving through transition was leading me to focus on the life passage into elderhood. I was privileged to learn from many teachers who were models of what conscious aging/conscious eldering can be. And to witness the aspirations and challenges of those dedicated people who came to our workshops and retreats having responded to an inner call to grow into an elderhood they had a “knowing” was possible and important for them. I gave heart and soul to this work, but for many years it was a struggle to attract participants, with my work and that of my colleagues being largely a labor of love and commitment to a deep calling from our souls.
As I persisted, as did an increasing number of others who felt this same calling and shared their vision through their writing and workshops, the cultural milieu began to change. There was increasing interest in conscious aging. This fact, and a personal health crisis that forced me to acknowledge the importance to my wellbeing of making an unequivocal commitment to this work, resulted in my starting the Center for Conscious Eldering in 2010. I found the adage to be true that when one makes a total commitment, life offers unexpected support. Our workshops began to fill and workshop invitations increased significantly. I was invited to give keynotes at conferences on aging. Beyond Words Publishing called me in 2012 asking if I would write a book for them. I did, with my book being titled Conscious Living, Conscious Aging. The Shift Network in 2015 asked me to host their first three Summits on Conscious Aging, because they saw strong and growing interest in this subject. This gave me the opportunity to interview nearly 60 leaders working in a great many ways to empower older adults. They also asked me to present two online courses called “Transforming Your Journey of Aging.” And I was blessed with other wonderful opportunities.
I was so grateful that my work the work of many others in this field was thriving, and that it seemed conscious aging/conscious eldering was making inroads in modern culture. It seemed like our vision of a culture in which true elders play an honored and important role was attainable, slowly but surely, eventually.
And then, a year or two before the pandemic, I sensed a change in this momentum. The invitations to present were not coming. The Shift Network and other such spiritually oriented organizations that reach large numbers of people told me they would no longer present summits on aging because other topics attracted greater numbers of registrants and generated more income. Their schedules of summits and courses, throughout the pandemic and now as COVID eases, includes courses on all kinds of worthy personal growth topics which attract the large numbers of participants they need to be financially viable, but do not include conscious aging (or anything explicitly about aging). To my mind, their choices communicate the message that there is nothing unique about the challenges faced by, and the potentials that seek to be awakened in, the millions of people entering a distinctive stage of life that has distinctive synamics. Their choices imply that Meditation is meditation and the same for everyone. Dreamwork is dreamwork and the same for everyone. Shamanic practices are Shamanic practices and the same for everyone. Mysticism is mysticism and…….
Another example: In 2018 and 2019 I taught two modestly enrolled courses at Omega which were very well received. As much as I would like to return to Omega I no longer have that option because I am told other topics and more-famous teachers of these topics generate more enrollments and revenue.
And most recently, as Katia Petersen and I have attempted to find a publisher for our unique new book-in-the-making, The Art of Conscious Eldering: a 52-Week Personal Growty-Book for Aging with Passion and Purpose, Beyond Words and others have told us that they love our book and feel it makes an important contribution, but their research shows that conscious eldering/conscious aging is not a topic that will sell enough copies to warrant their publishing our book. They said the field is saturated with books on aging. When we asked them why they do not feel the same way about the innumerable books being published on Mindfulness, they did not have an answer.
So, that’s the story so far. Now here’s where I ask for your input. I assume you would not be on our email list if you did not resonate to some degree or other with the vision of conscious eldering. And you may well have a more accurate sense of societal culture at this moment than those of us working in the conscious aging field and being so emotionally and spiritually invested in it.
· Do you think the conscious aging/conscious eldering movement has indeed lost momentum in the past two or three of years? If so, why do you think this is happening?
· It has been suggested that factors such as the Trump presidency, the pandemic, climate change, Black Lives Matter and other social justice movements, have somehow shifted peoples’ energy and focus away from their growth in their elder years. Do you think this is so, and if so, why? Isn’t ageism and lack of awareness of the potentials of elder adults as insidious, life-draining, and disempowering as these other issues?
· Does the conscious aging movement need to find other ways of communicating about elderhood? If so, how should we do this, and do so in a way that doesn’t dilute our message?
· Am I (and others) having unnecessary concern about this? Should we just go on sharing our vision of conscious elderhood without concern with how many books we sell or summits we get invited to?
· Do you have any other input you would like us to take into consideration?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May we all choose to live our later chapters as the elders our world so urgently needs.
The Seasons of Life by Ira Rechtshaffer
We are inseparable from nature, woven into her grand design. The chapters of our life reflect both the challenges and gifts of nature’s seasons— from the dormancy of winter to autumn’s fruition. As the progression of the seasons embodies nature’s intelligence, so does the unfolding of our life. The rhythms and cycles of the natural world and our inner world unfold according to their own intelligence and timing.
A season in our human life can be a particular time of life, a phase of a relationship, or a stage of a project marked by a specific theme or an emotional tone. Embedded within our human seasons, there’s usually a personal story or narrative that provides a context or rationale for what we are going through.
Our seasons have beginnings and endings, but like the colors of a rainbow merging into one another, it can be difficult to recognize when one season ends and another begins.
The beginning of spring is when we thaw out from the coldness or inactivity of winter, perhaps the frozenness and emotional barrenness of being without inspiration. Spring is the time when new buds suddenly appear on branches with the promise of more. Spring is when we experience periods of creativity, hope, or love, seemingly emerging out of the dormant landscape of our psychological winter. We find ourselves in movement with a renewed sense of energy, feeling optimistic and encouraged that now is the time to ride the currents of this season and launch ourselves into our life. It could be when we meet someone special and start a relationship, or begin to paint, or learn a foreign language, or start ballroom dancing. We’re tasting the sweetness of spring and nature’s promise.
Spring leads to summer, where there is a quickening, an energetic activation, a feeling of high energy as we lean in full tilt. We are doing more and more things together with our special friend and are more involved in each other’s lives. In a more general sense, psychological summer isn't limited to a romantic relationship but could be a friendship, or an activity that we were sampling that suddenly morphs into a passionate endeavor, with a heightened sense of aliveness and total involvement. Summer could be a time of inspiration in love or creative work, as many pieces of our life come together to work synergistically.
Sometimes we would like to just linger in the hopefulness of spring. It’s so delicious because we're not yet bound by any commitments, and it’s so full of bright promise. By contrast, by summer we've already made the connection, and it's real. Summer is the principle of energetic force and activity, when all of nature’s systems are moving towards fruition. When we align ourselves with this life force, we move through our life without neurotic struggle.
Autumn is a time of fruition. There’s a sense of a natural cycle coming full circle, and completing itself in the bounty of the harvest. It’s that time in our life when we reap the results of our efforts, as the seeds that we’ve been germinating reach fruition. Harvest is the willingness to embrace that unmistakable feeling of completion and fullness when a job is well done, having brought something full cycle to it's culmination. At the same time, there is something melancholy about autumn. Although foliage season can be spectacularly beautiful, that beauty is also a statement of death. It is both fruition and death, back to back. This season suggests a time for pause and reflection, before we launch into yet another project. Autumn challenges us to notice how we tend to flee the open space that follows the harvest, in order to ward off feelings of emptiness and boredom. Instead, we can take in the good, savor the well-deserved fruits of our labors, take time to pause, be with ourselves, and listen to our heart, body, and soul. This is the gift of autumn.
In human affairs, we often want to hold on to the promise of spring, or the intense energy of summer, or colorful foliage and richness of the autumnal harvest. We might be resistant to move into winter again, with its colder weather and shorter days. In psychological winter we come in close to ourselves and make time to incubate what was not fully experienced or understood. We give ourselves time and space to experience the ending of a phase of our relationship with our children or our partner, or perhaps the final stage of a project we’ve been working on for many months or years. Winter may mean that we put less energy into our significant relationship. It could be a time to pull ourselves in and contemplate, increasing our sensitivity to our own path— separate from our significant other or family. We are together, but we are separate, individual people with our own unique agreements with life.
Winter is an inevitable and necessary part of any natural cycle. We might back off somewhat from outward activity to allow space for something new to emerge, for another spring to be born at a deeper level. Winter could be a time of inaction, where our projects may lie fallow. Perhaps it’s an uneventful time when nothing much seems to be happening in our life, and we have more doubt than hope, more inertia than initiative, more melancholy than cheerfulness. Such a season invites us downward into our own depths, a place we wouldn’t ordinarily go. Although such an experience may not be pleasant, there’s often value in dropping down into the darker dimensions of our soul. By being willing to go there and experience our shadowy depths, we metabolize its destructive aspect, carving out a place in our interior where such dark feelings can coexist on equal footing with our light and bright feelings. If we are going to have another spring in our relationship, in our livelihood, or in another creative undertaking, winter invites to re-examine, re-evaluate, and perhaps re-vision what is most meaningful. Such reflection can reanimate our enthusiasm but can also shake things up a bit. It could encourage a couple or two friends to work through relational “knots” so that they can have another growth spurt, another deepening of their connection.
The advantage of framing our human life as a progression of seasons is that it normalizes the qualities, strengths, vulnerabilities and challenges of that phase of our life. We can give ourselves permission to feel what we're feeling. If we’re in the introspective aloneness of winter, the hopeful anticipation of spring, or the intense involvement of summer’s activities, so be it. As we age, in spite of the body’s gradual deterioration and loss of some capacities, we can continue to develop an intuitive understanding that whatever we experience has some intimate relationship with our inner being, although we may not understand this at first blush. Nothing that life brings us is completely alien. The challenge here is whether or not we can trust the natural unfolding of our life, and the events and circumstances that make up our world, as a lawful process and as a sign of life's intelligence.
This article was written by an old friend, Ira Rechtshaffer, and is excerpted from his book "Stealing Fire From the Gods: The Journey of Buddhist Meditation in Everyday Life "
He can be reached at
May I
by N. Scott Nomaday
from his book Earthkeeper
May my heart hold the earth all the days of my life. And when I am gone to the farther camps, may my name sound on the green hills, and may the cedar smoke that I have breathed drift on the canyon walls and among the branches of living trees. May birds of many colors encircle the soil where my steps have been placed, and may the deer, the lion, and the bear of the mountains be touched by the blessings that have touched me. May I chant the praises of the wild land, and may my spirit range on the wind forever.
Becoming An Elder
By Cathy Carmody
Leaving behind my journey of struggling and racing through
the white water of many rivers,
I become the river,
creating my own unique way.
Leaving behind my self-imposed role as a tree upon which others have leaned,
I now become the wind,
with the freedom to blow whenever and wherever I choose.
Leaving behind the boxes I’ve created in my life, crammed with roles, responsibilities,
rules and fears,
I become the wild and unpredictable space
within which flowers sprout and grow.
Leaving behind the years of yearning for others
to see me as somebody,
I soften into becoming my future,
with permission from SELF to
continually unfold as I choose, without concern
for how others may see me.
Leaving behind years of telling and teaching,
I become instead a mirror
into which others can peer and
view reflections of themselves to consider.
Leaving behind the urge to
provide answers for others,
I become – in the silence of this forest retreat
– the question.
Leaving behind the rigor of my intellect,
I become a single candle in the
offering myself as a beacon for others
to create their own path.
I become an elder.
Cathy Carmody wrote this poem, beloved by a great many people in the conscious eldering community, during a Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat in Canada in 2012
May I Know
A prayer by Lilly White
May I know love and cherish it.
May I know sorrow and embrace it.
May I know happiness and be enchanted.
May I know forgiveness and feel it.
May I know poverty and heal it.
May I know richness and give it away.
May I know wisdom and seek it.
May I know music and dance it.
May I know despair and enter it.
May I know heaviness and walk through it.
May I shed tears and feel empty.
May I know joy, so that I can shine.
May I know darkness so that I can pray.
May I know pain so that I may heal.
May I know shadow so that I become light.
May I know life so that
I may die into your arms, everlasting Spirit.
A Blessing of Hope
From The Circle of Life by Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr
May you give your hope room
to breathe and expand.
May your anticipated dreams find a voice
and a home in your life.
May hope move freely through your hearts,
Gifting your spirit with enthusiasm and joy.
May you walk through spring storms
with a strong sense of purpose,
Undaunted by fear.
May you never lose confidence
in your ability to grow.
May your hope stream outward to the world,
Dancing in the far realms like a feather
Floating in the April breeze,
Bringing joy to all who need it.
An Invitation to Elderhood
by Dennis Stamper
written at the close of an Elder Wisdom Circle
As we end our time together and as we close this sacred circle of elders
I invite us all to re-envision life.
To see life no longer as a steady fall into irrelevance but rather as a journey,
a journey up a beautiful mountain
and with each step forward we take, and with each step higher we go,
when we look back and look around, the view
becomes ever more beautiful, ever more expansive,
ever more complete.
I invite you to make friends with your own aging
and to begin to see and experience it as a pathway opening before you.
And to somehow find the strength and the courage to begin your own journey
from wherever you now are,
the journey to find the sage within you
and nurture your own elderhood.
I invite you to bravely step forward
and to discover the elder wisdom that you,
perhaps unknowingly possess,
for surely life has taught you something
in all these years
and maybe it has taught you more than you might think,
and to share the view of what life looks like from where you now stand.
And I invite you and I urge you to seek out the elders among us,
for none of us possesses all the wisdom we need
and they are all around us
if we will but look for them.
And if we will but listen to their stories
and what life has taught them
we just may walk away a little wiser ourselves.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could learn from the sages of our time and of all time
and approach our own aging without fear or dread.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could
earn from their living
and could see getting older as an opportunity
to not just grow old, but to grow whole.
And wouldn’t it be wonder full if we could
find our own elder wisdom
by living our own life, the whole “wild and precious” journey of it,
wonder filled.
I like all elders, offer you no easy answers.
I offer only a well-worn path,
a way of walking
and a call to begin.
But throughout the ages,
for those with the courage to step forward,
that has somehow always been enough.
The Pleasure of Serving
-by Gabriela Mistral
All of nature is a yearning for service:
The cloud serves, and the wind, and the furrow.
Where there is a tree to plant, you be the one.
Where there is a mistake to undo, let it be you.
You be the one to remove the rock from the field,
The hate from human hearts,
And the difficulties from the problem.
There is joy in being wise and just,
But above all there is the beautiful,
The immense happiness of serving.
How sad the world would be
if all was already done.
If there was no rosebush to plant,
No enterprise to undertake.
Do not limit yourself to easy tasks.
It's so beautiful to do what others dodge.
But don't fall prey to the error that only
great tasks done can be counted
as accomplishments.
There are small acts of service
that are good ones:
Decoratively setting a table,
Putting some books in order,
Combing a little girl's hair.
That one over there is the one that criticizes,
This other one is the one that destroys.
You be the one that serves.
Serving is not a labor just for inferior beings.
God, who gives fruit and light, serves.
His name could be rendered thus:
He Who Serves.
And he has his eyes on our hands,
And he asks us at the close of day:
"Did you render service today? To whom?
To a tree, to your friend, to your mother?"
Upcoming Conscious Eldering Programs
As we emerge from the pandemic and retreat centers reopen, we are grateful that our Fall Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat at Ghost Ranch and our Arizona Next Step retreat for participants in previous programs, are both full with wait lists. After many months of people seeing each other on screens, we are so happy to witness the eagerness of so many to touch each other, sit in circle on the land sharing with each other, create sacred space around group-created altars with each other, and share energy with each other in ways that are only possible when we are together physically. We have all learned much about the potential for meaningful sharing via the internet, and in contrast we have, through our physical isolation, learned something about our essential human nature--people need to be physically with each other. Virtual reality can take one only so far. The Center for Conscious Eldering, like many other organizations, will employ both modalities to facilitate sharing and growth in the post-pandemic world.
We will be creating our 2022 schedule in the coming months. It will include at least two weeklong Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreats, one or two of our new Aiming High retreats focused on Purpose and Intentionality, a few weekend workshops, and some online offerings. Please consider joining us if you seek an empowering vision for your elder chapters, tools for helping make that vision reality, and the warmth of a supportive community of kindred spirits. Our programs provide a powerful opportunity to have your idealism acknowledged, your hope rekindled and your dreams for a vital, passionate elderhood supported? They offer you the wisdom of skilled guides and for in-person retreats, the heart-and-mind-opening energy of the natural world, to open you to the rich possibiities of your later-life chapters--for growth, purpose, spiritual deepening, and giving your elder gifts to support a healthy society and planet.
For Organizations, Faith Communities, etc:
We are available to present our weekend workshops or custom designed programs for groups who would like to sponsor one in their area. Contact us to explore possibilities.
for details on our programs and registration information, please visit
Long-time Center for Conscious Eldering Senior Guide Anne Wennhold will be offering two ten-week programs via Zoom this Fall. Anne is a facilitator for discussion groups, seminars and workshops grounded in the processes of Conscious Aging. She has been a Shamanic Practitioner for 20 years in the Michael Harner tradition and has taught Native American style drum making as well as holding seminars in Memoir Writing.
Memoir or Legacy Writing: Ten 2 hour sessions beginning Monday, Sept. 20. The sessions run from 2 - 4 pm EST. The fee is $160. It is limited to 11 people.
The weekly process provides steps to accessing hard-to-coordinate memories, which are difficult to be objective about on one one's own, and from there, writing them into a story.
Beginning Shamanic Drum Circle: Ten 2 hour sessions beginning Wednesday, Sept. 22. The sessions run from 2 - 4 pm EST. The fee is $125.
The content will follow weekly rituals and journeys into the Shamanic regions of the lower, middle and upper worlds in order to meet and interact with spirits of each place.
For further information email or call Anne:
During the depths of the pandemic, the founder of a publishing company that publishes books on social and personal transformation had an idea for a series of short books written by experts offering practical emotional and spiritual skills to help people survive and grow in the midst of crisis. John Robinson, highly regarded therapist, teacher and author of several books on the opportunities aging offers for the deepening of our spiritual lives, responded to this invitation with this short (less than 100 pages) gem. The COVID pandemic may be waning, but humanity has clearly entered an era where one crisis after another will push us to the brink of either collapse or transformation. This book is a powerful call -- and guide -- for older adults to find and access the resilience and resources that can allow us in these critical times to thrive and to grow into the elder wholeness that will be so important for the healing of humanity and our planet.
"A beautifully written and important book about aging and elderhood. Pevny reminds us that consciously moving into our greater years is a major rite of passage, and he offers skilled guidance through the many questions and challenges, endings and new beginnings, that arise."
Meredith Little, Co-founder of the School of Lost Borders
"This powerful book helps both men and women age purposefully. Read this book and you will experience aging in a whole new way."
Richard Leider, author of The Power of Purpose
This book is available for pre-order through Amazon. It will come out next January. Make a note of this, or better yet, preorder. Judith Johnson's book is a comprehensive, powerful, and vitally important resource for anyone committed to aging consciously. It is unique in its exploration of virtually every facet of death and dying in the contemporary world. It paints a vivid picture of how the strong cultural denial of dying and death disempowers and disables us from preparing in so many important ways for one of life’s most natural, and important, experiences. And then it contrasts this with a rapidly emerging (yet grounded in many of the world’s spiritual traditions) understanding of how to meet death with compassion, acceptance, trust and even curiosity. A significant section of this book is devoted to reflections, exercises and poignant stories which help you explore your relationship to your mortality. These are in support of the book’s invitation to befriend life’s final passage and the smaller endings throughout life as opportunities for growth, compassion, and true embracing of each precious experience of transitory mortal life. Ron Pevny
One of our partner organizations, the Elders Action Network (formerly called the Conscious Elders Network) is an educational non-profit organization fostering a budding movement of vital elders dedicated to growing in consciousness while actively addressing the demanding challenges facing our country and planet. They work inter-generationally for social and economic justice,environmental stewardship, and sound governance. They offer their multiple talents and resources in service to the goal of preserving and protecting life for all generations to come. Anyone committed to living and serving as a conscious elder in invited to join them in this critically important endeavor. Upcoming EAN offerings include:
* Monthly Elder Activists for Social Justice Community Conversation
* The Empowered Elder--EAN's foundational program
* EAN also produces an excellent quarterly journal, Turning Point.
*The new Sunrise Movement - an intergenerational collaborative effort between EAN and Sage-ing International
To learn about EAN and its initiatives and programs, visit
Another of our partner organizations is Sage-ing International, the pioneering organization in promoting the principles of conscious aging, or "Sage-ing". Their work is grounded in the work of Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi, who introduced conscious aging to the world with his workshops at Omega Institute with Ram Dass and others and via his seminal book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing.
Sage-ing International is excited to announce their International Online Summit which will be presented October 29-31, 2021. The Summit's theme will be "Evolving Elders: Shifting from"I" to "We". It will feature several excellent keynote speakers as well as a variety of engaging online workshops.
To learn about Sage-ing International and their greatly expanded offerings of online workshops and seminars, Elder Wisdom Circles, and their training program for Certified Sage-ing Leaders, visit
Ron Pevny, Founder and Director
3707 Coronado , Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.
Wayne Dyer